Caligan Courier/April'06

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Caligus icon.PNGThe Caligan Courier April '06Caligus icon.PNG
Price: Free to the SA N/A for the NA -----Caligan Monthy Battle Review----- Printed In Domus----- Editors: Talless; Kratos;Kamekaze

Let Me Correct the Misinformed Itorunt Informer...

Quote from the Itorunt Informer:

P.S. Caligan Courier still can't spell view right!

Cant spell view right can i, well i just show you that i know how to spell view:


I can also spell morons:


Now what was that about my spelling? And do you nothing to do but look for every little typo My Scribes make? I used to write the spotless article myself, then i recently got a scribe, complementary from an idea from Hireshmont, so thats where your errors are so HA!

Itoruntian Idiotic Geniuses!

Anyone else read the latest issues of the Itorunt Informer? Ill admit, i took a look. After all, im one of their only veiwers. They even changed their format! In fact it looked very very familliar. In fact, it looks just like ours! Strange huh? Oh, it also mentions somthing about Cartors interveiw! It was a delightful little piece, ive never seen somebody twist the words like they did! Magnificient job! OH, and under their predictions, somthing about half of my men getting drunk and dissapearing? Well, so you know, they have famillies and wives to go home to, and they will also have a victory to celebrate, so i see that prediction coming true. WOW! They got one thing right! Yssaria did take Supra, duh, thats old news, but how long to you really think they're going to keep it, i mean come on, our capital is right next to it! Are you really that stupid? I thought the editors of the Itorunt Informer were just a little smarter than this...

More Preditions!

10)The Itorunt Informer Copies the CC's format in an attempt to get more views!
11)The Itorunt Informer is going to post more garbage!

Oh wait. Those have happened! Are we good or what?

Supra joined Yssaria?!

Well folks, i much as i hate to say it, Supra is gone. After 6 days(turns) of brutality from Yssaria, Supra fianlly gave in. Several peasants gave their lives for what they knew was right. But they could resist no more. Dont worry Supra! We're comin!

On the brighter side of things, we got some more preditions for this months issue!:

7)Docs gonna throw more hollow threats at us! Yeaaah! Thats always a favorite!
8)I am going to castrate King Eleran on the battlefield!
9)Yssaria abdicates thier castrated king!

Got any other preditions for this issue? Post it in the discussion board and if they're good enough, ill post'em in the next article!

Turns out...

The new format didnt work. OH WELL! You can check out the monthy battle reveiw here though: Caligan Monthy Battle Review

Interveiw with Cartor (Duke of Domus)

What are your Veiws on the Recent Fighting with Yssaria?

The recent fighting? I believe they have foughten as one, and won as one. Only if we can achieve a battle like that, we can win again. Mainly they just changed tactics, and we are adjusting. Although their new tactics have payed off in battle, the make little progress. Supra will stand loyal to us for very long and will not foil us soon, Yssaria should take notice of that. Lets say we had some bad experiences this last week, but I see many devoted people to tip the scales back in our favor.

What are your Veiws on the Recent Interview with King Eleran?

Actually I don’t care about the interview, I haven’t read it and I don’t want to. I can’t imagin anything else coming out of his mouth but dum Doughnut jokes and proclamations such as “We will stop this war when Domus is taken, because there is no such place as ‘Home’” His brother was yet another corps, and he himself can’t be anything else than the next.

What are your Veiws on Itorunt?

Itorunt is ór the leader behind this southern resistance ór another puppet. I believe they are the second, they dance in Ibladeshians favor, and they smile while doing it. Although I had some reports concerning an authorithy clash between Doomgiver and an Itoruntian Council Member that clearly show Itorunt is getting sick of this treatment.

What are your Veiws on Their Newspaper the Itorunt Informer?

As my units name was, Itorunt Informer My ***, I will not say they are swines, I will not say they ‘make things up’. But they surely give the people what they want to hear, and if needed they’ll adjust the articles to reach that goal. Our newspaper can’t erase what they say, and they can’t erase what we say, we can only continue to quarrel and feel good for a few minutes waiting for their reply.

What are your Views with the whole ordeal in the north?

Sirion is weak, really, as a realm Sirion is way weaker than suspected. It’s real power lays in his puppets. They like to focus on an enemy, and then swamp over them with 4 to 1. Oligarch will make it, but its regions will be gravely destroyed. When Yssaria is finished, Sirion will cry when hearing about the day they declared war on us.

What are your Veiws with the Perdan/Ubent and Itorunt/Ibladesh War?

Ibladesh is finished, Itorunt is the Great Savior, well they’re just buying time for those up north. Perdan managed to weaken the walls of Ibladesh City from a lvl 5 or 4 to only a 2, and now Ubent thought it was time to engage in full strenght. Ibladesh is finished, the best thing Perdan could do now is destroy the army of Ibladesh, ruin the regions, move to the North and let Ubent handle the TOs.

What do you make of all the recent rebelling in Old Rancagua?

I don’t really know, OR is totally messed up, they don’t know what they are fighting for, they don’t know with who they are fighting anymore. They just decided to strike at anyone in sight, so lets start a rebellion… I wouldn’t think further than that.

What do you direction do you think Kalmar Islands is going?

Direction? Nowhere soon I’m afraid, they’re stuck in a neverending circle. They have monsters to fight but no men to fight with, but they can’t recruit because their regions are in too bad shape, and the regions are in bad shape because th monsters are ravaging there. We send food to keep their villagers alive, as much as we can miss, but food aren’t soldiers.

Any other thoughts or statements you would like to make?

Itorunt, you are helping your dying master. Sure you can kick me in the chins in your next ‘Issue’, but I’m not going to be reading it, BTW what are you going to say: “Stupid jokes and nonscence”? Well, sorry I brought Eleran into this, I should have known you would want to bring him down.

Ouch! Thats a blow to the grion aint it? Then again, i wouldnt know, im a woman, but at least we all know how Cartor feels, and im sure hes not the only one in Caligus who feels the same way!

Well Here We Are!

And it aint even April! How do you (the readers) like the new format? For critics, shut up its staying this way whether you want it to or not! (jk) Well we got a new little column to upkeep the battles. Few things you can expect this month:

1)Interveiw with Cartor(Duke of Domus)
2)Interveiw with Queen Qywnyth?
3)Caligus takes Abadan!
4)Caligus Takes Mashhad!
5)Caligus takes Hamadan!
6)The Itorunt Informer gets run out of business by the Caligan Courier!

Need i continue? Its gonna be a great issue! Last issue was a smashing success coming in with a final count of 650 views!(estimated) And you know what? THIS issue will top that and all of the Itorunt Informers issues put together! W00T W00T!