Blakeshadow Family/Cailin/The Relic Stories/The Pursuit-Part II

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The Pursuit-Part II

Crow sat on a tree by himself waiting for his scouts to return. Slade had gone to meet with Iron fist and the others.

he hoped he could at lest locate the Relic before they showed up. They had followed the Lycans after their run in with the Viking and the other knight.

But had abruptly lost them after they were attacked by Amalgamation creatures, they had checked all over that river side but could not find heads or tail of ether the lycans or the Amalgamation.

Having lost their only lead Crow decided he would at least track the beast man and see if he could find it, suffice to say, they had really run out of options.

“Nice going Slade, you had the Relic and you let it slip away…” Crow mumbled to no one in particular.

Finding the beast man had been difficult, but following them had been surprisingly easy. All Crow had to do was employ the same tactics he had used to follow the Lycans.

Staying away from facing the wind, list they pick up his scent and using his crows to follow them at a relatively safe distance. So far he had been successful, but it had proven very boring.

One of his little ‘scouts’ returned, flying and flapping its wings madly.

Crow knew something was wrong, but was not alarmed if he had lost the trail he was certain he could pick it up again.

The little black bird flew to Crows shoulder and twitted like it had seen a ghost in Crows ear.

Crow eyes went dark. He rose to a standing position, no one, and no one!!

Man or beast, hurt his ‘friends’!

It had now grown personal.

Perhaps now would be a good time to see how well those so called hell hounds did in actual combat.