Army Sponsorship

From BattleMaster Wiki

Founding an Army

As region lord, general, or ruler, you can found a new army which will be based in either the capital, or your region (if you command one), or your family home region (if that lies within the realm). Note that it is safer to base the army in the capital, because if your region goes rogue or is taken over, the army is automatically disbanded.

After founding the army, you have control over the marshal position and you can dissolve the army at any time. Being the sponsor of a successful army can bring prestige and fame to your name, but it is not cheap to keep an army supported - you can add funds to the army "war chest", and as long as there is gold in there, half of the expenses army members have from training and repairs will be covered out of there.

Also, founding an army will cost you 50 gold, 30 for paperwork and 20 for a mandatory initial war chest.

To found a new army, simply enter the name of choice here (max 40 characters) and choose a base region: The (1), based in

(1)The name of the army should be either something like "army of ..." or "... army". It will be used in-game in various texts such as "knights of the (name)" or "the (name) has received new funds".