Sirion (Realm)/History

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Revision as of 04:26, 17 October 2009 by Corwyn (talk | contribs) (Added Old History)
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The History

Old History

Sirion was allied with Fontan and Old Rancagua in what was known as the Northern Alliance. This was a time of peace. The gods however did not like the peace, and they struck down with lightning at the leaders of each realm. Soon afterward, war was afoot once again on the East Continent, starting in the south when the realm of Itorunt declared war on Ibladesh and Yssaria.

Perdan and Caligus wished to aid their ally Itorunt, but were afraid that this would leave them vulnerable to the Northern Alliance. Perdan convinced Fontan to agree to a Unprotected Borders Agreement (UBA), which was an understanding that Fontan and Perdan would not be able to launch an attack against the other from their own lands. Fontan was aiming to create a new Coimbra realm, and approached Old Rancagua with this wish. Old Rancagua had once signed a treaty stating that they would help create a new Coimbra, but King Dekion, Old Rancagua's King at the time, denied that such a treaty existed. Things broke down into a heated argument, and insults were traded. Fontan eventually broke the federation with us (since we were federated with Old Rancagua in what was the Northern Alliance) and went to war with Old Rancagua. We were not pleased with this. Fontan asked us to remain neutral, but when a Fontanese TL (OOC: what is a TL?) accidentally wound up in the city of Oligarch, we declared war on Fontan. The realms of Obsidian Islands and Light of Fountain joined us and also declared war on Fontan.

However Fontan was a powerful force, and they kept both Old Rancagua and us at bay, and even gained some territory, while at the same time repelling the Obsidian Islands' slow and weak assaults. During all of this they also focused the brunt of their attack on the realm of Light of Fountain, finally destroying it.

Fontan decided to focus on Old Rancagua next, and in so doing took some of our regions as well. In fact, they completely surrounded the city of Oligarch, leaving it alone for the time being while they concentrated on Old Rancagua.

War with Fontan / Decline of Sirion

Prime Minister: Handow Meadowcrest (this can't be correct, can it?)
General: ???
Date: 2008 (OOC: month?)

Huge and brutal battles were taking place weekly in the surrounding areas of Tabost and Oberndorf, which at the time were regions under the banner of Sirion.

SirionRealm 2008-04-17.png
2008-Apr-17: Avamar taken, Oligarch surrounded (SoA in white?)

Fontan was clearly gaining the upper hand against Sirion and their confederates Old Rancagua, eventually managing to capture the city of Avamar. This resulted in internal turmoils, shaking the foundation of Sirion's nobility because of the many strategic and tactical mistakes. As a result several nobles fled and left the realm, trying to escape from something that was every day more similar to a sinking boat. Sirion's noble population halved in a couple of months, for instance the former Count of Lissambar boarded a boat and was never seen again in Sirion.

In a way this was a blessing, as it got rid of those who were not completely devoted to Sirion and it created many new opportunities for the lesser nobles. For instance, Sir Meristenzio Peristaltico was named the new Count of Lissambar (OOC: June 2008) and he would eventually go to become a respected military leader.

(TODO: Need to fit in the other big events into this timeline, such as the The Krimml Incident and the founding of Westmoor.))

The war kept raging on. Old Rancagua was on the brink of destruction, and Sirion was desperately trying to rebuild its military hierarchy. Luckily many southern realms joined the war, attacking Fontan from behind. That gave Sirion the time to reorganize their ranks. Under the lead of Marshal Romul Galmel the Army of Sirion rebuild its strength and cohesion and finally succeed in taking Avamar back under Sirion's banner.

Marshal Romul Glamel was soon appointed General of Sirion, and he chose Meristenzio to become his successor as Marshal of the Army of Sirion. Under the military leadership the Army of Sirion grew in size and power. However, countless battle continued to be fought and Fontan's army was still fearsome, even when attacked on all sides.

Eventually Fontan signed a separate peace with the southern realms, and they came back on Sirion with devastating violence. Soon Old Rancagua fell under Fontan's colony, the Sultanate of Asena. Many of the nobles from Old Rancagua were welcomed into Sirion, despite being non-elves, and their numbers and forces strengthened Sirion. The understanding was that Sirion would help to rebuild Old Rancagua one day, when it was possible to do so.

Time passed and many battles were waged. Then, the cunning diplomacy of Fontan successfully turned Sirion's former allies into enemy: Sirion soon found themselves surrounded and forced to fight on all fronts against an overwhelming number of enemies. The realms of Perdan and the Obsidian Islands joined in, and it was now a 4-on-1 war: Fontan, Perdan, Sultanate of Asena, Obsidian Islands(correct?) versus the sole realm of Sirion. (TODO: Anyone else? Westmoor?)

Sirion was slowly losing ground, repelling enemies from Sirion's mainland but watching many regions fall into Fontanese and other realms' hands. This caused further political turmoil, and Romul Gamel stepped down as General and ceded the position to Sotomayor Al-Khali. Prime Minister Handow Meadowcrest in turn appointed Meristenzio Peristaltico as General, and then 1 month after these events Romul Gamel was elected as Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Romul Gamel created a new army, the Red Dragons, with Ryu Hinamoto as Vice-Marshal. This new army would be an elite mobile force, moving to support the main Army of Sirion and engaging in its own battles. The Red Dragons have since fought many battles, more than 100, and yet since their creation they have lost less than a handful. The creation of the Red Dragons has been decisive for Sirion's military progress. In August of 2009 Ryu Hinamoto took over as Marshal.

(TODO: an illustration of the regions and their owners at this time would be worth a thousand words!)
(TODO: need to link against some of the major battles at this time, such as the defense/retaking of Avamar.)

Resurgence / Current Events

Prime Minister: Romul Gamel
General: Meristenzio Peristaltico
Date: August (OOC: September?) 2009

Things were looking grim for the realm of Sirion, with the opposition forces moving only a half-day's journey from the Sirion capital. Luckily for Sirion, the realm of Perdan broke off its attack and decided to attack its southern neighbor Caligus. This was a pivotal turning point, and though the combined enemy forces still outnumbered them, the Sirion forces were able to leverage their efficiency (being so close to the capital) and their military experience. The armies of Sirion began to win significant victories, taking back some of its previous regions such as Dale and Tabost.

During this turbulent time, Prime Minister Romul Gamel was involved in diplomatic talks with the enemies, trying to secure a cease-fire. With the sudden turn of events, the realms of Fontan, Sultanate of Asena, and Obsidian Islands agreed to stop fighting for a short time to discuss a possible long-term peace.

Discussions are ongoing at the current time (OOC: 2009-Oct-16).

Also see