Von Richthofen Family

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"Nothing shall Stop Us."~Motto of the Patriarch, Lothar.

Family Estate: Perdan City, Perdan, Eastern Continent

Members of the Dark Family


Former Marshal of the Caligus Red Gryphons, Councillor of Caligus, Keeper of the Keys of Sanctus Acies, The eldest living male in the von Richthofen line. A devotee to the Crown, he has served with distinction in wars against Perdan, Westmoor, Fontan, and Ibladesh. He has several mental conditions, making him somewhat unpredictable in public, and rather volatile when drinking... which is often. Appearance: Typically wears a white or red silk shirt and black breeches, black riding boots with a short dagger and medium length blade. dark cloak at night, white with red trim during the day. Only ornamentation is the silver rose pin used to clasp his cloak, always there on the field or no. On the field, he wears a breastplate, helm, and the same weapons, long campaigns he brings a small shield (think buckler). Banner: Cendrée Fox Stalking facing Sinister, on a Pean Field.

  • Woelfen, the Cursed

Former Baron of Eldoret, Former Vice Marshal of Perdan's Crimson Wing, Warrior Saint of Sanctus Acies. Living back on Dwilight in near poverty due to the lack of motivation in taking back Darfix, gladly took up the call and came to aid his warlike kinsman. With his Shadowflight darkening the sky along with the remainder of the Caligan forces, the Siege of Partora quickly became a rout, with Caligus dominating the defenders and taking the city. Immediately following the end of the Second Perdan-Caligus war, Woelfen became a Priest and worked diligently to protect his flock. After an attempted murder by an Ibladeshian infiltrator, Woelfen resumed combat duties, and has lead the Shadowflight on to great success against the Diocese of Aix. Appearance: Wears a grey tunic with a blue tabard (order of the blue flame) over it, black breeches, heavily worked boots and a grey floppy hat with a white plume when in home lands, supple leather armour of grey and green when in the field. Stilleto dagger and a bow are his weapons. Banner: Or Boar to the Dexter, on a Pale split Purpure-Gules Field.

  • Berwin, the Humble

Youngest of the line, Berwin is looking to make a name for himself in Arcaea. He is the black sheep of the family though, as he is polite and kind to everyone, and apparently has no mental defects. As such, he was not invited to the most recent gathering of the family, and is not welcome to visit the family estate in Perdan at any time due to the various compliments he pays everyone. Appearance: Wears an orange shirt with blue breeches, a white scarf, dark riding boots, and a heavily plumed tricorne hat. In the field, full plate mail that is decorated and showy along with a lance is the only way for him to fight. A small blade is attached to his saddle for when it is needed. Banner: Argent Dragon on a Sable Field, facing the Dexter

  • Klaus, the Noble

-Deceased- A military prodigy and first of the family line, he helped order and bring about the assault on Muspelheim. Having been fed up with the repeated overlookings of the higher ups, he led a small revolt and was immediately captured. Upon release from Prison, he committed suicide due to his failure.

  • Jens, the Wanderer

-Deceased- Had lived in The Cagilan Empire, Riombara, Arcachon, and after returning to Atamara was killed by a stray arrow while fighting for Darka in foreign lands.

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