Talk:Westmoor Times

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Dear Editors,

"declared that they will punish Westmoor for Perdan's past misdeeds.", wot? Westmoor's misdeeds, wot?

Westmoor is made of Perdanese nobles and conquered with Perdanese swords, wot? Westmoor is Perdan, wot? Painting roses on your shields doesn't change who you are, wot? Claiming innocence from another realm's transgressions doesn't work here, wot?


Crispen Namtrah

Dear Crispen,
A group of people who belong to a realm may decide that they no longer wish to associate themselves with the past misdeeds that others in that realm perpetrated, and thus secede from the realm. Are they to be punished forevermore for the sins of those they took a great risk to separate themselves from?
In the name of the Sword,
Kenarth Anaris
(OOC: I've not participated in any Wiki newspapers before, and do not know the usual etiquette, so please excuse me (and correct me nicely) if I commit a faux pas :-) --Anaris 01:12, 3 September 2008 (CEST))

Dear Kenarth,
Kindly take a moment to learn what in the Aenil's name you are talking about before feeling the need to comment on every single item that might occur in the 5 islands, wot?
The new "Queen of Westmoor" is none other than the person who lead the takeover troops to steal all of the regions that now make up the new realm, wot? Her cabinet participated in all of the said battles and TO's, wot?
It was not "others" who did this, wot? So, you're stupid, wot?
Crispen Namtrah
Come now, Sir Crispen. Surely there were a few other people that led some of the Perdanese forces that wrested those poor regions from the oppressive tyranny of Fontan's rule. Queen Evangeline could hardly have lead all of the forces being arrayed against Fontan. Surely there are a few other people in Perdan that deserve some of the accolades. But, well, how can we expect any simple soul from the Far East, who has ever even set on the the East Island, to understand the intricacies of East Island politics... Perhaps you should limit yourself to comments that lay within your mental grasp, such as, oh I don't know, escorting dead realms into the dustbins of history, General Crispen? Oh... *ahem*... 'Wot?'. Balkeese Indirik
Lady Balkeese,
If you would give the readers of this periodical the courtesy of learning to read before commenting, you would notice that I stated that Evangeline lead the takeover troops, wot? I don't think you can deny that she certainly lead enough of them that it would be hypocritical of her to state that she now wishes to separate herself from the people who were responsible for the outrages of the war, wot?
As for my knowledge of the war, I am a long-time subscriber to "War Magazine", which has many excellent articles on the conflict, wot? as well as having two cousins and numerous acquaintances who fought on the Fontanese side.
Melodia - yes, a sad case, that one, wot? Took over after a bunch of rebels grabbed the country and ran it into the ground. Used up all the recruits for their uprising. Forgot that they would still need to manage the country afterwards, wot? So they ran away. Did what I could, wot? Terminal case, wot?
Surprised you heard of it, actually,wot?
Crispen Namtrah
So then Crispen..
From your statements I assume you agree you with Westmoor taking the regions? As Perdan stole them from Fontan... as Fontan stole them from Oligarch? We are merely reclaiming them. You're a realm of Honorless Dogs who swore to create a realm there. Then made a puppet colony... wot? Then Tried to make war upon Perdan's Secession while begging Perdan to stay out of it... wot? Then claimed we Stole the regions that Fontan has lost through warfare she has caused... wot? Perhaps you're familiar with the Phrase "Reap what you Sow?" wot? Welcome to Life, Deal with it, Be blunt and honest, Fontan wants Land, It wants Power, and it can't handle that it got itself into a bad situation and is too arrogant, Ego-centric, and ignorant to see any way out of it rather than devious tactics, Lies, and half-truths. I do await your response, I enjoy listening to fools speak, It makes my day.

Hiddukel Kiri-Jolith