Quickknife Family

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The Quickknife family have some records of where they are from. These are rare and there is little in them about the land. However it is known as Dwilight. They appear to be political refuges, fleeing from a lord who has betrayed them and clamed their position in the government. Among the fleeing people of their land, which was now ruled by a tyrant, a lady and her husband boarded a ship along with their servants and what was left of their fortune and set sail for the Far East. The journey took nearly six months due to the distance they were travelling, across the globe, but they arrived safely. They settled in Lenamaziel in Cathay after they had fled and it was here that the first 'New' Quickknife was born. Her name was Kerry Quickknife.

==Kerry Quickknife==Kerry.jpg When she was born a wise women said she would have beauty like a sunset. And it seened she was right. Kerry Quickknife had flame red hair which went all the way down her back and slightly beyond. Her green eyes shone like emeralds and the rest of her fitted perfectly. Her nose was not too big or to small. Her mouth was small and red like berrys. Her body was slightly smaller than most people but seemed the perfect size. Her breasts were bigger than they should be for her body while her rear was streamline with her legs.

As she got older these were not the only thing which happend. She proved to her parents and her teachers that she could shot a bow better than any boy and her skill with horses was uncompareble. When she left her family to go and fight to reclaim her family name he did so in style. The clothing she took with her was there to make her own body the centre of attention. Anyone could buy fine silk but these clothes were there to enhance her body and show the world that she was now here.