Melhed/History/Age of Betrayal/Undead/Undead State

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What does being undead mean? To many the word undead brings to mind the skeletal and cadaver armies of the previous invasions, but such outdated views must be placed aside in light of the Ancestors.

I know little as to why I am an undead, other than the fact that I was chosen. We know not who entrusted us with our duties, but if we don't know and we are the undead, indeed, it is merely a theory. I can only tell you that I woke up feeling "the same" with a few, obvious differences...mentally I feel as alive as anyone...physically, however, I feel like my power is virtually limitless, but I don't have most "carnal" desires--Ie Eat, Mate, etc. The only ones I still have are the desire to learn, the desire to become more perfect, the desire to accomplish my goals, etc. ~General Sarge, Ancestor Legion

The description of the undead state, the way an Ancestor feels and the driving forces, is very interesting indeed and explains a great deal more then one would first expect. Apparently the loss of Life is balanced by equal gains in the other aspects. The simplicity of the transition seems like the work of an accountant and speaks volumes of your condition. However like all things this information brought on more questions. What replaces the missing aspect? What allows you locomotion and animation? You mentioned an unknown energy that assists in healing, but what draws and binds this energy to you? All of these queries seem linked directly to the later study on magic, but with so little known of the strange power it is difficult to say.

"What allows you locomotion and animation?"

I just think it, and it happens. I sense the dead, and I can raise them as you would flick a piece of flint to create a spark.

"You mentioned an unknown energy that assists in healing, but what draws and binds this energy to you?"

I can tell you nothing of what animates me, I'm afraid. What is the source of your own life? The Soul? Where does that come from? Can't know for certain I reckon?

"You speaks as though the animation ritual is second nature to you, and yet compare it to the learned practice of fire starting"

My apologies for creating confusion, let me make it more a child you are born, and although you never "learned" how to eat, you know how to do it as you blindly reach for your mother's tit. That is how it is to me. I just know how to do it. ~General Sarge, Ancestor Legion

When the Ancestor supplying the information got injured the learning institutions quickly asked about what seemed an impossible thing until then.

Fatigue my friend...we do need rest after using up tons of energy. For instance, after raising a mighty army, I like to rest so I am sharp for battle. Whenever I take in too much damage, too much of my body is "damaged" and needs to "repair" itself with "time off." I hope this all makes sense...we regenerate rather quickly, but we can be killed, and not resurrected again and there is nothing you can do to increase my rate of healing. I wonder what I have waiting for me once I serve this duty. ~General Sarge, Ancestor Legion

Moving away from the mechanics of unlife, scholars decided to ask a few more personal questions about the Ancestor's tastes and preferences. Many thought there would be none at all, but surprises were found all around....

I can kill with any weapon, even a wooden spoon. But I can kill more with my dual swords, no need for shields with my level of for music, I have enjoyed all things with rhythm and melody, but I don't know what is "popular" these days. Do people still pay attention to the harmony of sound? You just never know with the living, I once heard a "band" claiming they were playing popular music, by clanging swords on helmets in a 'drunken' manner. The people were clapping and applauding, very strange indeed, 'heavy metal' they called it. Odd, no? ~General Sarge, Ancestor Legion

Preference means the Ancestors have substance beyond a single purpose, which brings them closer to living humans in many ways. Scholars are puzzled by this 'heavy metal' however and wonder if it might make a good weapon.

Finally scholars had to ask about a long held belief of the undead state, that it was a burden or a torment on the former living.

Do you long for the next step? I didn't in life, nor do I now. I am doing what I must, and have always done so. Whatever, and whenever, the next step comes, I will be as happy as I am now. My fate is as inevitable as the next righteous person's. ~General Sarge, Ancestor Legion

Undeath is much as the life that came before it and is but a step on the lives that come after. Who can say what the final destination of the soul is, but it seems that service, as an Ancestor is one such stage.