Greater Aenilia

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Greater Aenilia

Greater Aenilia was forged from the ashes of the old order and although secular, its offical religion is dedicated to the protection, preservation, worship and glorification of the Aenil.

The Lands and Lords of Greater Aenilia

The Duchies, their Lords and their Vassal Regions

Orphen - Duke of Idapur

• Dawn - Countess of Erahol

• - Count of Ornaz

Brief History of Greater Aenilia

In the days preceeding the creation of Greater Aenilia, the Far East was on the verge of continental conflict. The realms of Ethiala and Taith Aenil, formerly close friends, had fallen into a brutal conflict. The war was primarily caused by Taith Aenil's earlier actions in invading the founding city of Ethiala, Talex and Ethiala's overwhelming superiority in numbers, along with the assistance of their allies, was resulting in what would inevitably be the end of Taith Aenil.

During the times of this war, a young noble by the name of Luyten, a former Taith Aenilian turned Ethialan, was a strong supporter of the war which was to result in the destruction of Taith Aenil. He believed that the Vandaenil, under the command of Arella, the Arcangela and founder of Taith Aenil, had become corrupt with her power and a descended into the deepest forms of heresy against the faith. Having left Taith Aenil several months before, Luyten became an influential Lord and military figure within Ethiala, as well as a senior member of the Ethialan Senate.

With Ethialan involvement in the war in the north with Arcaea, Taith Aenil attacked Hupar and caused Ethialan retaliation. As the armies of Ethiala, Lasanar and the Antoza Commonwealth overran the vastly outnumbered Taith Aenilian forces, the figurehead Pontifex of Taith Aenil, Orphen, came to King Osric and Luyten with a plan. This plan would involve the secession of the traditional capital and founding city of Taith Aenil, Idapur into a new realm which would be free from the heresy which had clouded the path of the Vandaenil.

After two weeks of careful planning and negotiation, the act to create the new realm of Greater Aenilia was performed, as Luyten left his adopted home of Ethiala to return to Idapur and fulfill the destiny which he revealed to the Taith Aenilians when he departed. Idapur was seceeded as Luyten became the founder of this new realm, not ruled by the Church, but a secular realm whose offical religion became the worship of the Aenil. The true mark of the Aenil were gleaned from the usurping heretics and as the armies of Greater Aenilia marched upon Nahad, the last stronghold of the heretics, it was clear that the will of the Aenil had spoken, and Luyten's actions were blessed. The story continues....

Current History of Greater Aenilia

Currently, Greater Aenilia's tasks lie in consolidating her recently gained holdings and cleansing the last of the heretics from the lands of the Aenil and re-establishing true Aenilian control of the city of Nahad.

Greater Aenilia and Diplomacy

More to Come!

Greater Aenilia and the Military

More to Come!

Greater Aenilia and Finance

More to Come!

Greater Aenilia and Justice

More to Come!

Greater Aenilia
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Location of Greater Aenilia
Continent / Island Far East
Capital Idapur
Largest City Idapur
Government System Monarchy


Region Numbers 3
Population 34182
Food Production 424 bushels