Blakeshadow Family/Cailin/The Relic Stories/No, really, take your time

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No, really, take your time

Cailin feels him self flowwing in the wind, among the trees, flying like a bird. But then a earth quake hits. "how can I Be flying and feel the earth quake???" Cailin asks himself. Then a tree hits him in the face.

Cailin opens his eyes and sees Sita raising her hand to slap him once more.Then she froze and grabbed her shoulder and moved it in a circle.

Cailin looked at her in a daze...


Moves once more in a circle

"..OH! taken, the box was taken! Alright! begin to stalking the owner."

Cailin said still in his daze.

Sita moves her hair from her eyes and walked away, disliking how Cailin was when he was half awake, like one of the stupid humans.

The fact that shocked her the most, was the smell of Spiced Wood. Magic smelt... spicy, so the beasts called magic "spice" The Herb smell still waft out side. to the left. Sita began stalking, or hunting the owner of the smell. she didn't even need the smell of the box. Because he used magic to take it. And the Magic had a vary defined smell left for her to trail. Human Fools, even if they hide their scents, they can always be picked out by such things like a stain on their shirt, the blood from a mouse on their shoe, or in this case, the Spiced wood used.

It wasn't long before Sita headed off the smell. She used the hunt, and was set to ambush the person with the box. they headed right for her. She was even wearing a new cloak she took from a street stall when she stalked. The man was lucky he was to be taken alive.

He would wake up in front of Cailin, tied to a chair, in a cave on the borders of Cagil...