McBlathery Family/Lorebass HNGVBD/pt1

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Revision as of 07:26, 22 April 2008 by Lorebass (talk | contribs)
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The man stumbles out of the bar after having spent most of that night in the drink. He staggers akwardly down towards the barracks turning what few eyes there are out this night... A few tongues as well. The stone road under his feet trips him on occasion but each time something saves his fall; a post, a wall, the odd gaurdsman. All let him pass as he wishes throughout down the street.

"Hail Baron Lorebass! Well met!"

He staggers past the night gaurd not bothering to respond. More men are needed for the fight against those scum Assassins. He will find honourable soldiers to fight for him, not like those GreyShields who abandoned him on the eve of his return.

"A new name for my unit, something that can help me forget those worthless riders."

Inside the Barracks there is a new posting of recruits just waking up to mornings's training session. These men are of a paler complection, they must have come from some covered community. Maybe from a rainy area... Lavraz? It matters not, the fact is that these men will be recieving his gold and not those who left him.