McBlathery Family/Lorebass

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Ah yes, A strapping young lad who Decided to go out and make a name for himself in his home Realm of Wetham at the Early age of 17 years. With medium length brown waves as he walks and a rough scar that bridges his right cheek ear to nose one could mistake his chiseled Jaw as that of someone much older. Along with a medium build yet tall and straight stance he gives off an air of essentially.. being better than you. Even with such an interesting name.

He is not an exceptional swordsman; as he has yet much more to learn of the art. His steadfastness in his first battles against Wetham's Foe "The Assasin's" earned him much respect from his own men and he hopes from his Lord Wasylis. There is little that Lorebass may not do for his Homeland of Frundi and it's baron Wasylis. A man that Lorebass wholly respects and honours possibly more than any other of The Council at Wetham or his Fellow Trop Leaders.

Noone is exceptionally sure where the extreme loyalty was founded, possibly not even Lorebass. But suffice it to say he would take up arms against ANYONE who would insult or endanger his Liege