Brennaborg Family/Journal of Meginhard

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Hierarchy of Westgard in the year 63

Year 63 (2022-08-01 to 2022-10-23)

Meginhard Brennaborg
Westgard in the year 63


Summer 9th My lord, Marcus D Luffy, is appointed senator of Sabadell. His main assignment is to secure the food production in the north of Sabadell. He immediately gave an order to enforce archery training for every adult male. He has also tasked me to build a motte near Brennaford.


Fall 15th The motte is completed! I built it on the junction of the Brenna and the Gelene. As a reward for my service, my lord has enfeoffed me with Northridge. Operating from the Brennaborg, I am responsible for the safety of the entire north.

Fall 16th I have assembled a company of 20 men. Egil, Alafrid, Askold, Gelbold, Wolfgang, Hadubrand, Anselm Willemson, Anselm Gerbertson, Sigfried and Ingmar are from Brennaford. They are led by my brother Wikhman.

Leofwynn, Manfred and Herman Esquerian are from Esquery. Radegast, Herman Ardastian, Gudrun and Widukind are from Ardast. Detlef and Aethelstan are brothers from the Oldham farm near hill Sabadell. They are led by my advisor Gerulf.

Fall 18th I have arrived at Gelene. I immediately went to the barracks to hire Silver Shields. My father always spoke highly of them and I got to speak to Lupold, a veteran from the Gold See Conflict. He looked puzzled when I told him I wanted to hire him to fight monsters. He nevertheless accepted and brought with him 10 more of his companions.

While we were training outside the walls, I received a message from the Lord Commander. I had sent him a question about the best tactics to fight monsters. As I was reading the letter, I came to understand why Lupold had looked so puzzled: close combat is not desirable.

I have decided to buy the best bows possible for my men. Lupold has immediately started training the men in proper tactics for archers.

Fall 19st The High King informed us that an assassin from Luria Nova is at loose, named Seifer Tideweaver. Emperor Bruce Wilde refused to take action and this criminal has also acted against Avernor and even there federal partner, Swordfell.

Fall 20th In the early morning I was outside the city walls, when two Silver Shields came running to me with bad news: Seifer had escaped!


Winter 14th Lord Commander Sparticus II Bathgate has commanded us to attack Duil. Together with Aelius Rousselor, Klaus Raphin and Agatha Poe we went. We brought 341 men and faced 76 monsters. Aelius lost 48 men, but the monsters were annihilated.


Spring 2nd The Lord Commander asked whether we wanted to march on to fight a large horde at Knyazes. I answered him that we would follow him into the Netherworld, so we went. The Lord Commander led us through Dunnbrook, so we could use the cover of the woods to surprise the horde. While fantasizing about building defensive works in the now abandoned lands, we were surprised by a lone wanderer. When I asked who he was, he told me he belonged to lord Klaus Raphin, but that they were ambushed by a group of monsters. I offered to return him to his lord and ordered my men to pick up the pace.

Spring 3rd Senator Marcus D Luffy joined us at the battle at Knyazes: 260 men against 73 undead and 41 monsters. It was a great success. When the monsters threatened to clash into our lines, Aelius leapt forward and his men took the full brunt of the foul beasts. Nevertheless, this earned the archers one more shot to take down the last monsters. After this hand-to-hand combat with the undead commenced. Westgard suffered 13 casualties, 2 belonging to me. Poppo, a former Silver Shield, died of his wounds.

Our victory was, however, overshadowed by grave news from home: a new murder on the High Adjudicator was attempted by Seifer Tideweaver. Although the culprit had been caught, the High Adjudicator was seriously wounded.

Spring 4th Gheric Arylon was re-elected as high king, Sparticus II Bathgate as Lord Commander and Master of the Mint. Agatha Poe replaced Lowry Cameron as High Adjudicator. She received the support from her peers in the camp for we are unsure about how the senator of Ammando is doing.

On our way home, we made a stop at Grazne, where we were joined by Sonya Jimenez. We had 294 men against 41 monsters. It was a smooth victory without any losses.

Spring 6th We expect to arrive home tomorrow. Our gladness is, however, tempered by the disturbing news that Seifer abused the chaos of the election to escape prison.

Spring 10th The Lord Commander is impressed with my performance and has honored me with the position of vice-marshal!

Spring 14th The last inhabitants of Aquitain had sought refuge in the old motte. They had sent a cry for help to Westgard and an army was dispatched, consisting of 220 men, led by Sparticus II, Aelius, me, Klaus and Agatha. Fearing the people would not survive the night, Aelius had rushed his men and arrived the night before. Due to their courageous defense the motte survived the night against 50 monsters and this morning the army made quick work of them.

The peasants honored Aelius by painting their faces yellow and black. Aelius told us how pleased he was to see our banners! He explained his men were so overcome with excitement to join the battle they insisted upon rushing ahead well before the main army. Thankfully most made it through only somewhat worse for wear, and were it not for our arrival, Aelius was certain they would have rushed out unaided to fight to the bloody end.

During the evening another wave of 17 monsters was taken care off.

Spring 15th Senator Marcus announced his retirement today. He has successfully militarized Sabadell and secured the northern food supply as he promised His Grace. Now he desires to focus on family matters and asked His Grace to appoint me in his stead. It saddens me, but his family has always been good to us, so all in Sabadell wish them well. Hopefully he will one day return.

As I was rekindling my memories about the different members of the house of D Luffy, I was lagging behind the rest of the army on the march to Ygg D’Razhuul. As such I did not pay attention and was surprised by 38 monsters coming from the back. Luckily, Agatha’s scouts had been paying attention and warned her of the incoming threat. So she arrived at exactly the right time, preventing an onslaught among my men. 25 of our 105 men were seriously wounded, so our healers had to work hard afterwards.

When we arrived at Ygg D’Rhazuul, we achieved an easy victory.

Spring 16th With Aelius, Klaus and the High Adjudicator as witnesses, His Grace appointed me senator of Sabadell. Then we returned to Aquitain to hunt down the monsters that had attacked me. Her Honor headed to Gelene to arbitrate in some complex case.

The battle was tougher than expected, as the men were tired and the monsters were joined by another pack - totalling 54. 15 of our 171 men were wounded, of which 3 belonged to me.

Spring 20th After a rest at the Brennaborg, where Agatha rejoined the ranks, the army moved on to Forguthrie. Our 243 men had to face 36 monsters and 34 undead. The battle went smooth and there were no casualties. However, my men were complaining about not having been paid for a week and threatened to leave. Since I had not enough gold with me, I was forced to break away from the army and return to Gelene.

Year 64 (2022-10-24 to 2023-01-15)


Summer 1st While my men were having a field day in Gelene, I was visiting the academy to learn more about region management. After my scouts had informed me that the army had reached the coast at Ygg D’Razhuul, my joy was cut short when I heard the most terrible news: An assassination attempt on the High King had left him seriously wounded.

I asked Gerulf what to do with this news. Gerulf did not know either. What if the king was dead? Why does Luria do this to us? We risk our lives everyday so that people everywhere, including in Luria, can remain safe. Must we fear the stab in our back more than the endless row of teeth in front of us? As I was pondering these questions, another messenger approached me and handed me a message from some priest, named Severina, who asked for permission to preach.

I was delighted by these words. Could this be the answer? I know many of the peasants in Sabadell adhere to this faith, but I am a servant of the realm and only concern myself with the Virtues. However, as a soldier I fight the threats from without which threaten our existence, yet I can not fight the threats from within. Could maybe this woman destroy the murderous mind within men, which causes havoc unparalleled by the fiends from the Netherworld? So I happily gave her permission and even offered land for her to settle. I could, however, not give her permission to preach in Gelene, since I do not lord the city.

Barely had I sent out my message when there was much commotion outside the building. I sent Wikhman to find out what it was and he came running back: “WAR! The king has declared war!”

Summer 2nd I received another letter from lady Severina, asking whether I would maybe hear her message. I explained that as a warrior, I have not much to do with heaven. Nevertheless I am willing to listen to her if my duties permit me so.

I awaited the return of His Grace, the Lord Commander. When he arrived at sunset, I discussed with him the current war and also the finances of Sabadell. His Grace explained to me that a campaign to Luria was at this time not feasible. He also granted 1000 gold to both me and senator Lowry, so we could keep our armies in the field.

Tomorrow I shall return to Sabadell to organize the different estates and to hear this Severina.

Summer 3rd I organized a banquet and invited Severina to speak. She spoke about a mad star, meditation, an enlightened age and being conceived by starlight. As I pondered her words, a messenger entered the hall: the Lord Commander ordered me to go take care of a pack by myself. I then recognized the influence of her maddening star: the war started as soon as Summer started and now the Lord Commander gave me the privilege to be unleashed. I expressed my desire to learn more and she proceeded to tell more about her birth.

Summer 4th I left early in the morning for Aquitain, but left a message for Severina:

You speak of wondrous things, but I can only judge what I see. And what I did see, is majesty.
On account of their birth some become farmers and if they perform their duties well, they prosper and many due to them can have life.
On account of my birth, I became a bailiff and because I did my duties well, I became a senator and many due to me can survive.
On account of your birth, you became a prophetess and if you perform your duties well, you can bring this enlightenment you speak of and many due to you can thrive.
I have sent heralds to every corner of Sabadell to command my people to receive you as they would receive me.
Whatever light is within you, let it shine.

I met the Lord Commander in Aquitain where we made short work of 11 monsters. We then went to Zereth, I had to rest my men however, so I planned on leaving the next morning and sent another message to Severina, asking her to meet me in Aquitain.

Summer 5th Lady Severina did not arrive in the morning, so I left a messenger, exhorting her to continue her mission, for I must bring death, but she must bring life. I hurried to Zereth, where the Lord Commander already had a successful hunt. We went out for another hunt in the evening and finished of the stragglers.

Summer 6th The Lord Commander and I moved to Forguthrie, where we slew 16 monsters.

Summer 7th Aelius joined us in Forguthrie. We now have 178 men.

Summer 8th My stepmother informed me that senator Lowry defended Sabadell against 40 undead. I shared this news with my men – many of whom have family member in the area. The men sang a song about him. It was quite rude, but it was their way to honor him.

Meanwhile we set out for Jorradith and achieved an easy victory against 39 monsters.

Summer 9th We moved to Ienith. The Lord Commander rode ahead to scout the area, but suddenly found himself surrounded by 40 monsters. Half of his men were wounded, yet he stood his ground, so when Aelius and I arrived, he had already chased them away. While we allowed the Lord Commander to rest, Aelius and I hunted them down.

Meanwhile Klaus had arrived at Jorradith as requested by the Lord Commander to keep a corridor open in case the expedition went bad and a retreat was necessary. There he fought 20 monsters alone.

Summer 10th Klaus reported another battle at Jorradith and Lowry secured Forguthrie.

Meanwhile we marched to Kaigen, where we joined forces with Avenor (217 men). The arrows rained down on 40 monsters and 81 undead, but were not enough to prevent a heavy hand-to-hand battle. 52 allied soldiers fell. 6 of mine. After the battle High King Northon Agawolf himself hosted a feast for us and we shared stories with these allies from the far west. The Lord Commander left the feast early to study the reports the High King had gifted us.

Summer 11th We cleaned Asurbanipal with the help of Avenor: Bramble, Clive and Bardock.

Summer 12th Gaston Farms is the last obstacle on our way home, housing a pack of 71 monsters. We were again joined by Avenor: Bardock, Nicoli and Enlaw. While arrows rained down, Enlaw stepped forward when the monsters came close and finished them off, costing him 5 men.

Summer 14th We arrived back at the Brennaborg, where we were celebrated by people from all over Sabadell, for I had made sure the people were well informed of the exploits of their lord in faraway places. Lord Klaus, however, had not yet arrived.

Summer 17th The High Adjudicator tortured a criminal, who revealed that Kenneth Gotz is behind the murder attempts.

Summer 19th The men of Klaus Raphin arrived at the Liger. They brought sad news. When they received orders to return home, they were pinned down by a particular ferocious pack of monsters and could not leave. On the 16th Klaus died heroically in battle. His men then decided to run for it, but only five of them managed to escape the monsters that were hunting them.

Summer 20th Today is a black day. Lady Iulia Baceolus was attacked by an assassin. She thought it was Seifer, but the High Adjudicator informed us that there is another assassin at work: Celina – another Lurian. Unfortunately, I had to bring more bad news: my stepmother sent me a letter, informing me that the people of Sabadell are restless due to the loss of two of our brave nobles. Despite our successes during the past northern campaign, many people feel we are a too sparse realm to continue to defend our borders. There are even rumours that something big is going to happen in three days.

In this dark time, the Lord Commander showed his leadership skill, remained cool and simply answered: “Not yet. We may be able to save Sabadell.”

Summer 21st Senator Louisa has captured Seifer!

The Lord Commander gave orders to clean the surrounding regions.


Fall 1st The Lord Commander cleared Aquitain, while I went on a hunt near the Shrine. Due to the bad weather, my archers had difficulty shooting, so I suffered 4 casualties. When the weather improved, we went for another hunt.

Fall 2nd Seifer is dead!
Gerulf says this news has a huge impact on the morale of the people. He believes we can now even hold more territories than before. I shared these findings with the realm council. My stepmother told me the insurgents in Sabadell have sent representatives to her to ask for forgiveness. She asked me how to respond, so I sent this letter.

To all inhabitants of Westgard,
Due to the tragic loss of lord Klaus, some questioned whether Westgard had enough of noble birth to continue to keep the realm safe and many in Sabadell even felt they should no longer contribute to the defense of all and planned to rise up against their rightful lord.
Today, however, is a day of rejoicing. For due to the vigilance of senator Louisa the gravest threat to civilization was apprehended and received his righteous punishment from our wise judge.
I understand that many in Sabadell have regained their faith in the realm and have repented from their evil scheme. Although Lurians question my nobility, I shall show the benevolence of a true Westgardian noble man and pardon whoever returns to his duty.

Fall 3rd The Lord Commander hunted down 20 monsters in Ygg D’Razhuul. Meanwhile there are reports of monsters all over the realm: Gelene (50 undead), Sabadell (10 monsters), Eidulb (60 undead), Eidulb Outskirts (30 undead).

Meanwhile I did more research with Gerulf to study how to fund an army with the poor rural lands around us and shared the resultst with the Lord Commander: I believe that if we expand to Aquitain, the Shrine and Ygg d'Razhuul and promote Agatha and Lowry to dukes, everyone will be able to sustain themselves. The Lord Commander complimented my research, but explained he preferred Zereth of the Shrine, because the realm needs food and Zereth is easier to defend.

Fall 4th I have returned to Sabadell to investigate estate management. I have discovered that a bushel is sufficient to feed 500 people for a day. I also discovered that the region stats of surrounding areas I copied at the academy in Gelene are actually rather deceiving: it list the expected gold income for a day, while taxes are once a week, and the expected food production of a week, while farmers produce food daily.

When I arrived in Sabadell, I helped hunt down some monsters spotted by lord Marcus D Luffy. Afterwards we shared a meal at his estate near Eceter and I shared with him what I had learned. He also had a friend over from Ammando, who asked whether I could share my findings with his lord. So I did.

Fall 6th I have put more research into the expansion with more rural lords. There are two paths we can take: one with 5 duchies, allowing self-sufficiency, or one with subsidies from the crown, allowing more flexibility for the army.

Fall 7th On my way to Zereth, I was delighted to receive word from lady Severina that she would serve our realm. I immediately sent her a letter, informing her of the campaign, the death of lord Klaus, the looming insurrection and the joyful death of Tideweaver. I also advised her on the ways she could serve. She immediately set out to encourage the people loyalty towards Westgard.

I then had a bold idea and suggested to or Lord Commander to not take Aquitain, but instead aim for the farms at Gaston. Right now we produce only 80% of the food our people needs. With this bold plan we would produce 130% and in so doing, we might become the food basket of the world – bringing more glory to Westgard.

Fall 8th The villages in Zereth have pledged their allegiance to us.

Senator Lowry supports my idea of retaking Gaston. I emphasized I did not want to agitate Avenor.

Fall 9th The high king advised against a rush to Gaston. He urged us not to grow faster than wisdom would dictate and does think we need twice the amount of nobles before such an enterprise should be undertaken.

Fall 11th Sparticus had asked nobles to step up and become governor. Only Severina reacted.

Fall 12th Severina has been chosen as Senator of Zereth. I am very pleased to have her so close by and promised her all the help she needed – be it resources or men.

Forguthrie has pledged its allegiance to us.

Fall 13th No one has stepped up to take charge of Forguthrie. I am saddened. I know Forguthrie is the poorest province in our sphere of influence, but it does grant us access to Gaston. So I sent a letter to the realm:

Scions of Westgard,
Are we Lurians that we prefer the luxury of the city over the glory in the fields? The people in the north had lost their faith in noble blood and decided to focus solely on themselves. But they know that Westgardian blood has been spilt for their safety and they are willing to rely once again on our leadership. Will we forget the oaths we have sworn?
When I was at the academy in Gelene, I looked at comparisons between ours and the other realms. We are but a small realm and other realms outweigh us on each area - except one: even though we are but a small nation, the number of our recruits are comparable to D'Hara and Luria. Even the peasants believe in our mission and are willing to pick up arms if there is but someone willing to lead.
It is true that Forguthrie is the poorest of all the regions between here and Golden Farrow. If that holds you back, then I am willing to entrust you with Sabadell and take Forguthrie for myself. Sabadell is but a poor region, but I increased my income from 57 to 85 gold - even though I have been gone a lot and production is only 70%. If time is spent on Sabadell, it should be able to host 240 gold on militia.
Please, come forth!

Fall 14th The Lord Commander ordered us to march to Gaston. Aelius in his eagerness rushed forward with only 45 men, but managed to slay 10 monsters and 63 undead by himself. When we arrived in the evening, we only had to help hunting down whatever managed to escape him. Having proven himself, he requested the responsibility to lord a region. Knowing him to be an honorable man, I proposed to His Grace to grant him my Sabadell and allow me to settle wild Forguthrie, for I admire the stubbornness of its people and would like to remain close to the border.

Fall 16th I have been appointed Senator of Forguthrie. Aelius will watch over Sabadell. But a more important development came with a letter from Nidhogg's Mark in Tol Godora:

Tonight I will be facing Magistrate Kenneth Gotz of Luria in a duel to the death, this is for the honour of my family for he has suggested I’m a peasant parading as noble stock.
This was fine before all the judges of this land so you understand my decision.
If I falter I wish for you all to know it’s been a family honour to serve you and Westgard.
Hopefully speak to you tonight.
Corvus Bennetti,
Agatha Poe, High Adjudicator of Westgard, Dame of Eidulb

I was filled with excitement, for if she succeeded, she would rid the realm of its greatest threat. Unfortunately news of her defeat reached us. According to reports she is still alive, so I hope we will see her soon again. Also our king encouraged us by promising he would return to the field now Eidulb was well under his control.

Fall 18th I received my first tax as senator of Forguthrie: only 14 gold – compared to 85 in Sabadell. By managing this province well I expect to increase this to 80 gold.

Fall 19th I have arrived in Forguthrie. I build a granary and a scout’s guild, but the people do not allow me to build a keep. They are afraid it will attract monsters, so I will build one more to the south – closer to the mysterious Bloodstar Towers.

Fall 20th The northern expansion is complete. His Grace has commanded us to return to Gelene. My men, however, do not want to come with me: they have brought their families over and want to stay with them to protect them in these dangerous lands. Lupold also wants to stay here to retire from his lifelong service. He told his cousin will be a great captain and can be found at Gelene.

On my way back, my scouts, however, warned me that Severina was under attack by 5 giants. I immediately rushed to Zereth and asked for volunteers to take care of the giants. Of course, Aelius was quick to respond. When I arrived at Zereth, Severina assured me she was safe for she had barricaded herself in her manor with militia and expected to hold out until Aelius arrived. While I scouted the area, I saw a peculiar building. My scouts informed me it was a temple to Sanguis Astroism. I went in and left behind three trophies from the Northern Summer Campaign: Jorradith, Kaigen and the Farms.

Fall 21st I received a letter from a Katrina who informed me I was promoted Knight of the Temple in Sanguis Astroism. These aspects of the faith are still strange to me, but I am glad the stars have accepted my sacrifice and hope they will bless the realm.


Winter 1st The king informed us of a new development. He is talking to nobles of Astrum and some of them have decided to strengthen Westgard as the noble lines in their realm are dying out. He proposed to them to gift them land in exchange for their loyalty: Aquitain and the Shrine. I am glad they are coming. We still don’t have a senator for the Farms at Gaston, so if the Astrumese are willing to officiate our territories, I’ll gladly conquer new regions for each and every one of them. I also like the idea that Astrumese and Westgardians are now being led by an Everguardian king. They all once possessed these lands and now they cooperate in regaining them.

Winter 3rd Wikhman reported his first victory: he defeated 10 wandering monsters at Forguthrie.

Winter 4th I stopped by in Sabadell to seek new volunteers. The people of Sabadell have not forgotten me: a hundred men gathered at my banner! The Lord Commander has sent me another gift to allow me to properly outfit these men.

Despite all, this is a day of grieve, for lady Agatha has succumbed to heir wounds sustained in the duel against Gotz. One of her family members wrote a poem to honor her:
You are all witness to the fall of House Poe,
A glorious four years, but now they must go
Do not be sad for she can't stay away,
She's practically perfect in every way.

Winter 5th Lupold's cousin turns out to be a girl: Vilma. I was taken aback, but Lupold spoke highly of his 'cousin' and the realm has many great female leaders, so I decided to accept her service.

Taxes of Forguthrie increased to 21 G, but that was not enough to sustain the militia at the Raphinborg. I need to raise taxes if I want to have a proper defense.

The Lord Commander revealed our next steps: we are going to take Ygg D’Razhuul, Aquitain and the Shrine. I am excited for we are returning to our size from before the Time of the Yellow Daggers. Also the first Astrumese noble arrived: Vincenzo Falconi, an experienced general. While on the way to Ygg D’Razhuul, I joined the company of His Highness, lady Iulia and sir Vincenzo. I learned Vincenzo descends from a family from the days of Everguard. It was pleasant to hear him and the king speak about those days.

Lord Lowry contacted me today about the financial suggestions I made to his servant. He will investigate and report his findings to me. I am curious what they will be.

Meanwhile we need to find a new High Adjudicator, but so far no one has put their name forward. I have considered running myself, but I believe the realm has far better options for this role, for I merely see justice as a way to maintain order, while I think lady Severina sees more – I think she can see through deception and bring true justice. Meanwhile Lowry is an experienced High Adjudicator and keeps the people, including mine, safe while I am away on campaigns and I know him to be a man who puts the wellbeing of the realm before his own glory.

I have given it much thought and I have decided to let Severina know that I will vote for her if she decides to run.

Winter 6th Two more Astrumese nobles have landed our shores: Hengist deLacy and Carlos Snodaert. Hengist is a former Westgardian, who for some reason was banned. His ban being lifted by the king, he immediately vouched his loyalty and joined us on the road to Ygg d’Razhuul. The Lord Commander arrived in Ygg D’Razhuul and singlehandedly slew 50 monsters.

Severina has responded positively to my letter and put her name forward. Gerulf informed me that Lowry is also running. I am conflicted: have I caused a rupture in the realm? No, I think highly of both of them. They would both graciously accept the other for the very same reason I considered them for this position.

Winter 7th I arrived at Ygg d’Razhuul. We killed off the last monsters and started the annexation. Gheric and Sparticus move to Aquitain. Carlos Snodaert, a former king of Astrum, arrived at Gelene and pledged his allegiance.

Winter 8th An eerie feeling begat me as I arose this morning, for I remembered the cause of our war with Luria: they seek to destroy our realm not by military force, but with poisoned daggers. Then a fear got over me: what if my ambition for the realm would bereave the world of the Daughter of the Stars? Lurians hold nothing sacred and her as a High Adjudicator would definitely attract their foulest minions. But the Stars oversee all and protected me from a mistake. The election tied and then chance had to decide. Senator Lowry is used to the murderous attempts and has a hundred men watching over him. He is chosen by the Stars to deal with this murderous threat so the world may be prepared for the enlightened age Severina must bring. He is a warrior who understands that justice is more than the sword of righteousness. He shall do well.

Winter 9th Sir Hengist, the former lord, arrived at Ygg d’Razhuul late last night. News spread quickly and this morning representatives of the most influential families came to our camp to pledge their allegiance. The Lord Commander assigned Hengist to be their senator, but due to a clerical error a herald announced him as the senator of the Gaston Farms. Severina impressed me by letting me know she did not fear Lurian daggers. She simply sees it as being part of her lot and shared a story about her uncle, who once ran in vain to become emperor of Luria, but due to this action learned much about friends and foes in the realm. I should remember to focus more on the opportunities a situation offers than on opportunities lost when things do not go according to plan.

Winter 10th Jakoth Zahnbalotia, another former king of Astrum, arrived at Gelene.

Winter 11th I arrived at the Brennaborg, where my men were awaited by their families and restored their supplies. I adviced Sir Vincenzo to do the same. Despite him being a much more experienced commander than I am, he took my advice without feeling insulted. Carlos claimed the Farms, because one of his maidens once obtained a vampire’s rapier from the litch-king, but the rapier darkened the hard of his wife Selina, who then left him for Gaston.

Winter 12th We received word that Aquitain has accepted our rule and then went excitedly to the Shrine. Of course, Aelius was already there and had cleansed the monsters. So I could immediately proceed by introducing Vincenzo as the new lord of the Shrine.

Winter 13th The militia in Eidulb Outskirts has succumbed to the continuous harassment of undead. We should finish the annexation of the Shrine quickly, so we can help out. While we were talking to local leaders, I received a letter from the Lord Commander, informing that I was now part of the military council together with him, the king and our Astrumese reinforcements, Carlos and Vincenzo. Vincenzo immediately shared his desire to annex the city of Gaston. The Lord Commander advised against it, because we still have to witness the effect of our recent expansion on our food supply. I shared the research I had done and advised the Mountain of Woe. This idea was supported by the king.

Winter 15th Vincenzo was quite adamant on taking Gaston, so he was not pleased when the king decided against it. Being much younger, I do not know what I can say to fuse this discussion, so I decided to leave the stronghold and visit people on the plains. Although the king and Vincenzo came quickly to an understanding, I am worried, for I heard Senator Louisa and High Adjudicator Lowry are incapacitated by a mysterious sickness at the same time. Have the Lurians found another way to attack us?

Winter 16th Lady Severina shared a peculiar dream about the continent drowning. I do not understand the meaning of it, so I sent her a letter to ask for an explanation.

Winter 17th I arrived at mount Kihal, which is quite tricky at winter. The guards appreciated my efforts and pledged their allegiance to Westgard.

Winter 18th The last of the Astrumese nobles has arrived: Arceo Pandorium. He has come from another continent and just like me, he is used to govern rural lands instead of living in the city.

Severina has responded to my letter. She explained that she does not know the meaning yet, but that answers must be obtained through meditation and discussion.

Winter 19th Sparticus has been wounded in Yggdramir, so the council decided to to await further expansion – allowing us to rebuild the provinces we have just taken. My province is doing well: not only could it pay the militia and tax to the duke, but there was even 8 gold left over.

Meanwhile I have arrived at the Outskirts of Eidulb, to help it recover from the recent attacks. My rebuilding efforts were however disrupted by an attack: together with Sonya and Louisa we took down 20 giants.

The Stars have chosen Carlos as the new High Adjudicator. I do not know him very well, but he is an humble, yet eager man. I believe he will do great.

Winter 20th The Lord Commander arrived safely in Ygg d'Razhuul.

Winter 21st Vincenzo noted that we have 39 empty temples in rogue lands and only 13 in human lands. This needs a maintenance of 859 G. We only have 22 nobles to guide Sanguis Astroism. I believe the observation of Vincenzo to be a fulfilment of the dream of Serverina.

The Lord Commander revealed that we currently have a production of 78 bushels a day, while needing 229. Since it is Winter, I am excited for it should mean that in Spring we should already produce enough food: 3 x 78 = 234 bushels a day.


Spring 1st The King revealed that there is a Lurian army in Mimer, conducting a takeover. Both Vincenzo and I think we should take military actions. Knowing the strength of Luria, Vincenzo suggests asking D'Hara for help. I prefer to keep D'Hara out, lest this results in a continental war.

Spring 2nd The King agrees that action needs to be taken and will inform with D’Hara to see if they are willing to help. Sparticus stepped down as a Lord Commander, because he has little experience fighting humans.

Spring 3rd I commanded the army to assemble in Eidulb. Vincenzo has taken command of the operation. The citizens of Mimer rose up against their suppressors. From one of the refugees I learned that it was probably Luria’s main offensive force, consisting of 200 archers, 100 infantry and 350 special forces, led by 7-8 commanders. I expect 10½k CS.

Spring 5th Tax brought 28 G. The main force set out to sea, I await the duke for financial support.