Bluelake Family/NinaRP/Tai

From BattleMaster Wiki

Nina left her tent in the early evening, after a few hours of rest. Her dreams had been troubling, and she had felt the greed that hadn't reached her for a long time. As a way to push it back to the depths of her mind, she grabbed a bucket. A short trip to the nearby stream provided water for the pony, filled a bottle for Brandon and allowed the huntress to wash her arms, neck, face and hair.

After drying it on the night's breeze, she took the water to her partner's tent, where the hunter was still coming and going from unconsciousness. The wound had seemed superficial, and she had hunted the undead who did it to make sure ther weren't poisonous or contagious. Yet, during the last three days he hadn't improved in a bit.

Mumbling to herself, Nina thought out "It was also when She woke up again... But it can't be. She is weak, and I can dominate her..."

Sitting inside the tent, Nina brushed and braided her hair, and changed Brandon's bandages. She enjoyed being there, looking at him, especially now that this meant the Other One would be raged, but powerless.

Nina took the book, found on a monster's lair a few days before (she didn't notice it was exactly three days), and continued to read it aloud. That was when She would rest, content, and Brandon's breathing seemed easier. Maybe it was the book, maybe it was the reading, but while the huntress shared the content of the Gias Book of Good and Evil, she always hoped to see his eyes open and hear him talk. And what content.