Malone Family/Tony

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Tony Malone

Tony Malone started his career on the 27-10-2004. Leaving the family mansion in Cummaol, part of RedSpan. With that he joined RedSpan and has been there ever since, making his name in the small realm of RedSpan, who were currently at war with abbington. He declared him self a Hero, and at the age of 22, is currently just resting after the end of hostilities against the Caligan Empire. He is the wearer of Da Hat, a symbol of importance in RedSapn. Tony for his hard effort and continued loyalty towards RedSpan, King Mayandur rewarded him with the region of Byblack. Also Tony is one of the the Captins in the Army of Redspan. Not long after, with Tara, CE, Darka, Falsan and ASI at the gates of Stargard, his region Byblack was Taken back by ASI, as thge armies of the SA could do nothing to prevent it. Soon he would be rewarded with the title Marshal Of The Army Of Stargard. Witht he abdication of Mayandur, Ry2n became king and honoured Tony with the city of Stargard, which Tony had faught many battles for. Tony also took part in the largest battle ever to take place on Atamara, with his cavalry doing excellent work. He is now joint editor of the Redspan Revealer. 19/04/06 Tony has been made High marshall of Redspan. The highest honour apart from King he can achive.