Accurate Mace

From BattleMaster Wiki
Type Weapon
Discovered By Parve Waroe
Discovery Date 06/12/2011
Discovery Location Yaren, Dwilight
Abilities Prestige ++5
Current Owner (unknown)

Parve's skills were growing, as was the quality of his equipment. He'd had more success recently in the east of the Libero Empire lands, and had cleared monsters from the coast. He travelled south into Yaren, not even pausing to assess the monster situation, before preparing to fight. Had he investigated the area, the numbers of monsters might have encouraged him to take more care, but he ran headlong into a large bunch of them before realising quite how many there were. His actions took the monsters unawares, and he was quick to run towards the middle, where a weapon caught his eye. He dropped his sword to pick it up, a mace which felt so well balanced in his hand. He turned round to find the largest of the monsters challenging him for it, and he swung the mace at the monster. It seemed to swerve as he swung it, and met the monster square on the side of the head, killing him instantly. Jumping round and shouting a call of challenge, the other monsters backed off. Only a couple dared to meet the challenge, and both were dismissed with a single swing of the mace which caught them both in one curved blow. The rest of the monsters ran, leaving Parve to look more keenly at the splendid weapon.