JeVondair Family/Family Tree

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JeVondair Family Heraldry

JeVondair Family
Fame 43
Wealth 4640
Home Region Desert of Silhouettes
Home World Dwilight

JeVondair Family Tree

*  = Duke/Duchess **= Ruler ***=Duke/Duchess+Ruler
+  = Marriage/Coupling
:  = Banker
^^ = Judge
<> = General
~  = Adventurer
!  = Religion Founder
°  = Guildmaster 

                                                    +                  +
               Eastersands                   ***Khari Kye***  ***<:~Selenia~:>***-
                    |                               |                  |          \       
(knighted from related clan by Rynn)<:~Kharyn Kye~:>- Kyryn Kye        |           \
                    |                                                  +        (rescued)         
           -----------------------------                              ???           |
           |                           |                               |            |
***°!<^:Rania Eastersand:^>!°*** **<Mavia Eastersand>**       Högni Peredhel  ~Ayden Tórrarin~