Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Edara and Jenred's Royal Wedding/The Training Ground

From BattleMaster Wiki

"Why did I show off? That was so stupid!"

"No milady, no. It was necessary. Now you know how good you are!"

"Oh, of course. It good to know that you'll get pummeled in the first round."

Lady Jocasta Hart (Dame of Saex)

Pelinal trained for hours, but couldn't best his instructor, and growing frustrated, he tried to parry, and close in close enough to get a good hit on with his offhand dagger, and upon failing, Pelinal chucked the dagger, hitting the instructor square in the throat. Watching the blood spurt from the man's neck, and listening to him gurgle and die, Pelinal chuckled and wrenched his dagger free, wiping it off and sheathing it and his rapier. He brushed his hands off and strode off back towards his tent.

Sir Pelinal II Himoura (Knight of Remton)

Rowan's blade deftly parried Tharion's incoming strike and the swordmaster countered with a flurry, the tip of his sword ending up against the Duke's chest. Tharion sighed and nodded his acknowledgement of the defeat while Rowan grinned.

"M'lord. Have you ever opened yourself up to the possibility that your skills may have peaked some time ago?" The young man laughed. "I swear that you have gotten worse since I've known you."

Tharion laughed and hefted his own weapon in mock threat.

"I have heard of other Duke's who might take your head for comments like that. Unfortunately I can't think of a single one of my men who could actually take you down, so I guess I'll just have to put up with it. That is, until you go to sleep." He delivered his last words with a wink.

"I think I've been humiliated enough for one day. One of the taverns would probably appreciate my patronage."

Tharion entered his tent and began to remove his armour, Rowan followed him inside.

"When Liam returns, have him deliver a message to King Jenred."

Rowan stepped forward and began to assist the Duke who was struggling with a difficult strap.

"Anything you wanted to say in particular M'lord?"

"Tell Liam to give Jenred my best wishes and to deliver those half dozen bottles of red wine. It's one of the last from my brother's estates and I'm sure he'll appreciate it."

The strap gave way and Tharion shrugged off the breast plate which clanked onto the floor. Rowan turned to leave while Tharion began to change into a more comfortable outfit.

Tharion Frostnova Duke of Lasop