Beluaterra/Sixth Age

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The Sixth Age of Beluaterra

The period since the end of the Fifth Invasion unto the present.

First Age of Beluaterra | Second Age of Beluaterra | Third Age of Beluaterra | Fourth Age of Beluaterra | Fifth Age of Beluaterra | Sixth Age of Beluaterra

The Rupturing of Beluaterra - and the Beginning of the sixth Age

Taking Stock

As prophesied, one month after the death of Overlord in Battle, the daimon gates did close. Thus, on July 20th of the year 1012 the fifth invasion was over - humanity had once again survived the onslaught of the daimons. The cost had been horrendous - roughly half of the lands under human control before the begin of the fifth invasion did lie in ruins, populated by a few hundred souls. Other regions had been drawn into the netherworld, most notably the cities of Vur Hagin, Fengen, Enweilios and Fwuvoghor...and with them a rim of regions situated between these cities. On the other hand large swaths of land had been freed from the blight by human steel: to the north, west and south lands that had long been lost were now accessible.

Of the realms holding lands at the begin of the invasions all had survived except IVF (OOC: need the full realm name - can't find it anywhere...) though most were much reduced in land and strength:


(OOC: if anyone knows a better way to capture a map of Belu, please tell me....)

  • Enweil: 7 regions, 1 city, 1.100 economic strength
  • Fronen: 7 regions, 1 city, 4.000 economic strength
  • Melhed: 12 regions, 3 cities, 7.100 economic strength
  • Nothoi: 7 regions, 1 city, 1.800 economic strength
  • Old Grehk: 13 regions, 2 cities and 1 stronghold, 6.300 economic strength
  • Riombara: 10 regions, 2 cities, 5.200 economic strength
  • Sint: 17 regions, 3 cities, 6.500 economic strength
  • Thalmarkin: 11 regions, 1 city, 3.400 economic strength

The Beginning of an Age

With the closing of the gates six daimon hosts were marooned on Belutarra...leaderless but still fearsome. Even while realms started to expand again, these hosts were hunted and within a month all but one had been eliminated.

Even while this was happening, the firm human alliance that had held against all daimon trickery started to fracture: Thalmarkin and Melhed were at odds about the ownership of Lastfell, then held by Thalmarkin, the sole possibility to cross the river dividing both realms. Melhed wanted access to the rogue lands in the north, Thalmarkin felt it unwise to give another realm access to a region next to their capital. That denying Lastfell to Melhed would prevent Melhed from expanding northwards was likely not overlooked in Thalmarkin....which had expanded rapidly in the north, taking 6 regions and a city.

In the south Enweil did take the rogue Ete City - which led to diplomatic difficulties with Riombara. The former claimed that even though it had been riombaran swords freeing the city, this would not result in any rights to it. The latter saw that a bit different, claiming it for the exiles from IVF and Enweil which had joined Riombara to continue the fight after the destruction of IVF and the capitulation of Enweil.

In the center, the rogue city of Creasur become a focus. Claimed by Nothoi, Enweil - which withdrew its claim later -, Old Grehk and Fronen it looked like being accepted that Nothoi would take the city. This would enable Nothoir to give back Dyomoque to Fronen which had lent the city to Nothoi after that realms last city had fell to the horrors, thus enabling Nothoi to survive.

Ah, greed, lust and the machinations of power. After the brilliant and shining bravery during the fifth invasion, after countless deeds worthy to be sung about, how long would it take to see dark columns of smoke rising again to mark where humans would be slaughtering humans?


Enweil takes Ete City on July 27th, Riombara takes Grehk on August 7th, Fronen takes Wudenkin on August 9th - but as the clerks are confused, the banner of Nothoi is raised instead. The city is handed back to Fronen a few days later, however it revolts immediately. Fronen retakes the city on August 16th, Riombara takes Irombro near the end of the month. Nothoi takes Creasur on September 4th, Riombara takes Jidington on the 5th, again Nothoi takes Reeds on September 20th. Sint takes Fianik on the 28th. With that only Heen and Taghalez in the west, Iato in the southwest and Eylmon in the south are yet rogue.