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Error while fetching data from URL https://battlemaster.org/data/region/2/10: $2.
There was a problem during the HTTP request: 400 Bad Request
Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/region/2/10 after 3 tries.
Region Details
Continent Error: no local variable "continent" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "continent" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Region Type Error: no local variable "regtype" has been set."Error: no local variable "regtype" has been set." is not in the list (City, Townsland, Stronghold, Rural, Mountains, Woodland, Badlands) of allowed values for the "Is regiontype" property.
Geographic Area Error: no local variable "area" has been set.
Population Error: no local variable "population" has been set."Error: no local variable "population" has been set." is not a number.
Economy Error: no local variable "economy" has been set.
Realm Error: no local variable "realm" has been set.Property "Part of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "realm" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

[[Category:Error: no local variable "continent" has been set. Regions]] [[Category:Error: no local variable "realm" has been set.]]


Zin is a medium-sized area of land, which unlike neighboring Olzesa, falls towards the east in a series of steppes. These steppes create large, flat areas of land, well-drained and fertile. Watered from rains blowing in off of the neighbouring ocean, it is a wet land and fairly well suited for growing beans, cauliflower, cabbage and other cold-tolerant vegetables. Like many seaside regions in the north, during winter it tends to receive huge quantities of snow and sleet.

Of interest is the cliffs of Zin. Tall and imposing, they create a natural wall between the western sea and the land to the east. These natural ramparts and their lack of any beaches make anchorage of ships almost impossible. Zin does boast a natural harbour; a thin, box-like fjord. It is here that Zin's fishing sloops berth out of. However the harbour's very shape limits the number of boats capable of being anchored here, making the fishing industry here smaller then Olzesa's. That the position of the harbour and the heavy tides make the rise and fall of the waters the greatest in Atamara, rendering anchorage a rather specialized effort here.


Much of the taxes raised in this region come from land taxes on the many farms and on the toll taxes on the produce and seafood sent to nearby Azzal. These are usually more then the monies raised on the taxation of boats and fishing sloops.

Zin does have a small horse breeding industry, specializing in massive carthorses. The broad steppes create natural paddocks for these beasts, restricting the movement of predators while providing rich fodder for grazing.

Military, Politics and Religion

The people of Zin are descendants of border folk and survivors of some of the fiercest fighting that occurred in the Darkan War. Since originally Zin was on the northern border of South Darka, the peoples of Zin saw all that being border folks entails: raids, warfare, expeditions and the like. Thus unlike neighbouring Olzesa, the folk of Zin developed a more martial bent. When the War swept over the region, this further set this attitude as those that couldn't fight either fled south or died in the fighting. Now Zin is relatively peaceful, and has returned mostly to its farming roots, however the willingness to serve, their proud history of service to North Darka (and later to Darka as a whole) and the small horse industry has resulted in the heavy cavalry famous throughout Darka. Well trained, well supplied and mounted on huge warhorses bred from the massive carthorse stock of the region, Zin's cavalry has a reputation of being the hammer that most often breaks a line.

Darka has maintained a state religion almost from the initial founding. Because of Darka's laws on the matter, the sole religion practiced openly is this state religion. Zin's folk do tend to a more hotheaded approach to Darkanism, as some priests have remarked that the fervour found in Zin at times can rival regions closer to Mount Sinclair.

Zin's politics tend towards the conservative and a willingness to let lords do their responsibilities with few complaints from the peasantry. While only a foolish lord would risk irritating the local populace to open revolt, a diligent lord finds that Zin tends to be simpler than most regions to keep happy and productive. Zin tends to leave such things as speeches to the nobility and get on with the day-to-day tasks of farming, fishing and riding.


The people of Zin were loyalists through and through for the North Darkan nation. As the region was of the original parcel of lands that made up North Darka, they have a long history of service to the Darkan kings. In the War, the elite cavalry kept South Darka forces out of Zin on a regular basis and Zin served as a staging point for more than one raid into the south. Later on, during the civil war, Zin was given to the rebellion forces as part of a peace treaty. The folk of Zin were extremely bitter when their province was given away, thus at their first chance they rejoined what they saw as the rightful (southern) realm.

This region has a temple of Darkanism or has a significant portion of its population following Darkanism.
Duchies and Regions of Darka
Duchy of Azzal

Azzal | Olzesa | Zin | Ixzal | Xutltec | Maycxal

Duchy of Bisquez

Bisquez | Alani | Winser | Mnt. Sinclair

Duchy of Massillion

Massillion | Malor | Tintar | Tolhuar

Duchy of Saler

Saler | Wistir | Rantire | Siebmar | Clintoc | Tertul

Duchy of Siver

Siver | Eurotan | Entire | Bitana