Highvale Family/Gareth/Second Battle of Evora

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The smoke had barely cleared from the first disastrous clash at Evora. We had retreated, battered and bruised, yet our spirits remained unbroken. Nine of my Emerald Blades, those fit enough to hold a sword, rallied to me, their eyes burning with a grim determination. Though wounded, I felt the fire of defiance rekindle within me. We would not yield, not while a single man of Shadowdale stood. The Perdani dogs, flushed with their initial victory, once again amassed inside their palisade, no doubt believing us too weak to challenge them again. They were wrong. We would show them the true meaning of Shadowdale steel.

As the sun climbed towards its zenith, casting harsh shadows across the battlefield, we moved. The Ghost Watch, led by Etain Dubhaine herself, flanked the enemy lines, their aim true as they rained arrows upon the Perdani cavalry. The remaining Emerald Blades charged forward, our cries echoing across the field. We scaled the palisade in an attempt to pry loose the defenders' grips from this region. Steel met steel in a bloody clash. Though outnumbered, we fought with the fury of a tempest.

Yet, their numbers were vast, and their resolve held firm. I felt a sharp sting in my side as a Perdani arrow pierced my armor. The pain was blinding, but I fought on, fueled by the adrenaline of battle and the unwavering loyalty of my men. One by one, my Emerald Blades fell, their bodies littering the ground like fallen leaves. The Perdani, their ranks thinning but still holding firm, began to press their advantage.

With a heavy heart, I gave the order to retreat. We had fought valiantly, but our strength was spent. As we limped back to our lines, the Perdani archers continued their relentless assault, their arrows whistling past our ears. Though we were forced to retreat, we had shown the Perdani that the spirit of Shadowdale would not be easily broken. We had bought time for our reinforcements to arrive, time that would hopefully prove crucial in the battles to come.

Though I had taken wounds in the battle, I would heal. When I did, I would return to the field, my sword held high, ready to lead the Emerald Blades into the fray once more. For as long as the banners of Shadowdale fly, our fight against tyranny will never cease.

-Firsthand account of Gareth Highvale
