Uceek Family/Evangeline/Krimml

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Letter from Nightmare

Message sent to everyone in the region Krimml (16 recipients)

Greetings Fontan Chancelor Gregor

After a long travel, we arrived this morning in your beutiful city. Can you show us to a place where we can have some rest?

I am sure we have a lot to discuss Chancelor. Let my Queen rest for some hours, and then we can meet and talk things over.

Thank you in advance,

Sir Nightmare Duke of Perdan

Roleplay from Gregor

Message sent to everyone in the region Krimml (16 recipients)

The Chancellor, looking even older than during his visit in Perdan city, comes out to greet the weary travelers.

"Fontan greets and welcomes the Queen and her companion.

The Lord Chamberlain will show you to your rooms. At the sixth bell, a feast will be held in your honor. Servants will wait outside your door to guide you to the great hall. I look forward to sharing wine with your queen."

Gesturing to an ornately dressed man, the Chancellor steps back one pace then turns and re-enters the Palace grounds walking off into a corridoor.

Gregor Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards

Roleplay from Gregor

Once inside her rooms, the queen spies an lavish boquet of freshly cut flowers alongside a handwritten note. It's neatly spaced letters, and careful attention to flourishes denote that it had been written by the Chancellor himself.

It reads, "Most gracious Queen. It humbles me that you would truly accept my invitation. I have taken the liberty of assigning some of our tailors to your staff for the duration of your visit. They wait for your call, whence they shall at your whim cut lengths of silk into a dress for you. A gift from the people of Fontan and their Chancellor. These flowers before you are from the woodlands of Oporto where I served as Lord for many years before returning to public life as Chancellor. May they warm your heart as they do mine these chilly days."

The missive is signed simply Gregor, lacking any titles or family names.

Gregor Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards

Roleplay from Evangeline

Evangeline held the letter, rereading it a second time. A smile appeared slowly on her face as she selected one of the larger flowers and allowed herself to flop on the bed, letting the soft mattress support her travel wearied body.

Presently, a small procession of serving girls came in to assist her. After she had been scrubbed pink, she looked with amazement at the grimy water and grudgingly left the bath. She allowed the serving girls to dress her and comb her long hair. They pulled it back in the fashion of the north and decorated it with small white flowers.

Clean of travel grime, wearing a long, regal dress, she barely recognised her own reflection. As she instinctively reached for her sword, her heart skipped a beat as she puzzled how she could it attach it to the fancy dress. Allowing it to hang on her hips, she looked in the mirror and laughed quietly as the serving girls scowled. 'Very well', she murmured, as she unstrapped it and wrapped it carefully in some linen. Although she hadn't been separated from her sword before, it would be a poor show of trust to have it with her when she met the Chancellor.

At that point the sixth bell began to chime, and her chamber door opened wide as the ornately dressed men bowed deeply. Evangeline raced to her luggage and rummaged around briefly. Her fingers clasped the hilt of a short dagger-like sword, which she hastily attached to the inside of her thigh. Then she grabbed a large rectangular package, wrapped neatly in soft white leather.

Roleplay from Gregor

Message sent to everyone in the region Krimml (16 recipients)

As the bells began to ring signaling that it was time for his entrance into the Great Hall Gregor looked agitated, as if a great weight was upon him, and struggle as he might little could be done to free himself of it. Wearing a rich velvety tunic of a deep ocean blue, trimmed and embroidered with many sunbursts of golden thread the Chancellor looked immaculate. His graying hair had been tamed, and his hard eyes looked soft and at peace, not at all matching his apparent disposition.

Like a dark storm cloud he collected himself and strode into the Great Hall and took his place at the head of the table. Seated nearby were what council members were in the capital and other minor members of the realms now burgeoning beurocracy. As he entered they all stood, and remained so as the Chancellor awaited the announcement of the Perdanese queen.

A herald in the livery of Fontan promptly began to call out to the assembled nobles the titles, names and honorifics of the queen. Wincing visibly at the length of the titles, the Chancellor's demeanor soured. Looking gruff, the visible scars of his long life of battle clear as day upon his weathered yet classically handsome face the Chancellor took in the beauty of the refreshed and bathed Queen. Dressed in a long elegant dress of Crimson and Gold she entered the great hall to the trumpets blare. Her long golden hair was done in a traditional Fontanese style. Absently Gregor noted that he felt it suited the queen as a smile began to crease his otherwise stern face. Whatever had been troubling the Chancellor melted away, the dark storm cloud apparition as fleeting water in the desert barrens of Atamara.

As she approached, observant courtiers began to spy small flowers that had been woven into the Queens hair. Those who had once served under the Chancellor in Oporto murmured to those near them that the flowers were rare woodland posies which the Chancellor kept in his private garden.

"I am honored Queen of Perdan, Evangeline Uthcek, Marshall of..." the Chancellor continued to list her titles in an even measured tone, "... that your radiant beauty, and the light of your heart fills Fontan to overflowing. Not in anyones wildest dreams, let alone the gods themselves could there be any doubt that you are by far head and shoulders above any of your peers." Carefully the Chancellor takes her hand and kisses it softly before raising it and addressing the assembled nobles. "Brothers, Sisters all! Feast, for on this day two great houses come together in peace and tranquility. Raising a goblet with his free hand he passes it to the queen, and quickly takes another for himself. "A toast, to those fallen whose memory is ever green among us, and whose spirit we honor this day." In one fell swoop the Chancellor drains his goblet and turns facing the queen squarely, his eyes intently focused upon hers.

Gregor Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards

Roleplay from Evangeline

Evangeline inclined her head as she accepted the offered goblet from the Chancellor and raised it slightly during his toast. She touched the sweet wine to her lips and as she lowered the cup she saw him staring intently at her.

"Chancellor Gregor, thankyou very much for your invitation to Krimml, your kind words and wonderful hospitality. That was a beautiful toast, and the fallen will always be honoured and remembered"

She turned and beckoned to one of the attendants, who strode forward holding a rectangular package in outstretched hands.

"Chancellor, please accept this gift as a token of friendship from myself and Perdan."

Gently lifting aside the soft leather, she revealed an large ornate book, decorated finely with golden gilding and intricate patterns. Engraved in flourished letters were the words, "Cheers to the generations yet born!" The book contained pages of the finest parchment, guaranteed by its makers to withstand the very lengths of time, but each page was still blank, ready for writing. Evangeline watched the Chancellor as he admired the book, before it was re-wrapped and escorted away.

As they both took their seats at the table, the noise of the feast began. Evangeline looked sideways at the confident and strong Chancellor while he watched the procession of lavish and extraordinary meals entering the Hall. She admired how easily he held the mantle of authority and the respect he demanded. As he caught her glance she smiled and commented on the calibar of the food.

Although the meal was indeed delicious, she looked forward to the end, so that they could talk more privately. This man was an enigma to her, and despite the fact that she was enjoying the pleasantries, she wondered why she was truly here.

Roleplay from Remorse

Message sent to everyone in the region Krimml (16 recipients)

~Sitting back on his heels Remorse was watching the proceedings from the dark corner of the roof. He had arrived the night before and quietly climbed up into the rafters supporting the high arched ceilings. His stomach grumbled a bit each time the main doors would open and the smells of the feast would waft into the room. Never the less he remained motionless.

When the bells began to toll Remorse smiled and watched intently as Gregor enter the room. A man of war, his time on the battle field was evident even from a distance, but even more so this close. Just as the hush fell over the room and seemed to weigh heavy upon everyone there a murmur suddenly broke out, as if a damn, no longer able to hold back its charge, burst. And in she walked. Queen Evangeline. She moved gracefully, capturing the attention of everyone in the great hall. So moved by her radiant smile was Remorse that for the briefest of moments his concentration lapsed.

As quickly as that moment came and went it was enough and even the slight shift in his weight created a small puff of dust off which fell softly from his perch into the hair of some nameless noble below him. Shaking his head and frowning Remorse knew it was time to go. Suddenly as if shot from a bow, Remorse flew upward from the rafters towards the window behind him. Alighting upon the window frame but the briefest of moments he looks back once at his fair queen, then slips quickly off the roof into the side alley and joins the crowds standing outside of the great hall, disappearing into the commoners.~

Sir Remorse (Imperial Knight)