Neill Family/Cid

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Cid; son of Kvasir

Cid in full armor and inspecting his spear Alluran's Reach.

Current Age: 39
Class: Priest
Weapon of Choice: Cid now keeps only his Gladius handy now that he follows the path of a Priest. However, he still keeps his long spear named "Alluran's Reach" tucked away.
Current Title: Head Priest of the Temple of the Trinity in Cutnipaniel
Titles Held: Baron of Irdalni, Haruspex Maximus of Alowca, Senator, Grand Justicar of Soliferum, Deputy Prime Minister to Prime Minister Conan (Soliferum), Count of Cutnipaniel

Cid, son of Kvasir, was always an outcast in the Clan. Terrible when it came to hunting and smaller than the other children he was often ridiculed. As he grew he kept mostly to himself finding happiness in the Odes of the Clan when they were told. When this knowledge alone wasn't enough he began to sneak out of the forest to a small cottage owned by a scholar on the outskirts of Makar. There he was trained in the arts of History, Writing, Painting, and Language. He studied under the scholar (who is believed to have hailed from a land much older than Atamara) until the age of 15 when his father found out what he was doing. Furious he forced the boy to return home and stay there under the constant watch of his Grandfather Jarl. Jarl wasn't fond of the boy and quickly grew tired of watching him sit in the corner of the room staring out the window. It was then Cid began receiving basic combat lessons (much to his dismay). Though he was slow to learn he soon became very skilled and even began to defeat the other stronger boys of the clan.

When he came of age he decided quickly they he tired of his barbaric family and fled home one day when his Grandfather fell asleep watching him (an act that, unbeknownst to him, would lead to his exile from the Clan. While a seemingly small act, he had been treading on thin ice for sometime with his father). He made his way to the docks and purchased his own boat using gold he had taken from the family vault. For years he travelled the lands learning all he could and honing his combat skills. He began to develop ideals never taught to him by the Clan: Honor and Nobility. He had come far from the weak little viking outcast of his youth and became a strong-willed noble.

One day a great storm overcame his ship and all hands were lost to the fury of the sea. He washed up on shore in the Colonies where he was taken in by monks of the Trinity. There he found his faith in the Alowcan Trinity and a new home in the Theocracy of Alowca. He also met his scribe Tel, who would serve him all his life, in Alowca when he first came to the land. He served there for some time, fighting enemies, and later serving as the Baron of Irdalni. This honor came to him however at a trying time where barbarians began invading Alowca. He fought tirelessly and was awarded the position of Haruspex Maximus. Soon a vision came to his leader Always from the Goddess Denarial that they should leave Alowca to find a new land for their religion. Cid dreamt one night of the Gods and Goddess of the Trinity beckoning him to a new land and he decided to leave with him.

They landed in the Far East and he joined the Republic of Soliferum. After a time his comrades vanished and he was left only with his comrade NLaw. He assumed a leadership role in the smaller circle of Alowcans and began talking with leaders about establishing a New Alowca. Eventually Always returned to Alowca and Cid decided to stay in Soliferum working towards a New Alowca and serving the Republic. He was been granted the honor of the title of Senator and then won the election for Judge.

Soon after, however, he served time in a Nighthelm prison and was stripped of this title. This came almost within a day of his release from a Grand Lodge prison where he was held as a Prisoner of War.

He has always tried to deny his heritage in an effort to distance himself from "those barbarians". However he was always known to get quite worked up in some situations, had a tendency to overdrink, and had a disliking for horses or any other mounts; qualities often found in O'Neils.

As time passed however he distanced himself even more from his ancestory by taking a mount. The horse served him well during his mission to contact Alowcans living in Taith Aenil (A quest he failed multiple times due to being captured by enemy patrols in lands he had to pass through) and he later purchased the mare and built a stable for her next to his his small home in Osaliel, Soliferum.

He spent most of his days when not in battle tending to the affairs of his office (or when not in any official position tending to affairs of his estate), spending time studying his faith, and training.

At one point in his life, after purging monsters from Todpitz in a bid to gain the sympathy of the people there, he came under a mysterious illness contracted from the blood of one of the beasts he had slain. Recognizing the evil force that was draining him of life, he immediatly fled into the wilderness to begin a ritual of purification. After nearly a week he returned to Osaliel clean, but haunted.

One day when walking around the docks to talk to a merchant whom had sold his scribe palm trees for his home that supposedly came from Irdalni in Alowca he discovered that Alowca was doing fairly well. It had changed from what he knew it as, but it lived still. This, paired with the fact that it seemed that he and Brother NLaw (his Alowcan comrade in Soliferum) were alone in their ambitions to found a New Alowca angered and frustrated him. Immediately he began planning, trying desperately to find a way to fulfill his duties and bring The Trinity to the Far East.

If Alowca was going to change and abandon him, he thought, than surely they werent to be trusted. It was then that the thoughts of many sleepless nights fortified themselves in his mind. He cast away the philosophies of Denarial's Way and embraced fully what he considered 'The Complete Trinity." Cid decided that if one did not embrace fully all of the deities of the Trinity than they skirted too close to heresy.

In his quest to found a temple dedicated to his Order of the Complete Trinity, Cid was granted the title of Count of Cutnipaniel, and moved his offices into the region. As one of his first acts he contacted the local masons and asked for an estimate on the construction of a temple. He was stunned by the incredible cost and knew that it would take time to gather as much gold as was required. It would take time, but it was something that had to be done.

After a great deal of time saving the gold needed for the construction of the temple Cid finally received words from the Bank of Osaliel that he had achieved the needed sum. Eager to begin he immediately sent word to the builders in Cutnipaniel and made his way back home. Once he arrived he oversaw the final details of the construction and the Temple of the Trinity was complete. Packing away his spear (but keeping his gladius handy in case it was ever needed) he prepared to begin a life dedicated to spreading and preserving his fate. Tel, his loyal scribe and friend that was with him through it all joined him in the temple hoping to continue his duties.

While he spends a great deal of him time in the Cutnipaniel temple when not traveling, he still maintains his home in Osaliel which is built in a Alowcan style and is decorated with tropical plants imported from the region of Irdalni. Over the years it would become a sort of hideaway where he could go to study or meditate away from the world.

"I have placed my life in the open arms of Denarial, blinded myself so that I may see what Alluran will show me, and I have let my hands go slack so that Khagister may create with them." - Cid on his faith in the Trinity.

'Cid's Birds'

Many years ago, when Cid still resided in the Colonies, he was captured by barbarians and thrown into a prison with a solid door and only a small hole in the wall to look out upon the fields. Eager to get a message back to Alowca he used what little food he was granted to attract a small bird. He took the bird in when it arrived and attached a small message to its leg. Then, he set it free and prayed it would find its way.

A day later he awoke to the sound of chirping in his cell. When he opened his eyes the bird had returned and had a small piece of parchment tied to his leg. Upon removal he discovered that it was a response! For the duration of his stay the small bird stayed with him and kept him company. Small enough to fit inside both his hands and with feathers of black (save for a line of yellow leading down from its head to the back), it was released with him.

Over the years before his move to the Far East he collected more of the strange species of bird. Their intelligence and reliability shocked Cid and he figured they had to be of the divine. When he finally moved to the Far East he took the birds with him. Now, whenever he travels about at least one bird stays with him while the others remain behind at his home. Quicker than a human messenger they are his method of choice for sending brief communications.