Uceek Family/Evangeline/Friends

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Evangeline can find it difficult at times to make friends, but her closest friend in Perdan are Magnus, Maelg and Falcion. The roleplays below detail their first meetings and conversations.

Evangeline heard of Sir Magnus long before she meet him.
Roleplay from Evangeline
Evangeline trudges on with her troops towards the north. Suddenly a scout runs up - he is flustered and shaking.
'What's the matter man? Are the enemy in Bescanon?'
'No My Lady - everything is as it should be,' he replies. Although he is clearly shaken.
'There is something wrong - out with it man,' she asks, in no mood for guessing.
'There's a new troop leader emerged from Bescanon'
Evangeline asks puzzled,
'Surely that's a good thing'
The scout hesitantly replies,
'Well, rumour has it that in the 2 days he's been here he has dismissed 3 scribes and a pathfinder...'
This can't be the reason the scout is so vexed - good help can be hard to come by. Evangeline looked quizzicaly at her scout. Slowly he added,
'...dismissed with his knife!'
Evangeline dismisses the worried scout and turns back to the journey. Quietly she mumbles to herself, 'Hopefully his blade is as quick on the enemy as it is on his own men'

Roleplay from Evangeline
"Quick, raise the drawbridge", the sentries rush with a fervour seldom seen. Who could be arriving in Perdan of so import that they get this response.
"You," Evangeline hails a guard, "who is arriving here in Perdan this morning that makes you hurry so?"
The guard blushes, "Sir Magnus of Bescanon my lady", he continues, "he has been here before and..." his words trail of and he looks at his feet.
Evangeline raises her eyebrows, there's that name again.

Evangeline notices Falcion on the walls of Perdan. There is also someone else on the wall that Evangeline doesn't notice. Magnus will never forget the way her skin glistened (nor let her forget)
Roleplay from Falcion
As Falcion stood on one of the walls looking at the sky, a soldier came and spoke.
-"Sir, our men are asking for free time before the battle, they want to have some fun if it's the last one..."
Falcion looked at him with no emotion
-"We will stand by and wait for orders, this is no time for beer and women, this is a time of waiting, and how we wait will show us how we will get out of it...with honor, or with death...now tell them to check their weapons and train formations, i don't want any screw ups understand?"
-"Y-yes sir!"
Soldier made his way to his comrades while Falcion still gazed at the sky
-"I hope you're in good shape...becuse i won't be easy on you"

Roleplay from Evangeline
Sweat glistened on Evangeline's skin in the twightlight as she raised her sword for the finishing strike. With unfaltering, fluid-like grace she dealt the final death-strike.
As she straightened she glanced around the courtyard. She was the last one left - not unusual.
She heard a cough from upon the wall and words of a troop leader echoed through the yard,
"...this is a time of waiting, and how we wait will show us how we will get out of it...with honor, or with death..."
At least not everyone was in the taverns. When the Sirion and Fontan armies struck she would be prepared. Her father always taught her that drinking was for after the battle, for now she would train.

Roleplay from Magnus
....on the walls of Perdan overlooking the practice yard...
Sir, Sir, Sir Magnus! Ulfgar calls and finally has to shake his Lord in order to gain his attention.
"What? Oh its you Ulfgar. Sorry I was just enthralled by that Shield Maiden down in the courtyard." Magnus says, a funny look on his face.
"Aye Sir, she be a very winsome lass for true!" Ulfgar looks and agrees.
"Oh yes, yes I totally agree, but I was talking about the way she works that sword! A thing of pure beauty I tell ya and I've seen quite a few blademasters in my time." Magnus tells the Sgt. while turning back to watch the woman weave through yet another intricate attack routine.
"She is VERY comely though Sir!" Ulfgar reminds his Lord.
"Ya I know but, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and right now that beauty be holding three feet of steel and she certainly knows how to use it!" Magnus smiles. "I must find out her name! Maybe Maelg knows of her."
"Perhaps she'd like me to show her how to make BLOOD EAGLES! Magnus says a little louder than he intended excited by his idea.
The woman below must have heard because she looks up to where the two men are watching. Ulfgar starts to say something but it comes out as a strangled cough as Magnus hauls him away from the edge before they are seen.

Roleplay from Falcion
As cold night wind was blowing, Falcion was walking on the walls. Near him there were several men. They were asleep covered only with thick blankets to rpotectem from being cold. Falcion looked at them and then turned his eyes on the fields in front of the walls. "They will surely come I know it" he was thinking to himself.
-"It is not healthy to have a sleeples night before hardships like battle my lord"
Falcion turned around and he saw an elderly men who was hired by him as a healer
-"Alas you're right Hector, but I cannot even close my eyes without fear that I will miss something, some sign, some kind of move out there..." - he turned again to the fields - "I came here to fight, now that it is closing i cannot let it miss me by accident".
-"Was it really just for that?"
Falcion was silent for a moment, then he spoke -"You should also rest, tommorow might be a busy day"
-"I will do as you say sir..." - Hector turned away and walked into the night.
Falcion was still gazing at the fields when Hector left, and he stood there not moving for the rest of the night. Thos who could see him might have been fooled that it was a statue. A tall figure with long hair and two swords on his belt. He was witing...

Maelg then arrives in Perdan... and the trouble really begins
Roleplay from Maelg
'Good work men, we got here on time, and by the looks of it, there's still plenty of mead. Go and find somewhere to rest, we may have battle on the morrow.'
Maelg looks over at the courtyard, quiet except for Evangeline honing her skills with one of the academy's masters.
'Now, which dive of an Inn would you think Magnus is in? We have much to talk about.'
Maelg looks to the battlements briefly, and squints.
'Is that a horned helmet I see poking out from behind the wall?, it is!'
With that Maelg yells at the top of his voice,

Roleplay from Magnus
Magnus just manages to keep Ulfgar from calling to the beautiful Shield Maiden in the courtyard with a judiciously applied amount of force to the Sergeants' throat and gets them down behind the merlon!
"Whew that was close! She almost saw us you dolt!" Magnus growls under his breath to Ulfgar.
Just then the silence of the night is shattered again by a deep Bellow,"Magnus, what are you doing hiding up there? ARE YOU AFRAID THE POINTY EARED FARIES ARE COMING TO GET YOU?"
Unfortunatly for Lord Magnus do his hours of tireless vigil,(not to mention the large quantity of mead the previous day) the only part he heard clearly was,"THE POINTY EARED FARIES ARE COMING!"
Leaping to his feet Lord Magnus draws his Massive Axe 'Foe-Cleaver' and yells!
"SILVERSHAFTS TO ARMS, SILVERSHAFTS TO ARM...OOUUF!" And promptly spralls over the unconscious form of Sergeant Ulfgar!
The breath being knock from him he rises again with his helm askewed and squints over the battlements to sees a Lord doubled over in a fit of some sort on the street below.

Roleplay from Evangeline
A braying hoot shattered the still of the night. Evangeline turns to see Commander Maelg doubled over on the courtyard floor laughing. Raising her sights she sees a large, somewhat dishevelled warrior leaning over the balustrade with concern. His helm is crooked on his head. Slightly ruffled at the disturbance she moves from the courtyard.
How on earth can Perdan win with such oafs leading the troops?

Roleplay from Maelg
Maelg manages to pull himself together, wipes the tears from his eyes and sees Magnus heading towards him. Once he manages to draw a breath he reaches out and puts his arm around Magnus' shoulder.
'Lets go have a drink, meads are on me,'
He continues,
'I wouldn't worry about her, she's always so serious when it comes to nobility. Me, I'm just a stable hand who married her to get a foot up into nobility. Now look at me, "Battlegroup Commander"!'
With that Maelg laughs and walks off towards the nearest inn, still chuckling to himself.

Roleplay from Magnus
As the Lords Magnus and Maelg stride off towards the nearst pub Magnus spies his men lounging around doing much of nothing.
Sergeant Ulfgar appears as if by magic infront of his Lord.
"Ulfgar, I want you to make these nancy boys sweat! I want there little fingers to have blisters on their callouses!" Magnus fumes.
"What kind of training Sir?" Ulfgar asks.
"AAARRRMMMYY TRAINING SON!" The Lord replies,"Now get to it, if the arrows ain't rain'in we ain't train'in!"
"Ah yes and the Lord Maelg and I wont be training with you just now we have important "Lordship matters" to discuss" and with that both Lords walk away.
"YA HERD IM YOU LOT GET WI IT NOW!" and "lets just hope he drinks hisself into a better mood a fore he comes back." Ulfgar says to himself.

Roleplay from Magnus
Magnus looks around bewildered. Maelg Maelg did you say you were married to the lass in the courtyard?!

Roleplay from Evangeline
Drunks are so unattractive... I wonder if I can meet the tall man on the wall with long hair and two swords on his belt.