Beluaterra/Fifth Invasion/Fronen/letters

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this page kept here for reference in documenting the invasion, they should be considered OOC knowledge.

Letters from December

Report from Regis Lancastershire (20 days, 4 hours ago)


An early warning - there have been some discussions amongst the rulers about some strange priests sighted, claiming to worship daimons. It appears that the rural regions have also aligned with the daimon presence. ... Regis Lancastershire Doge of Fronen

Peasant Revolt (20 days, 3 hours ago) The people in Tey Gren are revolting! 26 gold have been stolen from various tax collector offices. Production is dropping 5 points. Revolting peasants have done something unthinkable - they lynched the local civil servants and vowed loyalty to Netherworld instead! As if peasants could decide who rules them!

Report from Katrina Harte (19 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (31 recipients) The "Overlord" is in IVF with a Daimon hoard. Katrina Harte Senator of Jyl

Request from Marec Alumaani (19 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to the Judges of Beluaterra (9 recipients) Fellow Judges,

I have the 1st son of the Netherworld in my dungeon after his until raped, pillaged and burnt my home region. I do not know how long we can hold him and I have asked him a few questions and I am shocked bu his reply.

I would ask you now as brothers to work with us against these creatures. The north does not seem convinced that we are under threat but the 1st son foretells an invasion:

"We are bringing the light to those crawling under the oppression of darkness. We are the salvation of your people, for only our words are true. False priests have spread heresy since last the darkness walked the land.

You believe that mankind was victorious. But it was not. It has been subverted and tainted. Mankind is but inches away from being enslaved for all eternity. We bring freedom, if it is not too late already.

1st Son (Priest of Daimon Worship)"

If you have questions you would like me to ask then please pass them on, we may not have much time...

Regards Marec Alumaani Mirovoy Sud'ya of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na, Senator of Pequad

Letter from Ian Kelly (18 days, 23 hours ago) Message sent to the Judges of Beluaterra (9 recipients) I can confirm that Sint has the 2nd Son in it's jail, I will update this group on any information disclosed by him Ian Kelly Haruspex Maximus of Sint

Report from Neel Mosss (18 days, 22 hours ago) Message sent to: Caitiri, Cyrilos, Ian, Marec, Nymatal, Pyrix, Valentine, Yorick To all the Human Judges, It seems like the loyal people of Tepmona showed the Daimon priest a piece of their mind egen he tried his tricks on them.

3rd Son, a priest of Daimon Worship - can not be arrested because he is in no shape to be dragged off to your dungeon and survive. I can confirm that the 3rd son is beaten Black-and-blue by my people when he tried to preach in front of them. He will be arrested on sight, after he recovers. Neel Mosss Praetor of Melhed, Count of Rengo

Letter from Overlord (18 days, 18 hours ago) Message sent to the Judges of Beluaterra (9 recipients) Ridiculous maggot. My son did no such thing. It was my entourage that taught your peasants a lesson after they did not show the appropriate humility when we honoured them by devouring their cattle and children.

If you have something to say to me, meet me and say it to my face. My sons are weak for dabbling with you mortals. Do me a favour and teach them a lesson in brutality. Overlord

Report from Marec Alumaani (18 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to the Judges of Beluaterra (9 recipients) Letter from 1st Son (13 hours, 13 minutes ago)

All depends on the actions of mankind. Yes, father has no soft spots.

We preach that mankind can survive, by embracing the light. Others have tried before, but were not listened to, or misunderstood, or betrayed. Which is why we insisted on this attempt against fathers wishes.

If you stand on the beach, and a floodwave is approaching, do you stand against it and reject all water as your enemy? Or do you embrace the wave and flow with it, knowing that the highest power brings life as well as death?

The wave is coming. You can flow with it, or think yourself a hero who has to stand his ground, only to be crushed into it. You can do to me whatever it is you want to do, we knew about the risk when we set foot into your lands. It will change nothing. We are not the wave, we are only the doves who are the signs of its approach. 1st Son (Priest of Daimon Worship) Marec Alumaani Mirovoy Sud'ya of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na, Senator of Pequad

Report from Marec Alumaani (18 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to the Judges of Beluaterra (9 recipients) Letter from Overlord (13 hours ago)

You have questions? They can be answered, if you have the courage to ask them in person, or at least send someone worthy of my attention. Do not bother my presence with these paper-carrying peasants. If you have questions, ask. If you have things to say, speak. Ink on paper is not worth my attention.

Overlord Marec Alumaani Mirovoy Sud'ya of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na, Senator of Pequad

Report from Marec Alumaani (15 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to the Judges of Beluaterra (9 recipients) Letter from Overlord (6 hours, 26 minutes ago)

Finally someone with some brains. As a reward, I shall answer two of your questions.

One, I am here to destroy your pathetic race. Mankind is a failure and has almost thrown this plane to the undead. If it had not been for our costly battles in what you call the Blight over many months, you would all once again be in an alliance with the unliving. We will not risk another failure of this magnitude.

My sons believe that man, or at least some men, can make servants or even vassals. What a pile of nonsense. Slaves and soulforge fuel is all you are good for. But I have agreed to let them try and convince you fools to join the Dominion voluntarily. I have agreed to accept any who do as subordinates and only kill or enslave the rest.

Overlord Marec Alumaani Mirovoy Sud'ya of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na, Senator of Pequad

Letter from 3rd Son (12 days, 15 hours ago) My brother tells me that humans are organized in a hierarchy, and that speaking with the lord of the lands may be more beneficial than speaking with the peasants.

But we are forbidden from dealing with those who are victims of the false faiths. So I need to make sure first that you are not one of them. 3rd Son (Priest of Daimon Worship)

Letter from 3rd Son (12 days ago) Are you willing to listen to wisdom and glimpses of the coming future, then? It is not too late to save your race, but it requires leaving the comfort of the lies you have been told. 3rd Son (Priest of Daimon Worship)

Letter from 3rd Son (10 days, 21 hours ago) Finally someone with an open mind.

There have been those who speak to you about gods and angels and devils and demons. They are all of them misled. All your gods are beings from our world, who crossed over and mingled in your affairs. We are powerful beings, as you well know, and with a bit of trickery, it is easy to fool you into believing whatever we want you to believe.

But the elders no longer approve of these crossings, which is why your gods have forsaken you. Our wars in what you call the blight were costly, and could have been avoided. The elders blame your race for failing us and allying with the enemy. They have decided to not risk another failure. In the logic of the Netherworld, this means purging the source - mankind.

Some of us believe that there is a place for mankind within the Dominion. We believe that once you see the glory and power of the Netherworld, you will realize that being a vassal of the Dominion is an honour. It certainly beats being its slaves or being exterminated.

Some do not share our sentiments. They call us soft and call for immediate destruction of your race. We can delay them, but not for much longer. The darkness is coming, and it will swallow all those who have not found their salvation with us. 3rd Son (Priest of Daimon Worship)

Letter from 3rd Son (9 days, 18 hours ago) The Dominion is our presence on this plane. The Netherworld is our home, though we refer to ourselves as denizens of the Netherworld even if we are not there.

As the Dominion will be the only thing still standing after the darkness has swallowed the rest, being a part of the Dominion means surviving. Others in the Netherworld claim that mankind should be exterminated. Some of us believe you need a strong guiding hand and can make worthy subjects.

Darkness is coming soon, and it will do the will of those who would rather see your race swept away. Time is of the essence! Make your voice heard amongst your kind! We are the only path towards survival and salvation you have. The others will not rest until you are all gone. They will not retreat, they will not give up. They will come again and again and again. They will not listen and they will show no mercy. They will fight among themselves only over whether you should all be killed, or enslaved. 3rd Son (Priest of Daimon Worship)

Letter from Rolf Carmel (8 days, 20 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "The Senate" (14 recipients) Talks with 1st Son.....

Letter from Rolf Carmel (12 hours, 40 minutes ago) (Personal message to 1st Son ) You must know from past dealings with Humans that messages of doom alone rarely sway their decisions. However in the spirit of knowledge and cooperation can you tell me what form the submission would take. For example would it be ordered that our forces should attack other Humans? Would we have any free action at all?

Rolf Carmel Duke of Dyomoque

Letter from 1st Son (9 hours ago) If you had no free actions, you would not be vassals, but slaves. That is the difference. A vassal accepts the superiority of his lord, but other than that retains his freedom. He stands by his lord as an ally against his enemies, but he doesn't follow blindly, he follows with his heart and mind intact.

That is how we hope to convince father and the elders - by showing that humans are more useful to the Dominion with their hearts and minds intact, than as slaves or feed for the soulforges.

Yes, we bring messages you may have heard before. But before, there was no darkness covering your lands. Before, there was no almost-victory of the undead. Before, there was no decree declaring the destruction of the human race.

Joining the Dominion is your only way out this time. The others will not reason with you, discuss or argue. Try. I think they probably ignore you entirely, the way you ignore the rats scuttling for safety when you do pest control.

We sons are the only ones who even wish to reach your hearts and minds. All the others you will meet, you will meet on the battlefield and nowhere else. And there they will not seek victory, they will not accept surrender nor be satisfied with your defeat - destruction is the only goal.

1st Son (Priest of Daimon Worship) Rolf Carmel Duke of Dyomoque

Report from Lucius Geronus (7 days, 15 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in message group "The Senate" (14 recipients) You have reached the primitive temple of the order "Daimon Worship". There is a sign next to the entrance reading:

Daimon Worship Death to Mankind The destruction of mankind is our purpose and goal. Nothing short of total annihilation will suffice.

This is in Tey Gren. I saw it was here and thought I'd better see what it was like. Sir Lucius Geronus Savio della Guerra of Fronen, Duke of Vur Hagin, Marshal of the Guardia d'Argento

Feb letters

Letter from 1st Son (Feb 2nd) Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra (9 recipients) I has been a long time since I contacted you. In the meantime, many things have happened and you almost certainly trust me less, not more.

And yet, you know that I have spoken the truth in all things that I said. What I did not do was tell you everything, of course. But if you can curb your anger for a moment you realize that you could always count on my words. That is what I hope for with this letter.

The south is fallen. Enweil is losing its capital and has no steam left in it to prevent it. IVF has lost their former capital and their new one is still damaged, and going to be damaged even more as father is fulfilling his promise of showing that he can sack any of your capitals any time he chooses. Riombara has been almost wiped out and will need time before it can return to the battlefield. Honestly, if they were smarter they would have realized by now they are the only remaining power in the south and taken advantage of fathers offer as long as there is still land in the south worth to get.

But more importantly, the alliance you once forged has broken apart, has it not? Down in the south we do not see united armies anymore, we see three realms fighting for their own survival. Up in the north we see realms taking new land while we smash their brothers, and never since Piwani have more than three realms sent armies against us at once. And our spies report that so much information is lost between you. Your unity has been lost, and that makes you even weaker.

Why am I saying what you already know? Not to dash your hopes - that is fathers job - but to remind you that we made an offer of surrender once. Know that we respect strength and strength alone. You need to surrender while you are on your feet. We do not accept surrender by beaten opponents. Once you are down in the dirt at our feet, you are going to be stomped into the dirt, surrender or not.

Think about these words once more. You have seen what we can do. Your arrogance has been tempered. One day, you will have to answer the question why you allowed the darkness to swallow your lands and your people. Why you did not prevent endless suffering when it took but a few words to do so. Go into the streets of your capital. Visit a shop. Gather the shop owner and his family. Look them in the eyes and tell them that you are giving them to the Daimons, to endless pain and suffering, loss of everything they own and everyone they love, because you are too proud to bend your knee.

1st Son (Priest of Daimon Worship)

Letter from 1st Son (Feb 3rd) Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra (9 recipients) Now I see where your mistake is.

You think that death awaits you.

But that is not the case, unless you fall on your sword. We are heating the Soulforges for your kind. There is not going to be a merciful death. Eternal pain and suffering is your future, and your soul will be denied to your gods. Do you think the thousands of humans who pray to us are praying for good weather, forgiveness of their sins and fulfillment of their petty wishes? No, of course not. We have told and shown them what we are. They pray to be spared the future we have in store for the rest of you. One glimpse at what you will be when we get you is all it takes to convince most of them.

1st Son (Priest of Daimon Worship)

Sir Lucius Geronus Doge of Fronen, Marshal of the Guardia d'Argento