Asylon/ The Legal Claims of the Central Occidents

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The Legal Claims of Central Occidens

Free Form treaty between Caerwyn, Terran, and Asylon.

The entire Occidens landmass has for many days and many nights been without regulation. Land was granted on an almost first come, first serve basis; with treasure hunters occasionally venturing out from the relative safety of the established realms, to see what lurked in the wilderness. Then later came military units under the commands of more long-term goal oriented nobles seeking to not only make use of the riches, but to lay claim to the lands that possessed them as well.

Those realms that came before were known by many names . . . Avenel: a colony in Chateau Saffalore, which lasted a mere week. Everguard: a promising realm that formed in Valkyrja, the stronghold that watched the land-route link between Occidens and Toprak, and then spread west before eventually falling to Astrum's military. Melodia: founded in Paisly, and eventually growing to encompass the Raviel Isle and expanded as far north as Larur, fell to Monsters and Undead after managing to surviving a rebellion that recreated the realm's government. Niselur: formed in Darfix, a city that had the potential to be the single largest on the continent, the events that fell the realm are said to have been mostly caused by simply being overrun by monsters and undead, enough to eventually bring down the seven region strong realm. Silverfall: a colony based out Twainville, believed to have fallen due to insufficient noble count and monster infestation. Viridian: based out of Chrysantalys; official records state it fell due to the loss of it's capital via revolt.

As anyone can see, Occidens is not a friendly place. Of the five realms that currently occupy the continent, only three were originally formed on the landmass: Caerwyn, Terran, and Ordenstaat.

Thusly, it is required that those that do inhabit these lands work together as much as possible. This treaty is intended to defuse hostilities before they can break out, by clearly defining the "Legal Claims"* of the realms of Central Occidens: Caerwyn, Terran, and Asylon.

The Lands of "Central Occidens" are defined as: All regions from: Kid's Rock, Shuberstone, Dunnbrook, Knyazes, and Grazne, to include all named regions: South to the following regions: Evenfell, Underroot, and Gretchew, to include all named regions.

The Legal Claims of the Realm of Caerwyn are defined as follows: Kid's Rock, Shuberstone, Dunnbrook, Knyazes, Grazne, Itau, Itaufield, Elets, Mech Calen, Mozyr, Mech Derris, Mech Alb, Kybcyell, Uppervia, Lowervia, Via, Barrow Peaks, Faithill, and Lavendrow.

The Legal Claims of the Realm of Asylon are defined as follows: Echiur, Echiurfield, Tofino, Vakreno Heaps, Aspar, Kosht, Koshtlom, Grympen Mire, and Gonophor.

The Legal Claims of the Realm of Terran are defined as follows: Inklen, Vassar, Shoka, Shokalom, Mistight, Vashgew, Chateau Saffalore, Saffalore, and Gretchew.

The following regions are not considered Legal Claims by any realm and are claimed at the colonizing realms own risk: Ruins of Walfurgisnacht, Volcano Nightscree, Dragon Song, Overroot, Dragon's Roost, Underroot, and Evenfell.

Legal Claims are defined as regional claims by a realm that are recognized by more than that one realm; for the purpose of this treaty, claims that are recognized by all signing member realms.

By signing this treaty, all parties agree that violation of these "Legal Claims" constitutes an "Act of Aggression" and that the violated party is well within their rights to honorably declare war on the aggressor.

This treaty does not, however, bind the signing members to assist each other against a party that did not sign this treaty, unless that party meets the conditions below. Furthermore, this treaty does not cover colonies or secessions by any realm not included in this agreement, nor does it cover regions not covered in this agreement.

In the event of a secession from one of the signing realms, the new realm (or Child Realm) is considered to have the same Legal Claims as their Parent Realm (the realm they seceded from), until such a time as this treaty is rewritten.

In the event of a region revolt, the region in violation is to be returned to the realm that has the Legal Claim on it, unless another arrangement is made. If another arrangement is made, this treaty should be rewritten to reflect such.

Should a new colony be formed (either by secession or colony take over) by a signing realm within the Legal Claims that realm possess, the new colony (Child Realm) inherits the Legal Claims of the parent realm until this Treaty is updated. In such a redistribution, unless otherwise agreed by the signing members, the parent realm can only turn over Legal Claims of regions it has Legal Claims on.

Lastly, no Signing Members will possess the same Legal Claims on the same region. This means that Child Realms will only possess Legal Claims to the same regions as the Parent Realm until this treaty is rewritten to include the new party. In the event of Civil War, this treaty will not be rewritten until a peace is achieved between the Parent and Child Realms (those realms in a civil war in this case).