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Government of the Republic

Slab I. - Public Law

  • 1)No privileges, or statutes, shall be enacted in favour of private persons, to the injury of others contrary to the law common to all citizens, and which individuals, no matter of what rank, have a right to make use of
  • 2)The same rights shall be conferred upon, and the same laws shall be considered to have been enacted for all the people residing in and beyond Agyr, that have been enacted for good and steadfast Melite citizens.
  • 3)The five strata of the Republic are two high: the Senate, the Patricians; and three low: the Equites, the Plebeians, and the Proletarii.
  • 4)When a judge, or an arbiter appointed to hear a case, accepts money, or other gifts, for the purpose of influencing his decision, he shall suffer the penalty of death
  • 5)When a magistrate employs their authority unlawfully they are to be removed from office.
  • 6)No decision with reference to the life or liberty of a Melite citizen not covered in the laws shall be rendered by the vote of the Senate.
  • 7)If anyone should stir up war against his country or delivers a Melite citizen into the hands of the enemy, this is a capitol crime, and they shall be punished with death
  • 8)Societies and associations which have the right to assemble, can make, promulgate, and confirm for themselves such contracts and rules as they may desire; provided nothing is done by them contrary to public enactments, or which does not violate the common law
  • 9)Every citizen has the right to speak freely and accept the consequences of their words.

Slab II - Government

  • 1)The governing body of the Republic is the Senate Strata.
  • 2)The Senate Strata is composed of all legally elected members of the Patrician Strata who are elevated to magister offices. The full list of offices is located in Slab III.
  • 3)The Senate represents the Emperor and is the legislative body of the Republic. The Senate determines every aspect of realm governance through Conventus held in the Curia.
  • 4)Affairs of great importance shall not be transacted without the vote by the Senate, with whom rests the power to condemn citizens, dictate policy and to enact laws. Laws subsequently passed always take preference over former ones
  • 5)Changes to the law by addition, subtraction or alteration requires two thirds of all Senators to vote and be in favour of the proposal to pass.
  • 6)All writ of the Senate is unassailable. To oppose the Senate is to oppose the Republic and is a capitol crime.
  • 7)Conventus begins with the presenting of a matter for vote to either the Consul, Praetor or Quaestor. Should one of these magistrates accept the matter for vote they become the presiding magistrate and a list of Senators is drafted to represent each distinct side of the issue, the proposing Senator is given preference.
  • 8)The selected Senators are given till the next dawn or dusk, whichever is farthest, to confirm. Should the top most Senator decline or refuse to accept the placement the first to accept will be given the position, here after known as Orator.
  • 9)The Orators alternate presenting three statements: Opening, Rebuttal and Closing. The statements may not shift type until all Orators have presented that type.
  • 10)After the three statements are concluded for all Orators, or the presiding magistrate declares the debate closed, the Senate has two days to vote, naming the Orator who's position they favour. A simple majority wins.
  • 11)The Curia is open to all highborn. The low may listen to events recounted by speakers in the Forum Publicus where all decisions are declared and debates proclaimed as they occur.
  • 12)Those who do not vote or govern for more then one month consecutive are requested to explain themselves. If no acceptable explanation is presented in the subsequent month they are asked to step down from office.
  • 13)In times of conflict the senate may choose to provide the individuals with Imperium, usually the Imperator. Those with Imperium possess the authority to command the legions, using whatever strategy they see fit to bring about the will of the Senate without need to seek their approval.

Slab III – Offices The Republic recognizes the following offices, who's rolls are outlined below.

  • 1)The Aeldie is charged with organizing games and entertainment for the people of the Republic and running the Arena. They are elected once every three months, by referendum. They are elected once every three months, simple majority wins, all highborn may run and vote in the referendum.
  • 2)The Augur is charged with understanding the will of the Gods. Ensuring the people know the flow of the future, and perform the proper rituals to sanctify the public places. They are elected once every three months, simple majority wins, all highborn of the Old Gods may run and vote in the referendum.
  • 3)The Centurion is charged with commanding the Wolf legion sent out on mercenary pursuits. Ensuring the legion is successful; they have the final authority on matters of the legion during the expedition. Is elected upon the office becoming available. Said individuals can be removed from office by senatorial vote.
  • 4)The Consul is a member of the senate charged with guiding the republic through balance. Ensuring the senate is informed of foreign events by relaying the messages and conveying the senate's will to foreign powers. They are elected once every three months, simple majority wins, all highborn may run, the Senate may vote by secret ballet.
  • 5)The Imperator is charged with commanding the Legion. Ensuring the whole Legion is successful, and well supplied. They are expected to provide tactical expertise to accomplish the goals outlined by the Senate. Is elected from the highborn by the highborn with simple majority upon the office becoming available, can be removed from office by senatorial vote.
  • 6)The Legetus is charged with speaking to foreign powers. Ensuring the Republic is well represented, and smoothing out any tensions. They are expected to provide diplomatic expertise, and inform foreigners of Republic law. Is elected from the highborn by the highborn with simple majority upon the office becoming available, can be removed from office by senatorial vote.
  • 7)The Orators are Senators charged with debating in the Senate on a topic. Each side of a debate has one Orator, responsible for presenting arguments in turn, until its conclusion. The position changes from each issue to the next.
  • 8)The Praetor is charged with overseeing legal matters, providing impartial mediation to conflict and enforcing the laws on behalf of the Senate. They judge charges brought forward by others based on arguments presented by both parties. As the official speaker on international cases they are elected once every three months by majority vote. Any highborn may run for office and votes may be cast in secret by the Senate.
  • 9)The Quaestor is charged with maintaining the economy of the Republic. Ensuring the Republic is well fed and efficient, maintaining the state treasury and organizing its use with Senatorial order. They are elected once every three months, simple majority wins, all highborn may run and vote in the referendum.
  • 10)The Senators govern a single province in the Domain, administrating their territory on behalf of the Republic. They collectively make up the Senate, the legislative body of the Republic. Senate positions are determined by election. They are elected upon a province being available, simple majority wins, all highborn may run and vote in the referendum. If the position is a city or stronghold, only current senators are eligible to run. Positions are held until either: retirement, abdication for dereliction of duty, or the territory is lost. In the case where the territory is lost the senator retains their rank for one month, during which they automatically gain the title if the region is reclaimed. A person can run again for office in the future if they wish.
  • 11)The Tribune is charged with defending the interests of the Equites, Plebeians, and Proletarii Strata on the Senate. Ensuring the lower strata are provided for and treated well. They are the representative of the Senate with the Proletarii. The Tribune is elected from the high born by a joint simple majority vote of all strata in the capitol on the day of the election. They hold office for three months.

Slab IV – Tax Laws

  • 1)All citizens pay taxes to the Republic.
  • 2)Each province is an independent region for taxed under the authority of the residing senator.
  • 3)Every Senator must set aside a portion of their province tax income toward the Republic. Urban provinces pay 10%, rural 5%.
  • 4)Senators must provide a minimum of 20% of a province tax income to each knight.
  • 5)The Quaestor will be responsible for keeping the Republic's treasury.
  • 6)Expenditures of 1000 gold or more from the treasury must be approved by the Senate.
  • 7)If the Quaestor is in doubt, the treasury must be handed over to the Praetor. The Praetor will return the treasury to the Quaestor when they are no longer in doubt, or a new Quaestor has been found.