Raynor Family/Horsemen of Ircymbar

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The crest of the Horsemen of Ircymbar

The Horsemen of Ircymbar were Stormbrew's unit of Heavy Cavalry who died valiantly, fighting against giant Daimonic fiends of the Netherworld.

Stormbrew was at the time Ashborn's elected Minister of Defence, so the Horsemen of Ircymbar acted as the General's personal bodyguard. Most were drawn from various distinguished families in Stormbrew's own region, Ircymbar and had sworn to lay down their lives for their Baroness's protection.

The Horsemen of Ircymbar's final battle was in defence of Asbhorn's capital, Keffa. For over an hour, the unit of 40 horsemen stayed safe within Keffa's massive walls as General Stormbrew stood high atop, commanding the defensive forces. With a mighty shudder and an almost explosive Bang, an entire section of Keffa's walls came smashing to the ground. Many Daimons let out a deafening screech and started pouring into Keffa's gentle lanes. Stormbrew rejoined her men and ordered them to charge the gruesome foes.

The fight proved hopeless; with their huge claws, the Daimons could take out both a man and horse with one swipe. Several Daimons fell to the ground but for this effort over 20 men already lay dead. For several desperate minutes longer the Horsemen fought on, but gradually more and more died while the number of Daimons inside the walls only grew.

With only 5 men still riding, Stormbrew, fighting in the middle of the unit, ordered that they retreat. The battle was lost and for the entire evening Daimons ravaged the city of its food stores.