Deytheur Family

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The Deytheur Family's claim to nobility is through Nesta Deytheur, the current matriarch of the family. Whilst unusual for a woman to inherit, on the death of Nesta's childless brother, her husband Merfyn made a claim to the family name and estates. However, outlying members of the family were unhappy with these circumstances and so Merfyn and Nesta gathered their fortune and left their dynasty in search of a new realm.

They made their way to the newly colonised islands of Dwilight but there they encountered a ferocious storm. The ship was ravaged by the wind and the rain but they never found themselves in complete darkness. In the sky above were three red stars, all standing out from the other consellations. By these stars they managed to navigate the storm with no lives lost, though the ship was damaged.

Arriving in the nearest port they learned of Sanguis Astroism, a relgion that worshipped the three red stars, which were called the Bloodstars. Furthermore the place they had landed was Mimer, the capital of Corsanctum, the Sacred Heart of Sanguis Astroism. Feeling protected by the Stars they decided to end their travels and set up home there.

They have worked hard in Mimer to gain a name for themselves and have been admitted to court but the fame of the family is nothing to what it was in their homeland and they and their children, Alana, Siana and Elisedd are constantly striving to restore it.