McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Dinner with Royalty

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Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias went to start following Sir Lycan but instead decided to let Lady Sorsha lead. Bowing and motioning for her to lead he waited for Lady Sorsha to start following Lycan. From behind Mathias eyes started to wander on the body of Lady Sorsha the skin tight leather was too much not to watch. After minutes of watching the group took a tight turn and Mathias ran straight into a wall not being able to react fast enough.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha followed Lycan, thinking how she would handle this situation once the King and Queen were present and then heard a thud. Turning around she only caught Mathias rubbing his forehead. She actually gave a light chuckle and continued walking.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Hearing the bump behind him, Lycan turned to see what had happened. Seeing Mathias a bit uncomfortable, realized he had bumped into the wall when they turned. "Sir Mathias, I'm sorry for my lack of guidance..." he said with a small laugh. "Perhaps you should walk next to me?"

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

"No I am good. I will keep following. I....just couldn't keep my eyes off something round and perfect. It was quite mesmerizing with its left to right motion. It would go left to right back to left and then back to right. I loved it." The group then continued on towards the dining room this time Mathias was able to keep his eyes off Sorsha posterior. Upon reaching the dinning room the servants opened the door and showed the group to their seats. Sitting towards the head of the table was Mathias and next to him Sorsha across from which was Lycan. there they sat and waited for the royal arrival.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

At his honesty Sorsha grinned all the way to the dining area, and when she sat, she turned to Mathias. The fact that he admitted it so openly didn’t even bother her, she could care less what people thought now. He had just given her something to use. She leaned over closer to him and whispered for him alone. “I’ll remember that.”

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias leaned back to return the whisper, "Totally worth it..."

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan’s eyebrow rose as he watched the display and couldn’t understand what the heck was going on. When they had arrived earlier, all she gave the duke was cold looks and practically ignored his presence and now they were all…flirty?! He didn’t even now they were seeing each other again let alone this strange relationship. He decided to keep his thoughts for himself for now and just keep the conversation going. He poured himself a glass of wine and addressing them he said “Well it seems you’re together now. I guess I have missed a lot since I last saw you.”

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

At Mathias’ comment Sorsha actually laughed, the usual pleasing musical sound they had all known filled the room. She probably startled the servants in the process and then her gaze fell on Lycan who was again still trying to avoid looking at her, all the while she whispered back to Mathias. “Good.” Then Lycan spoke to her and her hands slid beneath the table to her lap forming into fists. The smile that was there but a moment ago slipped to be replaced by emptiness. “Quite,” was all she said, but she never agreed or disagreed on his comment. She wouldn’t give Mathias room for hope, or break it. Instead she turned to Mathias with a raised eyebrow, curious as to what he would answer.

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Kisharianda walked in the dinning hall pleased to see her guests had been shown to their seat she took hers on the right chair of the head table she looked at the display of food. Salads, vegetables, cheeses, breads and dipping sauces she smiled and continued to talk with chef Charles who was just finishing the last details of the setting.

"Thank you Charles the King will be down momentarily, I will send one of the servants to notify you once he finishes taking care of his small matter" she explained for only Charles to hear.

"Very well, the meats are just about done, hence the large variety of appetizers" he walked away pleased with his art work displayed on the table

Kisharianda didn't want to interrupt their conversation but the guest had already rose from their seats to greet her entrance

"The King will be down shortly, but he insisted that we begin with the small appetizers without him" she paused and chuckled "He is not big on salads and vegetables he prefers his meats" she gave a small laugh and sat down nodding at the servants to refresh their glasses of wine.

"I hope that your rooms are comfortable" she thanked the blond haired girl as she filled her cup with orange juice

"I'm afraid I will not be joining you savor this wine" she looked over at Lycan who was taking his half filled glass to an empty glass "I'm sure you will enjoy it for me" she said teasingly looking in Lycan's direction with a smile

Charles' food was always prepared with time and effort everything had to have it's place on the table, she picked up a cheese filled pastry and dipped it heavily into the hot spicy sauce and looked at the Duke.

"You should really try this sauce" she said noticing he had taken a pastry himself "It's a little spicy but the flavors are exquisite" she bit into it enjoying the full flavors

She watched Lady Sorsha picking vegetables off the trays to fill the small plate before her, she had noticed a change in her from the moment she entered the garden. Those eyes she had thought to herself were different, they were distant and emotionless and the way she carried herself in front of the Duke was definitely different from the last time she had seen them together.

Kisharianda had a sensitive perception on people’s emotion and what she was sensing from the Lady was something dark and cold, she was creating an emptiness within herself something Kisharianda thought could be seen almost as a dangerous route. Not to bring to much attention to Sorsha she continued nodding at the exchange of words between her guests but her eyes always seemed to be drawn back to the Lady every time she spoke. Such sharpness in her tongue but yet she never said too much to disguise her words for the company she was in. She would have to ask Sorsha to take a small walk with her in the garden after dinner to catch up and make sure everything is alright with the lady.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

"Saved by the queen," Mathias thought to himself. Then downing the glass of wine that the servant just poured him he motioned for the servant to return and pour himself another.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Mathias never said anything and simply took up his glass of wine. Sorsha was curious as to what he was thinking, but silently glad for the distraction. The less known the better, she thought.

Reaching out, she took up some of the vegetables and began to eat some of the peppers. Washing them down with wine. She could feel Kisharianda’s gaze on her and turned looking directly at her eyes. She didn’t say anything, but there seemed to be an exchange of unspoken words whereas Sorsha and Kisharianda seemed to weigh one another.

Then returning to the company she took more of the wine. Not realizing that she was already further along then the rest of them.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias wasn't even paying that much attention to his meal and before he knew it he had finished. Having finished his third glass at this point he looked over to Sorsha to see that she was becoming quite tipsy, and he himself wasn't that far behind. His inhibitions starting to disappear he no longer wanted to ignore Lycan's question. "Sir Lycan, I would not yet say we are truly back together for there are some kinks to still work out. Though as she knows I am doing everything I can to make sure it works out this time." Taking another sip he looked towards the Queen and said, "Thank you for this meal your highness. I am sorry I haven't visited in so long. Please forgive my rudeness over the past few months." Mathias then rested his hand on Sorsha leg and then continued to drink.

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

At the Dukes words she placed her glass down "No need to apologize Duke, sometimes life has a funny way of directing us in paths we did not intend to take in the first place" she put her glass down "I'm pleased that you are here today to celebrate with us" she replied as she silently wondered what was keeping the King.

If the guests keep on waiting they would surely filled their stomachs with appetizers before the actual meal came, she looked back at the door and smiled to the guest.

"It's seems little Selena has taking up practice with her sword and shield I just hope Spike and MoMo will endure her playful approach" she grinned and looked over at Duke Mathias "But now it seems she crawling around the new doll house" she smiled at Lycan. "You have given her quite the gifts to keep her occupied"

At her words the King came in and found his seat at the head of the table. Cenarious looked across the table and picked up a couple slices of cheese and bread and began eat the food. Quickly the servants filled his glass with wine and he looked over at Kish and shrugged his shoulders "I'm sorry to be late my love, but I had to make sure things were in order" he whispered

She smiled at him and looked over at the half eaten trays. "Should I tell them to have Richard bring out the meal" she asked but the King shook his head "Let's enjoy some more wine before I serve my treat" he grinned.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

At Mathias’ loose admittance, Sorsha paused as the glass of wine sat on her lips and her eyes grew slightly larger. She did not show any other reaction, instead of lowering the glass she finished it in one large gulp.

She then turned to the Queen, “yes, it is more than some of us deserve,” she said cuttingly and turned to face Mathias. “You will do everything in your power to please me,” she said lovingly with gritted teeth and reached under the table to take his hand and squeezed it firmly. She heard a small squeak on his part and released his fingers.

“Looks like you’re in need of some more wine,” she said and patted his leg beneath the table, digging her fingers into him painfully, her eyes pleased. The rest of them could only see a loving Sorsha gazing into the Duke’s eyes. Motioning for the servant, he approached and refilled Mathias and Sorsha’s glasses.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias gritted his teeth and gulped down the glass the servant poured for him. Sorsha then motioned for the servant to pour him another, and another until such time as Mathias had to excuse himself. A few minutes after his return he was tumbling and nearly collapsed in his seat, "Hellro everrryboody. Did I a miss anything?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha had matched Mathias glass for glass, and felt lightheaded. She barely noticed when he left, and later returned. As he sat down beside her, she leaned back and watched him, amused.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan kept drinking as much as they all did. Sorsha was suddenly more like her old self and it confused him even more. She was no longer so cold and impassive, she actually was laughing. What in the world is going on here?!! he thought to himself. He thought of his earlier idea that she was probably using a mask and now that she drank the mask was slipping. He hoped it would slip off for good. He wanted his friend back even after the way she had treated him. He watched trying to figure it out and just kept drinking.

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Cenarious, sensing the watchful stare of Maurice, made the usual subtle signal to bring in the main course. Within a few moments a number of artfully arranged platters were presented at the table for the King's approval. Looking over the herb crusted hares.

"I promised you a treat my love! Now you can see what I did with my morning!" Cenarious said with a chuckle. "Herb crusted hare, killed and prepared by my own hands! I even had the chef learn something new when I instructed him to make some potato pasta rabbit ravioli from an old family recipe of mine. I know you'll love either treat my dear so feel free to try both! The hare is succulent and juicy while the ravioli will have an almost sweet filling and the potato pasta has a crunchy texture that truly makes the dish spectacular.. Please, everyone dig in!"

Gesturing to the Queen's plate Cenarious waited until Maurice had sliced off a haunch and placed both it and a few ravioli on her plate before letting himself be served. Ignoring his own food and waiting patiently for her to try it, it was obvious to everyone that Cenarious was really hoping she liked it.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha watched as expectantly as the King to see how much the Queen liked the meal. She would wait before they all dug in to eat at all.

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Looking at her plate she took a hearty bite of the ravioli and chewed slowly to taste it's full flavors. Smiling she looked over that Cenarious and closed her eyes in delight of the wonderful meal he had prepared.

"Busy indeed, this is absolutely delicious" she reached for her knife to cut a piece of the hare. "Hmmm and this is soo..." she chewed and swallowed "Good, you will love this" she looked at her guests and continue to eat her meal taking sips of her orange juice in between bites.

"Please start serving our guests" she instructed the servants as they quickly filled the King's plate and proceeded with the guests.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan watched as the Queen ate and his stomach started grumbling. Truth be told he was always hungry and the hare and ravioli did look delicious. He waited for their turn to be served and when he could he dug in without a second thought.

"Hmmmm...this is fantastic!" he said after the first bite.

"My congratulations King Cenarious! Truly exquisite!" he said with a big smile.

Turning to Sorsha he added "You should try it. Maybe it will put a genuine smile on your face." he said with a sarcastic tone.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha was feeling the effects of the wine but tried to control herself as much as possible When Lycan goaded her into eating, she took a large bite and chewed slowly, savoring the food. She didn’t smile for Lycan though and looked to the King. “Wonderful,” she complimented. Beside her, she knew Mathias was already digging into his food, he’d had quite a lot to drink and he was in his own world of drink and food for the moment.

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

I wonder if the King was kind enough to put some of this ravioli aside for a later snack she thought eating slowly listening to the guests talk amongst each other.

Lycan seemed to enjoy his meal and so did the Duke, Sorsha was still just filling her plate and drinking her wine. All in turn they complimented Cenarious after taking their first bite.

"Lady Sorsha, isn't the McDowell name known for it's rare traditions in raising horses?" she asked raising her glass for an orange juice refill

"The reason I ask is because you must of come across hundred of unique names for horses, and we're troubled in naming Selena's young pony" she smiled "I thought maybe you would have a few ideas" she took a drink of the fresh juice and continued to eat her food waiting for her request

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha paused as she drank some of her wine and turned to Kisharianda, pleased the Queen mentioned her family’s specialty. “Yes,” she nodded, “we are. We usually watch their behavior for a few days and we then decide on their names. We brand them so to speak. Gaoth is Gaelic for Wind…because he is incredibly fast. Has the pony displayed any particular behavior?” she asked.

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

"I must admit I have not spend much time with the pony I have had quite a busy couple days but I have noticed he does not like the sun much he seems to always walk to the shaded area, but it's not uncommon for anything to seek shelter from the hot sun" she nodded and smiled

"I will have to spend more time observing his behavior" she paused and smiled at a thought " Maybe you would like to come back some afternoon while me and Selena walk him?" she asked looking at Sorsha. This would give her the perfect opportunity to spend quality time with Sorsha and help her understand the sudden change in her person. Not that she seen a dramatic change but this was not the Sorsha she had known from previous encounters.

Cenarious reached over for the plate of hare and helped himself to a hearty fork full, not paying much attention to anything but the wine glass and his plate he continued to eat periodically looking up at her and the guests to acknowledge some of the conversations he was hearing.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha rubbed the back of her head, and nodded. “I will be leaving for Paisley,” she informed her, “but upon my return I will make sure to do so.” Then she looked up, “he enjoys the shade does he?” she grinned thinking of the perfect name. “Scáth” she said simply and translated, “Shadow.” Sorsha had given the Queen the name and returned to her food. She had eaten as much of it as she could and slowly pushed the plate aside, most of it was gone, so she knew the King would not take offense. She glanced to her refilled glass of wine and picked it up one last time, taking a small drink but set it back down.

She had stopped listening to the conversation around her, or were they waiting for her to say something? She couldn’t remember her part to play in this. Was she keeping up the cold front, or had she dropped it completely?

Shaking her head so slightly, no one would have noticed unless staring directly at her, she moved her chair back and slowly rose. “Excuse me,” she said softly and walked away. The room immediately whirled on her and she had to put her hand on the back of the chair to ground herself. “I need a few moments,” she explained.

Taking a long slow deep breath, she then walked away and left the room.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan had just finished his meal when he saw Sorsha excusing herself. As she got up and left he noticed her wavering walk and the coldness in her was dissipating a bit. He thought about it for a minute and decided to go after her. Maybe he would take this opportunity to finally talk to her alone.

"Excuse me please, nature calls." he lied. He got up and went looking for her.

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

She thought of the name Scáth and thought it was beautiful and would be easy for Selena to pronounce. "I think Selena might like that" she smiled "That's Gealic you say" nodding "Very beautiful"

A silent moment passed and Lady Sorsha spoke out "I need a few moments" and she excused herself. And a few seconds after Sir Lycan excused himself as well Kisharianda took this time to wish her guests a good night as she began to excuse herself "Well I think with all the events from today, I will be seeing myself to some rest" she began to pull her chair back and Cenarious quick to assist her stood and helped her with a smile.

"Duke Mathias" she nodded and smiled "Sir Lycan and Lady Sorsha, thank you for your visit today it is very nice to have you all here.

"If you all wish to continue discussing over some wine and cheeses please feel free to do so, Richard will be pleased to show you to your rooms once you are ready" she looked at Cenarious and excused herself.

Walking out of the dinning hall she passed and glanced to Master Ugyel's room, the old man had already retired for the night and she had missed him that afternoon. She wanted to tell him of her condition and how much had happened since he was gone, but for now she would have Misha fill her a warm bath and get some needed sleep.