Ikalakian Times

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http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png News from the glorious realm of Ikalak
Price: First issue free! Creator and Editor: Kainaq Issue Number: 1
Four realms now seek glory on the South-East Islands, let the machinations of war begin.

Editorial note: Articles from other realms will be welcome, more information is available in the discussion section

Previous Editions

Ikalakian Times First Edition

= First Blood =
Date: July 16th, 2006

The first major battle of the Island happened two weeks ago when the new Ikalakian nobles, most of which were made up of old Sandalakian and Ikalakian veterans from the first war attacked the wars of Abykal. Unfortunatley the Ikalakian army led by Althea ran into an old "friend"... Boswick the new general of Sandalak led reinforcements from the south into Abykal to reinforce the already impressive miltia forces. Many had believed Boswick to have left the island so it was no suprise that many nobles from old Sandalak could not believe they were fighting there former leader. Accompanied by the walls in Abykal the factors of suprise, already dug in troops led to a defeat in Abykal.

Boswick himself was quite vocal on the victory stating "Have you forgoten how to paint the walls with your enemies blood? Im disapointed, first i had to paint the walls of the cave of guilt with Toren blood to let them no i was still here, then i had to paint the walls of sandalak red with tassie blood to remind penny that i was still here and now i have to paint the walls ok Abykal with Ikkie blood. Have you forgot the lessons you were taught under the big bad man and his brute squad? Summon little ogre, its time for a long overdue ikkie soup."

Thankfully Sandalaks monster little ogre has yet to be seen on the field

Rebel barons defeated! Triewa captured!
Date: July 16th, 2006

The rogue regions of Aboal and Unagae stolen from Ikalak by greedy rogue barons have been liberated as the army of Ikalak quickly took control of the regions and delivered the peaseants back to the salvation and protection of the white city. The grateful peasents have welcomed the return of Ikalakian forces and have been proving the army with a steady rate tax gold since. Not long after, Mewun joined Ikalak in a hasty takeover. The peasents clearly welcoming Ikalakian rule in the face of the oncoming battles.

After the rapid TO of Mewun the Ikalakian strikeforce moved on to Triewa quickly defeating the local Sandalakian forces iniating a takeover. Sandalaks forces engaged against Toren in the Cave of Guilt failed to prevent this action and soon Triewa was flying the colous of Ikalak.

Current politics
July 16th, 2006

The realm of Ikalak has elected Alexei as its new Prime Minister. The realm of Toren has elected Phear as its new Pontifex. The realm of Taselak has elected Serindu as its new King. The realm of Sandalak has elected Sebastian as its new Dictator.

These were the rulers iniatilly selected to lead there realms to victory, however there have already been many major political changes across the island. Alexia has stepped down as the ruler of Ikalak and has been replaced by Moonglum, a highly respected member of old Ikalak. In Taselak a rebbelion was led by Penny. Although this rebbelion was quickly defested it already shows that there is some serious political competition in Taselak, and in Sandalak the news that Boswick is staying may well lead to Boswick and Sebastian switching roles permenently should Sebastian be captured by an opposing realms army.

Foreign news
Date: 16th July 2006

News from a different realms prospective

Not currently Written

Recent events on the South-East Island
July 16th, 2006

Toren retakes the cave of guilt from Sandalak

Toren successfully defeats Sandalak forces

Ikalak captures Triewa from Sandalak forces

Ikalak has taken over the rogue region of Mewun

Taselakian rebbelion fails

Toren claims Seggelin from Taselak

Taselak takes Moeth from Toren

Ikalak is defeated in Abykal by Sandalak forces

Unagae and Aboal join Ikalak

The Second South-East Island war begins