Adorned Coat of Fengen

From BattleMaster Wiki
Type Armour
Discovered By Gustave von Genf
Discovery Date August 18th, 2009
Discovery Location Fengen, Beluaterra
Abilities Prestige +1
Current Owner Philus Kartak


While I was staying at a Fengen Inn hoping to sell the Legendary Breastplate of Strength, I caught a strange being from the corner of my eye. I immediately recognized it for an undead being, a rare sight within the city. This one seemed to have passed the gate at night, which was believable as he had a quite handsome coat, and could have passed for living to the untrained eye in the dark.

I immediately attacked him and grabbed the coat quite easily. Unfortunately, it had a large rip, but was later successfully repaired.

Current Location

The Coat was lost in Fianik when its discoverer was killed by undeads.


I sought the regions of the Netherworld on the island of Beluaterra, hoping to better my chances of killing the undead beasts and ridding the land of evil, at least, the evil that dwells outside of human thought. I was entering Fianik, when I happened to come across a hand. This hand protruded from the earth, and was covered in moss and weeds. It was a hand bearing no flesh, no skin. I pulled, but it didn't give. So I decided to dig up the body, pondering who this is, and what I may find. I hadn't the slightest clue as to the person, but they wore the most intricate and magnificent vest ever I had laid eyes on. I took it, hoping to make more use of it than the dead person, obviously an adventurer. I made a proper burial place for the man, said a prayer, and continued on my way to hunt the beasts.

~Philus Kartak~ (2/25/2010)