Island Chronicle/2010/August/ticker

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September 3 - Diplomatic News
Arcachon and Arcaea have ended their hostilities and agreed to a cease fire.
August 28 - Public Execution
Messengers bring news of a public execution in Enlod earlier today.

Arthur, a noble of Arcaea, had been banned from Arcachon as a traitor on 2010-06-22. When he was later imprisoned, the judge of Arcachon decided to make him pay for his treason.

August 28 - Rebellion!
Dormondt Lankmere is calling for an uprising against the current government!
August 7 - Battle in Unotosa
Arcaea, Cathay vs. Arcachon

Estimated strengths: 670 men vs. 300 men

Attacker Victory!

August 7 - Takeover succeeded
After 3 days, Unotosa has been successfully converted to your realm and the people are now hailing to a new government.