Keepers of Lore/History/Pian en Luries/Alanna/Amaury-Brom-Proslyn

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The Fall and Rebuilding of Giask

The tragedies of the Lurians did not end with the disappearance of Grand Imperator William. Not long after Lord Amaury was promoted to his new office as a Grand Imperator of the realm, the southern Duchy of Giask fell into anarchy. For many years the city had suffered from starvation, and as it turned out, also from an indifferent and careless attitude of Duke Chris towards the well-being of the city. Although signs of trouble had been looming over the city for quite some time, it did come as a surprise when the locals took up whatever arms they had, stormed the Duchal palace and threw the duke out of the city. Understandably dissatiesfied with the Lurian rule, the locals decided to change their loyalties to D'Hara, a distant Island Kingdom in the inner sea.

All that, however, was to be rendered useless soon. Grand Imperator Amaury swiftly ordered the armies of the realm to march to Giask and conquer it once more for Pian en Luries. Already from afar the troops could see the fires and the rising smoke, caused by uncontrolled fires set up by the looters. Several ships of trade had left the once glorious port of Giask, some likely never to return. Many peasants had begun to flee the hostile environment towards more stable Outer Giask. Long lines of ragged refugees were seen on the road to Irvington. But the looters and rebellers did not stand a chance against the well organized and efficient Lurian armies, and the city was soon flying the Lurian banner again.

For his tireless efforts for the realm, Queen Alanna appointed Lord Loathin the new Duke of Giask. This appointment was hoped to end the age old division between the northern and southern parts of the realm, as it was no secret that Queen Alanna and Duke Chris were not in the best of terms. No such concerns were raised about the appointing of Lord Loathin. Instead, many congratulations and wishes for a brighter future were offered.

An entry by Librarian Joaquim

The New Duke of Poryatown & the Election of a New Royal Arbitrator

At the very end of this council, there was much changing of seats and thrones. After stating that his work in Poryatown was now completed, Grand Master Drystan of the Order of St. Iestyn stepped down from his ducal seat, stating that it was the time for him to return to his duties of a Grand Master. Her Highness Queen Alanna appointed Marquis Brom, the Royal Abitrator of the realm as the new Duke of Poryatown. At the same time the new Duke stepped down from his position as the Royal Arbitrator, which seems to have been a requirement for the appointment. Count Serko of Cadier won the resulting election for a new Royal Arbitrator, Marchioness Gwendolyn Elorie coming far behind him in votes.

An entry by Librarian Joaquim