Mother Knows Best

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Mother Knows Best

The story of the birth of the Prince of Perfection Aurelian Poe.

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Mother Knows Best

As people went she was fairly non-descript, she had had her days, but now those days were many years ago and she passed down streets as 'just another old woman.' It actually made her smile to think how quickly the young might disregard the old, unless they were their own elders, and indeed when some were their own elders, terms such as biddy became a dismissive normal.

Closer regard would show a straight backed posture to the comfortably matron-like frame. The stride of a woman who was comfortable in her skin and wore her years without humility or regret. The cloth of her dress although simple, was cut expertly to flatter her shape. Her hair largely covered still had evidence if the golden strands if her youth. She had been companion to a Queen, nurse maid to a second Queen and was now the eye that watched over yet another generation.

Arriving at the Palace gates she rapped on the door, stepping back and humming to calm her own instinctive nerves.

The guardsman stepped out casting a brief and disappointed look over the woman. He smirked at an unseen companion. "Whatever you are selling, biddy, I can't see Her Grace buying." She raised an eyebrow, thankful at least that he had not tried to send her to the kitchens like a beggar.

She fixed him with an appraising stare, not hostile but carrying an intensity that communicated both her confidence and meaning. "My services aren't for sale, I am here on behalf of her Ladyship the Imperatrix of Perdan, and I would see Gideon of Stormehold."

The guard hesitated and she knew instinctively that she had the better of him. She carried no letter or seal, wore no crest or adornments, but she knew how to speak to people and more oft than not to get what she wanted. He looked at her again, his countenance perplexed, she allowed herself the beginnings of a smile.

"You may tell him I am the Mother of Oligarch."

Roleplay from Aila Storme

Mother Knows best


There is utter disbelief in the tone of Aila’s retainer Gideon as he receives the first summon from someone other than Aila since his arrival on East Continent years ago. The rarity, the unexpectedness, and the ominous name -Mother of Oligarch- all serve to spur him forward with great caution. Whoever this was, it was most likely they were after Aila, not him, and he would protect her for whatever this stranger was planning no matter the cost.

The guest had already been shown to an audience chamber as most guests were, a large room decorated lavishly and furnished with comfortable seatings for nobles to discuss their business in private. When he arrives this room is no exception, an almost familiar level of luxury awaits him as he enters wearing none other than Storme colours, azure and sable with a shining silver falcon emblem on his breast.

The man himself is middle aged but handsome with his neatly trimmed dark hair and clear bright eyes, some slight signs of aging in the form of charming widows peaks and lines from decades of smiles add more than they detract. When he shows his smile it is warm, bright and straight. Gideon does not know who this person is, but they are clearly nobility while he is not, so his manners are impeccable as stands in the doorway bowing at their waist.

“Gideon, at your service my Lady. You summoned me?”

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Mother Knows Best

She rose as he entered, his verve as he bowed bringing the warmth of a smile that went quickly to the twinkle of her eyes.

“Gideon, at your service my Lady. You summoned me?” his gently accented tones were respectful without any hint of irony or mockery.

She found herself already liking the man she had heard of, without ever actually meeting. Reaching his side she drew him into a warm embrace, bending him almost double in the process.

"I am neither Lady nor have I summoned you. I am though more than pleased to finally make your acquaintance."

She pulled the bewildered man onto one of the plush couches at the side of the room. "I'd have arranged refreshments by now, but not to worry... anyway, Mother Ollie, or just Ollie will do, it has been so many years since I have been known as anything other, I at times forget I had a name before."

She sat back folding her hands in her lap. "Firstly, thank-you for seeing me, I had tried to track down my little poppet Princess Glory, but in fairness my affinity is far more that... well... I blather." She took his hand in hers, it was softer than she expected. "There are three reasons I had hoped to meet you today... two entirely about you and my apologies the third about your mistress."

She paused, she knew more than most that the element of choice for the indentured was a precious commodity, she would not force an issue simply by ensuring he had no option to leave without hearing her out. "I wonder would it push my luck to tell you some secrets and pick at your indulgence?"

Roleplay from Aila Storme

Mother Knows Best

Not a noble, nor did she summon him?

Hearing that the woman was a commoner like him was enough to relax Gideon enough that when he is lead to the plush couch he stands with an arm offered at the ready to help the old woman lower herself down if needed. When she is comfortable, he sits beside her listening curiously to what it is she has to say. Mother Ollie...Where had he heard that name before? Glory as well, familiar but something he could not put his finger on. Still, he sits with his pleasant smile until inevitably, the subject he was dreading is brought up.

Not wishing to seem severe, he tries his best to sound unbothered as he finally replies "I would never refuse such an offer M'La-" he catches himself, fooled again by the ladies dignified demeanor despite just being told otherwise. "Ma'am" he continues, "But please- tell me what it is about Aila first" he drops her title, appealing to the part of a fellow retainer that might recognize when one of her own is concerned for a young family member.

"Then I will listen to any secrets you wish to tell very gladly."

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Mother Knows Best

She immediately recognised a kindred spirit, were something to effect her Mistress she would be sure to hear it before she was given news of herself. His hand still in hers she weighed his tolerance of her refusal before speaking the words, in some ways her being here was an act of betrayal. She hesitated smiling.

"I imagine you and I both know the power and value of secrets Gideon, the one I would tell you that affects your Mistress might prove to be a betrayal of my own Lady..." she allowed his hand to drop bringing her eyes up to his. He was inscrutable. Normally she was so good at reading people, but with this man, her senses told her she might proceed, but his own aspect was the well practiced mask of one who made sure to see and say nothing. She had no choice...

"I said I had three reasons, and I am afraid you must humour me and hear them in order of what effects you first." His face darkened with the hint of a scowl, but professional mild interest quickly chased the emotion from his aspect. She smiled sadly at that as she continued.

"Firstly, the most simple of my messages. I wanted to meet you as it is long past time that we met. I am Lady Chamberlain's woman, I manage her household. She holds your Lady in high regard, higher than most, but I have met neither you nor she." She grinned taking his hand again. "I am pleased to finally remedy that."

Producing a long bone pipe from some exquisitely hidden pocket she tamped the bowl before lighting it. "You don't mind do you?" The question was entirely rhetorical and she continued regardless. "My second reason concerns a certain Jocelyn Goldfield... she was a servant whom you were acquainted with back in Aix I believe... or so she told any who would listen."

He was good, but for the fine beads of sweat that suddenly dappled his brow his face betrayed nothing. "She claimed you fathered a child on her. Though to be fair I question the truth of such a statement, since the babe sprung full grown from a womb that must have been quickening your seed around seven months by my reckoning." He looked about to speak, tightening her hold on his hand she pressed on hoping this ingrained polite demeanor would not allow him to disrupt her tale. "Every mother wants better for her child than she had for herself Gideon, and life didn't always treat Jocelyn well... her daughter.... your daughter... thrives. Though Jocelyn herself sadly joined the Goddess a few days after her birth." She chewed at the end of her pipe. "The girl, Lucy, is a little beauty, a golden haired charmer. She is at Cúirt na Baintrí being nursed in a chamber set aside for another baby who will want for nothing. She cannot stay there though. The Goldfields have claimed her, she will be returned to their smallholding and raised by her grandfather and uncles." She tried to allow her eyes to communicate what her lips wouldn't give words to. "Unless, her father wished to press his claim..." she allowed his hand to drop, her own eyes now focused fully on the plush carpet not willing to look for what his face might tell her.

Roleplay from Aila Storme

Mother Knows Best

The sweat on Gideon’s brow is just a hint at the snake coiling in his guts right then, this day was something he had been waiting for certainly, but to have this old woman deliver the news...He was in trouble, he could feel it. As she suspected, he did not interrupt her- a look of relief appears for the smallest of moments at the news of a thriving baby girl but the news of her mother took that away in an instant.

He remembered the lass as well as if she were standing in front of him now, young, well built, attractive, strong, it seemed so wrong that this could happen to her. The night they had met he had been locked in a room with her, forced nose to nose until they had ended up having a night neither would forget. Everyone would assume it was for one reason, an obvious one, but in truth it had been much more significant than that; A total purging of secrets and a bearing of souls between near strangers. An admission that he would be able to satisfy her needs, a discovery of a sensitive intelligence behind a mask of bouncing curls and joyful boisterousness...and whispered agreement to raise a baby that was never his.

Gideon's face is a mix of pain and pity as he stares down at where their hands are clasped, not daring to look at the old Mother Ollie as she goes on about the golden haired charmer sitting in Aix among nursemaids and servants- but no mother.

The mention of the Goldfields holding is enough of a hint to Gideon even in his state of shock, he and this woman while generations apart spoke the same language, shared a similar heart. If the Goldfields would keep her better than he, they likely would never have had this conversation. “She’s mine” are the first clumsy words from his mouth “Oh, Gods..”

He takes his hand from the old woman and brushes it through his own hair trying to push away the tears threatening his eyes. Gideon has forgotten about Aila, in favor of this new blonde beauty in his life- “I will ride to Aix at once. She, Lucy. My Lucy... will live with me here in the Capital”

== Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Mother Knows Best

She cupped his face on her hand, relieved more than she imagined she would be by his response. "There are men who should be fathers, Gideon," she confided. "I'm proud of you." It probably meant nothing to him, but it was true nonetheless.

"The other matter..." she began. He was barely listening to her, she knew it was habitual politeness that had him yet at her side. "Please Sir Gideon, I need your help..." he remained distracted. "Gideon, my Lady has been in labour for two days..."

== Roleplay from Aila Storme

Mother Knows Best

Gideon is startled from his thoughts of the dead with news of the living, and shakes his head at the news of a difficult labor for one of the most prominent women of the realm, and Aila's best friend. He turns to look at the old woman, worries etched onto a face that had seen many women suffer through their labors. He had only witnessed one, and it was an experience he hoped never to repeat...But how is he meant to help with a matter like that?

"Just tell me what you need from me, Mother Ollie. Anything."

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Mother Knows Best

She flushed deep red, appearing smaller by the second. "I... my Lady refuses to give birth in Perdan, she wants her child born in Aix... I told her the herbs that can delay such things. Then... then I find she has been chewing the root for four days now. I have birthed dozens of children and this is not good for her or the baby. It will take days to get to Aix and she seems content to spend her time in the barracks."

She looked up at the man in desperation. "She won't listen to me... I know she is waiting for Lu- His Grace... but it isn't good, the herbs make the child sleep, and every day it grows bigger... she is playing with both of their lives. Perhaps the Duchess...?" She let the question hang in the air in the company of her now public shame.

Roleplay from Aila Storme

Mother Knows Best

"Why would she be so reckless?" Gideons asks in a state of shock, the question of why the woman would even provide the herbs is there but he will not say it aloud for her own sake. "Follow me, Mother Ollie" Gideon stands, offering a hand up to the woman. "We must seek out the Duchess and tell her of this. She will be angry enough to startle the baby from Dame Lorelai, come along now" he rushes the woman quite unfairly, eager to find Aila.

The Pirate King's Study was no more pleasant than it was during the Autumn. Cool enough for a roaring fire to fill the room with warmth and light and the sounds of crackling wood, but warm enough that the Duchess did not have to wear layer on layers of wools and cloaks to keep the chill away she worked with her back to the huge window. Instead, she is dressed lightly in a dress strictly too formal for a girl sitting alone in her study- As Gideon bursts through the door without a proper summon he can tell from the dress alone that she has just come back from her courts. "My Lady"

Aila has already come to her feet, slipping around the corner of the desk to meet Gideon halfway across the room, knowing that whatever caused him to forget his manners and barge in must be urgent. Pale with shock, instantly concerned, Aila thrusts both hands into Gideons as she urges him "Tell me what the matter is!"

Gideon, looking serious as ever turns to the little woman hobbling through he door behind him, resting a withered hand against the frame as she took in the sight of the young Duchess. "This is Mother Ollie" Gideon explains urgently.

The name is familiar, one of Lorelai's servant but why would Gideon but in such a rush to introduce them..? "Unless mother Ollie is about to keel over I don't see the rush Gideon" Despite her somewhat cruel words she is smiling.

"Lorelai isn't well. She needs you, it's the baby."

"Me? Why me? I have never had a baby." Aila's words are panicked and fearful. Her hands fall from Gideon, she takes a few measured steps toward the strange old maid and sizes her up with that intense Storme glare, looking for answers this time instead of weakness.

"She needs you Aila" Gideon tries again.

"I don't understand!"

Gideon urges Ollie on "Tell her!"

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Mother Knows Best

She has dealt with Queens, yet the glare of the Duchess added to the shame the old woman already felt, making her feel all the more elderly and foolish. She looked with pleading eyes to Gideon. With no help forthcoming she pulled the front of her bodice straight.

"Your Grace," she bobbed in a slow curtsey. "Thankyou for seeing me." She tried to avoid the younger womans gaze. "I have hoped to meet you many times, but certainly not like this."

She pursed her lips drawing in the resolve and decorum she had learned from years of service as both a maunt and while indentured, "Lady Lorelai can be a rather headstrong woman. She has a certain set of ideas that she will not waver from, despite the experience and rationale of those who might... guide her in a more fruitful direction." The words dried in her throat as her resolve began to buckle.

Emotion caught at her, betraying her demeanor and her knees threatened to buckle. "I have been her companion for close to ten years, I watched her grow from being a little girl to a woman... she asked me what would happen if her time came," she raised eyebrows to convey meaning, "while we were on route to Aix... I reassured her that I knew the roots to stop that happening... 'Oh?' Says she and fool that I am, I told her... I practically took her to the bazaar where they could be bought... she refuses to have Lucius child outside of his Duchy. She says the Imperatrix should not cower in a coach, and is in no condition to ride."

"Four days she has forced her child to sleep, much longer and I fear it will not wake, and Ora only knows what it will do to her... I am so sorry to bring this to your door Your Grace, but she won't listen to me and seek as I have, I couldn't reach her aunt Glory... I'm so sorry M'lady." Worried tears followed her words.

She sniffed them back, her shame not allowing her the self indulgence of selfish tears.

Roleplay from Aila Storme

Mother Knows Best

Unlike Gideon, Aila has no patience for those who are meek or intimidated, she peers down at the wrinkled woman in this rare instance that she had the physical upperhand on someone. It just happened to be a shriveled old maid, one that Gideon was lingering beside rather than joining rank with her. His hand strokes the older woman's sloped shoulders as she speaks, and they can both tell the old thing is about to cry.

Aila blinks a few times not in confusion but in an attempt to pull herself away from her usual explosive anger for Gideon’s sake. Or so she thought. In truth her slow, calm reaction was farm more threatening looking than her usual shouting and pelting of candy dishes. “We can take care of this” a careful sentence, delivered with eyes burning with anger. “Gideon, go and fetch some competent midwives, then show this ehm.”

“Ollie” Gideon offers helpfully.

“Offer Mother Ollie somewhere to eat and rest. I will find Lorelai and find out what compels her. I expect you to be ready for commands the night long, Gideon.”

“I must leave for Aix as soon as the Midwives are arranged Your Grace.”

“Aix? Why Aix?” The Duchess snaps “You think you can drag the Duke from his…” She chooses the word carefully, painfully aware of the watery eyes of the old woman listening to them “Business..?”

Gideon clears his throat, mustering all of his bravery “Well, I’ve got a baby out there. And I must bring her here before winter comes. She needs me.”

Silence stretches between them, Aila composed herself to simply wave her approval of him leaving and stalk off- her carefully guarded temper exploding as she slams the door of her own study shut behind her, leaving the two commoners in there alone. The slam echoes in the room painfully loud, and causes several wall hangings to clatter to the floor in its wake- he turns to the older woman and sounds proud “That was a really good reaction, for her!”

== Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Mother Knows Best

The pains had come again, stronger and more sustained than previously. The roots did their job but it was taking more and longer. Just one more day... or perhaps later today, if Fat Bastard could just find a gentle path that didn't make her feel like her insides were going to drop out. She looked at the list, laid out alongside a precious missive from Lucius. He did better and she had to return to Aix. Tucking the letter beneath the list she winced reaching for another of the black roots.

Tonsure appeared in the doorway, his usual supercilious hauter a little diminished over the past few days. Mother Ollie had been gone most of the last day, but at least that gave her some forbearance from her interminable chastisement. Though admittedly she would have preferred her company to Tonsures right now.

She looked to him in irritation. "Well?"

He raised a nostril in a manner only he could announcing with bass gravitas: "Her Grace, the Duchess Storme of Perdan is in the parlour."

She gripped the side of the desk preparing to stand, the tell tale twinge told her this was not an option yet. Panicking a little she chewed frantically at the root. "Doesn't she know I'm... very busy." Her knuckles whitened as she gripped the sides of the desk more tightly. "Tell her Luci- no tell her I am with the Queen..."

The Duchess was not in the parlour but in the doorway, her sweet smile far more dangerous than a furrowed brow. With but a flash of her pearly white teeth, Tonsure was trying to insinuate himself into becoming part of the doorway.

The smile remained frozen and deadly: "Really Lorelai, you expect me to believe Alyssa would lower herself to attend you at your apartments... Why you insist on staying here when I have promised you a suite at the Palace I will never know." Her full name... the fixed smile. Lorelai fortified herself. Aila continued sweetly: "I might think you did not wish to see me!"

Frowning, she thought briefly to rise and greet the Duchess, instead pushing her hair behind her ears she stretched.

"Forgiive me for not standing sister, I am just so very busy... I always have time for you, but..." she tried to spread the papers on her desk to look more. "I am tired is all, Mother Ollie would normally have me taking a constitutional at this time." She gabbled nervously. "She will be sad that she has missed you again.... so much work... yes, take a seat... Tonsure, bring the Duchess some refreshments. I will have my special tea." She felt the sweats developing on her back. "So what can I do for you?" She pushed her hair back again. "Warm isn't it..."

Roleplay from Aila Storme

Mother Knows best

Aila is unconvinced, watching her friend lying and deflecting, asking her to sit. The Duchess snaps at the servant she has never met causing them to stop in their tracks and await her command “You.” Tonsure nods, unsure as to what is going to happen “No drinks, leave.”

To the sound of shuffling feet behind her, Aila rounds the desk and leans against it’s edge, staring down at Lorelai with sharp hazel eyes. “She did not miss me, Gideon brought her straight to me. I know everything. There are midwives waiting in a chamber down the hall, they are preparing everything for you. You can come with me nice and easy, or I can get the ‘additional staff’ to help you down there forcefully.”

She does not turn from Lorelai, raising a hand to snap two fingers together- summoning a few armed guards to shuffle in behind her to glower at the heavily pregnant woman. With the threats laid, Aila lets go of the desk and kneels beside her friend, looking up now instead of down as she makes her appeal “I don’t know where Lucius is, or what he is doing- But you’re safe here with me. If anything happens to you or this baby Lori I will go mad.” The guards have stopped glowering, they just look worried now that they might have to actually wrangle the Imperatrix in a moment. There is an awkward silence as Aila swallows her pride in front of commoners and adds on a humble “Please.”

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Mother Knows Best

"Get - them - out - of - here..." the hoarse whisper bourne from shame and fury mixed with humiliation. Aila nodded to Tonsure and the men fell gratefully back beyond the door.

When she looked up furious tears streaked her face. "I would die before armed men force me to any bed... whether that be birth marriage or... any other."

She attempted to rise, being forced back down by the crippling pains. "By the Gods Aila I am so frightened... it feels like my insides will fall out.." she scanned the desk for more of the black roots.

"Aix without Lucius, was unbearable, but... but..." she shuffled through the papers, pushing his short note toward Aila, "he is back... and I need him, I need him to see his child... our baby... it will be perfection personified, and Lucius will know... he will know that he can create something truly perfect. Something that matters more than anything else. I needed him to be there and now I feel trapped here by my own weakness."

"I need to get ah..." the pains took her breath away... "I need to get back to him Aila, I need our child to be born in the Court." She collapsed into sobs. "But I can barely stand... three days to Aix may as well be a year if I can't stand without feeling like I want to push my insides out." She spied some of the chewed root on the floor, pointing she begged. "Can you pass me that..."

Roleplay from Aila Storme

Mother Knows Best

Already her heart is pounding, she has no experience with these sorts of things and seeing Lorelai the way she was made her more scared than she could ever remember being. Still, Aila remains cool as she grabs the pointing hand and stands again, hugging the other woman close to her. “No, Lori. This is happening now.” Gently Aila smooths Lori’s hair. “Perfection is not stifled by location.” Aila tries to help Lori up again, but another cry of pain ends that and she has to listen to another bout of begging for the damn root. “GID! SOMEONE FIND ME GID BEFORE HE LEAVES.”

No one had to find Gideon, the echoing of that all-familiar voice made it quite far in the castle on a good day- the panic in it’s tone sends him flying from the side of the hobbling old maid Ollie and toward the Duchess yelling for him. He had to get to Aix soon, and as much as it tore at him Aila needed him first.

Outside of the Imperatrix’ study several armed men, and worried maids linger peeking in the door but step away on his approach. He has seen women in labor before, but one glance at Aila tells him she has not- so he enters the room with every confidence and ushers the blonde with her huge frightened eyes away and replaces her with a calm, strong presence. “Put your arm around my neck, my Lady” He requests in his gentlest Dwilish tones, and with Aila’s help once she is secure he lifts her with ease despite her extra burden. Her discomfort is met with gentle reassurance, he keeps a tight hold on her as Aila runs ahead and shouts the others to get out of her sight.

His Duchess then watches with admiration, having forgotten that he was a warrior to begin with and now suddenly reminded. She keeps close at Lorelai’s side until they reach a room in the same tower, small and warm with a comfortable bed and more midwives then any one person would ever really need. It is there Gideon finally gently lowers Lorelai down, not where she wanted to be but somewhere safe, secluded and surrounded by people who knew what to do.

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Mother Knows Best

" no no...." she mewled like a kitten, all decorum lost in the desperation of defeat. She turned pleading eyes on Gideons retreating form. "Take me with you... please Gideon please please please take me with you... I beg you." Her fingers clawed at sheets as the pains came again, strong and insistent. "I won't be any trouble Gideon I swear." She forced herself upright pushing hair from her face. She couldn't see Gideon but the possibility of his presence was her last shred of hope. "I don't know these people Gideon... please take me home... I beg you please... I want to go home..."

The door clicked shut and strong women's hands pushed her back pulling at her clothes. She fought them feebly. "Don't let them do this to me Aila... please don't, it hurts and I'm frightened... please Aila don't let them hurt me." She kicked one of the midwives soundly as the tried to part her legs.

Businesslike in her approach one of the older women with arms that looked like they could wrestle a bull took hold of her knees. "You need to open your legs Lady Chamberlain, just let us take a look." The woman was pulling at her roughly. If they forced her to part, it was all over, she clenched tightly aiming another sound kick at the burly woman and setting her on her backside with a satisfying thud.

The midwife stood smiling thinly. She turned to one of her companions. "Fetch the restraints and the stirrups." She ordered.

Lorelai felt the cold sweat coursing down her back as she re-entered her skin crawled as she tried to flee from the woman. She grabbed at Aila. "Don't let them do this to me Aila... I'm not ready.... my baby isn't ready... I need Lucius."

For her part Ailas face was awash with mixed emotions. Turning back to the midwife Lorelai snarled "Lucius will hunt you down and rip your womb out for this..." the door opened as the other midwife ushered in the wood and metal frame with several straps and pulleys. She looked down on Lorelai with a widening smile.

"Now my Lady Chamberlain... are we going to open those legs?"

The insistent bearing down pain was building again as she allowed her legs to be parted. Turning her head away from it she gripped Ailas hand. "Forgive me Lucius."

Roleplay from Lucius Poe

Mother knows best

He left Aix as soon as the letter arrived, an urgent appeal for him to travel to Perdan City to be with his darling Lorelai. He thought they had more time and would have spent the last few weeks together in Aix but this was a Poe after all and they never follow a script.

It was here in Perdan Mines where Lucius Poe had learned his favorite song of all, it had helped him though some of the most difficult times in his life. He had found him wandering through the woods, a giant of a man. Bjorn was his name and he wore the most beautiful Azure tunic. The Margrave pushed his steed into a gallop as he burst into song.

"Look for the bare necessities. The simple bare necessities".

Roleplay from Aila Storme

Mother Knows Best

There is a growl from Lorelai’s bedside “You’re not tying her up like an animal, back off.

She is helpless enough, without those roots there is no stopping him so-” she holds a hand up, and reluctantly the equipment is taken away. In truth, Aila has no idea what to do in this situation, she had never been around a pregnant woman for long nevermind a birth. Everyone said it was messy business, bloody, and now she could see it was also rather terrifying- even her own hands shook as she tried to comfort Lori.

“Lucius is not coming, you need to forget about that and focus here. You are safe, and as soon as the baby is born I will load up the biggest warmest wheelhouse with a hundred guards and take you straight to Aix.”

== Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (31 recipients) - 2021-03-26 16:53:12

Mother Knows Best

"Gods Aila, what if I've kept it from coming too long..." she pulled on her friends sleeve, torn between hiding her face while watching the crones as they pulled and prodded at her beneath her under skirt.

Fear and pain chased hot on the heels of one another as she fought urges to push and writhe away from the midwives. One of them was rubbing thick grease into her pelvis as another used some sort of device to measure her.

She was beyond fear her skin looked sallow to her own eyes. Another of the torturous women was placing hot fragrant cloths to her mouth. The smells made her dizzy and disorientated. She pulled herself even further up Ailas arm. Her own voice sounding distant as she clung to Aila as the only familiar anchor in the room.

She whispered hoarsely in her friends ear. "I need to get to Aix, Aila... where is Lucius?" She was crying softly. "I am frightened sister... please take me home." Her words were slurring, though she remained acutely aware of her circumstances and surroundings.

The foul old witch, whose face and rough hands she would not soon forget brought her head out from beneath her skirts, pushing the last of Lorelai's garments aside, completing her humiliation.

"We can get her on the birthing stool, your Grace," she directed her words to Aila, "it won't be long."

Petrified she clung to her friends arm, all thoughts of betrayal set aside. "Sister... don't let them..." the women took her in hand. "No... no... no!.... Lucius!"

Roleplay from Lucius Poe

Mother Knows Best

"Perdan City...".

Lucius mouthed the words as he dismounted from his horse and dashed towards the palace. He assumed that someone would take care of the fatigued beast, after all his heraldry was well known across the realm. He was a war hero after all. The palace was busy as always and it didn't take long for the Margrave of Aix to track down a member of the Storme household.

"Tell the Duchess that the Lucius Poe has arrived within her domain" instructed the Duke of the Grand Court. "AND tell me where the Imperatrix Lorelai Chamberlain is".

Lucius took the opportunity to tidy up his appearance in a nearby mirror. Sleek, polished and too pretty to be in the Capital...the mirror was nice too.

Roleplay from Aila Storme

Mother Knows Best

"You have kept it too long that's why this won't take too long. You are home, Perdan is your home and this is it's Capital- there is no need to be afraid"

The look of dismay on her friend, the frantic energy in the cramped, hot chamber- suddenly it felt too hot, stifling as Aila wracked her brain trying to think of anything that might calm Lorelai. As if they had read her mind one of the midwives hands her a cool cloth to press onto Lori's forehead. The question of the stool is directed at her, and she finds herself glancing around as if someone would tell her what to do. She had traumatized the staff of the palace too much for anyone to command her- But Lorelai's protests started Aila off saying no as well, swatting the hands away from her friend. She doesn't feel safe, how can she have a baby without feeling safe?

"Back off Just leave her alone" Aila finally commands, causing all but one of the women to take a step back, pans and cloths in hand- keeping their distance from the now sweating Duchess and handing implements to the one one crone running the show.

The Crone shakes her head, passing bloody rags to the girls beyond her to take away "She has exhausted herself already, four days you said? There is no time to waste."

"We can do it here" She glances at the crone who nods to answer her unspoken question. "We can stay right here Lori then we can go to Aix I promise, it won't be long."

An old voice agrees "Not if she does what I ask."

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Mother Knows Best

The warm herb infused cloths had gone past making her more relaxed. She looked down at her feet, they seemed very far away... and so small. Her fingers continued to dig into Aila's arm.. as she turned her head, it felt like her eyes took a second or two to catch up. Focusing on the vicious woman more occupied with her pelvic area than was healthy. She nipped Aila's arm. "I don't like that one... I think I might gut her... afterwards."

The pains were more insistent stealing her breath, and making her feel like everything was falling away. The urge to push was nauseating. She wanted to sleep, she was so very exhausted.

The old woman was muttering about seeing something, Lorelai wished she was listening, but the urge to push was stronger than her ability to focus. Aila looked pale, she was always pale... but now she looked really pale... "You look pale Sister... sniff the cloth," she tried to pass the cloth to Aila. "Where's Lucius?... am I home now?"

She pushed again.

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Mother Knows Best

Mother Ollie had downed almost the entire bottle of the Duchess Sherry, but the taste in her mouth was still the bitterness of her failure. Now somewhere nearby, the Lady of Perdan had taken her charge and locked her away... forbidding her presence... she the MOTHER OF OLIGARCH, she had delivered the children of Queens and that upstart Duchess... that blonde haired harpy...

She slumped against the chair, it was all her fault anyway. Lorelai had a strong sense of morality before she fell in with HER. Now about to have a child outside of the marriage bed with a thoroughly... well titled but inappropriate man. That all said she could see the charms of Lucius, he left them on display often enough that even she felt warmth in the areas that had been neglected and disinterested for many years now.

She would find Lorelai and she would take charge and deliver that child... the commotion of several guards and midwives at the base of one of the towers made the presence of Lorelai fairly evident. She prepared herself to march right up to the door, but belched a sherry flavoured gas.

She made for the entrance hall. A little fresh air... then she would march up to that door... and.... there he was, the fine curve of a perfect frame, with just enough fullness of figure to make him a hunk of a man. Those warm feelings redoubled as she watched him preening at the mirror. She smoothed her hair nipping her cheeks to give them some colour she tapped him playfully on the shoulder.

Her curtsey was deep as she hailed him with playful eyes. "Your Grace," she trilled: "truly it is a joy to see you again." He turned to her, eyes welcoming but blank.

She laughed coquettishly, waveing finger tracing down from his shoulder. "Lord Poe!" She chided. "Can you truly have forgotten the young Mother of Oligarch!" She linked his arm, pulling him toward the Tower. "You must come with me..."

Roleplay from Lucius Poe

Mother Knows Best

"Then I shall follow" smiled Lucius.

A child of Lucius Poe born in Perdan City. The palace of all places!

As a boy growing up in Dimwood he dreamed of living in the city. A lot has happened since those years and a lot of those dreams had merely become mundane tasks to the Duke now, except today. This was a wonderous day and one he couldn't wait to share with his beloved and those he considers family.

Lucius suddenly brought back to reality laughed as he spoke to his guide. "Forgotten Lorelai? Not for a second".

Roleplay from Aila Storme

Mother Knows best

Blood, how could there so much blood without the midwives losing their cool? From her vantage standing at Lori’s side looking down there seemed to be an endless stream of bloody rags being passed over the to the girls running with hot water and clean linen. She felt weak, but didn’t show it, was warned not to faint, and just snarled at the woman who had warned it but the longer she looked the more she felt like she might do just that.

A glass of water is shoved in her hand, she sips from it grateful for the coolness in the sweltering room giving her enough relief to take the scene in more clearly. Lorelai looked weaker with every push, the midwives looking more serious with every passing moment, her words of encouragement did not even seem to reach her friend.

“Once more!”

Aila’s eyes snap from Lorelai’s face to the woman working below, and with one last intense effort on Lorelai’s part- there it was. From under the linen a blood smeared baby mottled with white is held up for fast inspection, tiny limbs curled, hands balled in fists and a tuft of black hair matted against its head. When the midwife had her look she turns him over onto his front and with a slap brings the baby to life crying wildly as he is put into a blanket and handed to Aila.

The Duchess, in her total shock holds both hands up as if the howling baby is some sort of weapon, mustering the words “ You did it! A boy Lori! And Perfect!” in a panicked squeak before demanding: “Wash him off!” totally unwilling to touch the sticky bloody boy. At her command he is taken to the side of the room and rubbed down with clean warm water and linen, giving his mother a moment to catch her breath.

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Mother Knows Best

The coming and going from the rooms, made it a simple procedure for Mother Ollie to insinuate herself into the chamber. Lucius was just beyond, that slightly far away look that he had would send Ollie cold but seemed to call like nothing else to her Mistress.

Surveying the room, it looked like a battle had taken place, the large pile of bloodied rags brought a swift sobriety to the old woman, despite the smell of sherry that would say otherwise. The Duchess face was a mixture of joy and disdain as she raised the wet newborn aloft, she swiftly handed the infant off to a nurse who set with experienced hands to cleaning and wrapping him. He had a fine set of lungs announcing his presence in the world.

Mother Ollie had always had an air of authority in these types of curcumstance, she could scarce count how many babies she had ushered into the world in her time. Such authority could not be learned or mimicked. She took the baby from the younger woman, finally turning her attention to the pale form of her Mistress. She was far from this place to Ollies practiced eye, but her breathing was steady, and though the bloodied cloths suggested the hands of amateurs... she had at least been appropriately drugged for the occasion.

Lifting an eyelid with her free hand she came to the conclusion a little well drugged. She began to fumble in the pouch on her belt looking for the herbs to reverse this torpor. Briefly she considered handing the stunned child back to Aila, its bright eyes searched the room taking in everything as its new world became real. But turning on her heel she pushed through the clucking women to the corridor, foisting the infant into Lucius arms.

"Congratulations your Grace," she placed a hand to his stunned cheek. "He will need a name."

Roleplay from Lucius Poe

Mother Knows Best

Lucius took the child in his arms, shuffling his stance awkwardly until finding a suitable position.

The Margrave smiled at his love. "Thank you Lorelai, your strength and will is inspiring". Lucius regarded the little one in his arms, his presence already commanding the attention he will grow up to relish. "My little golden son".

"We shall call you Aurelian, my little Prince of Perfection".

Roleplay from Aila Storme

Mother knows best

Of course he shows up now. It is just so like Lucius so slide in at the last moment and steal all the glory. Lorelai a sweaty puddle with a mind many miles away and herself also sweating, hair disheveled, outfit mussed and Lucius looking fresh as a daisy smiling like he had done something.

Aila simmers beside the two of them, wiping the beads of sweat from Lorelai's forehead one more time before stepping close to Lucius, kissing the baby once on his head. She grants his father mercy, purely because he was holding the precious Aurelian. "Congratulations Lucius" and leaves them, mother Ollie, Lorelai and Lucius together to have their moment together.

Outside the room she can see many faces looking to her for news, wondering what had gone on. The Duchess is red in the face from the heat and more ragged looking than many had ever seen, so many people were surprised when she took the time go inform them "A boy, healthy and strong. Record it, and ring the bells. Where is Gid?"

"On his way to Aix your Grace" one unknown voice replies.


A long moment later the soft echoing of the city bells ring muted through the stone walls of the cozy room. The city celebrates the joyful and jovial tones, because along with them comes the news that a Prince has been born.

Roleplay from Lucius Poe

The Golden Son

Aurelian Poe.

The Margrave felt renewed, it was as if holding his son had allowed him to tap into a strength he didn't know he had. He quickly sent a request for flowers to be delivered to Lorelai and for the Duchess as he understood the magnitude of sheer will both had just demonstrated.

He had quickly excused himself from Lorelai's side and explained that he needed to take care of a few things before returning back to Aix, with the baby and his love taken care of he felt relieved but inspired.

Lucius danced out of the palace towards the city centre, the bells ringing heralding the arrival of a prince. Innocently he grabbed a trader around the shoulders and guided him away from his work, he whistled for others to follow him too and before long a crowd began to form as the jubilant Poe marched through the city.

"Gather your family, your friends and even your enemies" commanded Lucius. "Nobody should miss this".

A large gathering had now formed in the city centre with Lucius Poe before them, he stood a top some steps with his assembly before him.

"I have a son!" proclaimed Lucius to the applause of the crowd. "He's beautiful and strong like his mother".

"He was born right here in the palace, a true lion of Perdan. A Prince of Perfection".

Roleplay from Lorelai Chamberlain

Aurelian Poe

She had spent enough time with him to think she had seen him happy, but as she watched him command the Perdanites without so much as a flick of his eyes to the window from which she viewed from the shadows; she caught a glimpse of the man she had known so long in her mind and in her heart. He exuded the best of himself, his pride and happiness trailing one another, as the Perdanites trailed him in the streets.

The eyes of Aurelian would see his father as perfect, she would make sure of it, perhaps the faith of a child would help him see the man she knew, rather than turning his gaze inwards as he did so often in the tower. She felt the briefest pang of jealousy that her son could bring more happiness than she ever could herself, but how could she resent what her boys could do for one another.

He was out of sight but the voices of the crowds were still audible across the city.

Feeling a little dizzy, her legs giving way she sat on the window seat. Mother Ollie came back into the chamber, moving at a speed few would have thought possible for the old woman. She was at her side as Lorelai slumped.

"Back to your bed precious, she soothed. Those amateurs were butchers." The old woman ushered her back to the bed, muttering about the ineptitude of Perdans 'best' midwives.

Lorelai reached up, hazy eyes trying to focus on the old woman, she felt the soft creased flesh of her cheek under her cold fingers. "How could something so perfect come from something so... flawed..." the word trailed into silence.

Lucius stood silently as the crowd cheered and applauded, they will remember this day for the rest of their lives. A gift from the Duke

"À Perdana!" rung out across the square as the gathered revellers celebrated.