Osha Family/Attila

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Age Unknown
Place of birth Giblot, Colonies
Realm(s) Giblot
Class Soldier
Title(s) Haruspex Maximus
Duke of Latlan
Marshal of Latlan
Alignment Good

Not actually a member of House Osha by birth, but an orphan taken in at an early age. In his childhood Attila frequently indulged in activities unbecoming of one of Noble birth and thus only had limited exposure to the dysfunctional, Osha brothers. Though at first he was ostracised by the brothers for his actions, they eventually accepted him. However by this time they were all on the verge of embarking upon a noble life. Attila decided not to join them, and began to travel the world instead.

At first Attila shifted from continent to continent, seemingly aimlessly but after several long years he finally returned to Giblot and reacquainted himself with Sera. For a time he edited the Giblot Daily Tribune, before eventually embarking upon a sea voyage to explore the mysterious Northern Isles. However, on the way he was caught up in a massive storm and eventually found himself shipwrecked on the coast of the South-West Island. With no money or belongings to his name, Attila finally decided to put his noble background to good use and became a troopleader of Ikalak for a time, however this did not last long and he eventually made his way to Vice. A realm Attila had once visited in his travels before it's fall.

Upon his arrival in Vice, Attila initially received only a lukewarm reception - until Pontifex Skadhi finally remembered him from previous encounters during her legendary parties in Latlan. Indeed, those old encounters and the fact that Attila was the relative of Rinoa was enough to earn him the position of Haruspex Maximus. As Skadhi needed someone trustworthy to defend the realm from the rebels who had filed into the new realm of Heen after the rebellion in Varyamo Nolvo. Though Skadhi was quick to inform Attila that it was her intention to reunify with Varyamo Nolvo at the earliest opporunity. Something which saddened Attila as he had left Vice for greener pastures the first time the realm had decided to give up her soveriengty.

However, shortly after Lady Skadhi made her statement she was imprisoned by monsters in Watersdown. Right in the middle of her journey to Apokh where it had been Skadhi's intention to hand the region over to Varyamo Nolvo. Attila breathed a guilty sigh of relief then, knowing that her successor, Pontifex Hikari, was unlikely to give up the soveriegnty of Vice. Something which Hikari assured Attila would not happen quickly after his election. Hikari then also gave Attila the honour of becoming Duke of Latlan. A position from which Attila intends to do all he can to preserve the sovereignty of Vice.

To learn more about things happening in and around Vice, feel free to glance over at Attila's journal to get an inside perspective on events.