Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/1018/February

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5th February

Day -- Poryatu

Donald Augustus Allan

Men hurried to their positions, the clank of armour and harsh cry of voices drowning out all other noise. Overhead the golden sun of House Allan danced a little in the breeze, the white on the banner had been darkened slightly from hours of marching. The company formed alongside the Dupont Guard, which by now numbered only 11 men. Donald Augustus rode at the head of his unit, he sat astride a great white horse draped in the colours of his house. As the men formed up he looked across the plains and saw the beasts headed towards the small party of Lurian soldiers. A gibbering pack of abominations that bounded across the grassland, their foul stench permeated the air and filled his heart with dread. He signalled the Captains to form ranks and then dismounted his horse. When he had set out from Askileon over a year ago, Donald had been captivated by the idea of Lurian mounted Knight: armour gleaming in the sun with one hand resting upon a fine lance, he had aspired for this. But as many man with eyes could have told you, he was far more comfortable facing this threat standing on his own two feet, and he handing the reins of his horse to a squire. He stepped forward and turned to face the amassed warriors “Men of Luria! Fear not these creatures! Stand strong and do not let fear overcome you and we shall claim victory once more time!”

His usual composure that of unwavering confidence, was not difficult to maintain. Donald’s ability to appear before his fellow man with a resolve not unlike stone was his greatest skill, and even with a pack of abject horrors bearing down on him was unable to shake this. Nobody save Donald would know how terrified he was, these creatures were worth at least three warriors each, and these men were his responsibility. He returned to the ranks as the men cheered and found himself standing beside Sir Benedict, “Stand fast Sir Knight, this shall be over before we even know it” he said.

With that the men locked their shields and awaited the monsters who drew closer by the second. They moved rapidly across the plains, but as they neared the Lurian soldiers they seemed to quicken once again. One of the Captains barely had time to call for the men to brace before the beasts fell upon them.

The terrible creatures hurled themselves forward, their claws and fangs cutting, slashing and devouring the men of the front ranks leading several dead in a flash. Donald barely dodged one of the beasts who quickly decapitated one of the men nearby. He lunged forward in fear and fury and plunged his blade in the head of the beast, which recoiled and released a guttural scream.

With barely a second to find his feet another abomination slammed a clawed hand in to his shield splitting it instantly before being raised high for another swing. Donald reacted quickly and cleaved his blade across the monster’s malformed arm, cleaving apart its grey skin and spraying blood across his sword. The monster growled in pain and recoiled for a moment before leaping forward and crashed in to Donald, throwing him backwards.

He landed on one knee, sending pain lunging throughout his body and slung his sword in a wide, wild arc. The tip connected with the creature but it remained undeterred and made ready to strike once more. Donald let out a cry of fear and fury and with all his strength leap from his shaken knee and cleaved at the creature. He felt his blade connect with the wounded arm-like limb and then sever the thing completely.

He felt strong, powerful even! He pulled back his blood drenched blade and struck the thing once again, finally finishing it off. He grinned a savage grin and and thrust his sword in to the air in celebration.

He stood there for a moment, gathering himself, his adrenaline fuelled brain trying to make sense of it all. Then he became suddenly aware of his fatigue and his armour grew heavy, he buckled slightly under its weight on his exhausted body. Steeling himself he remained standing and turned his attention to the battlefield where fighting still raged. “F*ck” he said, all his manners and etiquette forgotten “There’s loads of the bastards”

He allowed himself a moment of rest before bearing his weapon once more and re-joining the fighting.

14th February

Day -- White Coast

Sofia Nistalia

Finally, Giask.

Her arrival was as grandious as the one before, crowds chanted her name as her men walked through, the banner of her house proudly risen, and the commoners swarmed the docks even before her arrival. In her mind, more important matters banished as she forced a smile, her men marching through the city in a parade to commemorate the victory on Garuck Udor. It was, by all standards, makeshift and quick, but it worked for her. The chanting of "Saint of Santoo" and "Hero of Luria" bolstered the flames of faith within her.

Her plans were working as she planned, and soon it would all work as she wanted.

20th February

Day -- Giask

Aldrakar Renodin

Sir. The messenger intoned. The man was of middling age and enjoyed the confidence of advancing years and dutiful service. The Knight of Askileon, Sir Jeffrey of House Birkenhead has accepted your challenge to a training duel. Warm eyes glanced over to the parchment in the messenger's hand. Good. I look forward to test the mettle of this new Generation. Aldrakar spoke quietly as he inspected the swords on display at the academia.