Struthionis Family/Ren

From BattleMaster Wiki

Name: Ferminia Cerverai Struthionis

Patron Bird: Zapata Wren


Ren is a bit shorter than average, and her soft features couple with the fact to make her appear somewhat younger than she really is. Despite her feminine frame, however, she is a tomboy at heart, evinced by the messy, matted, and mussed up manner in which she keeps her golden brown hair, and the short length it is trimmed to.

Aggressive to the core and rarely sympathetic to the plights of others, Ren's ambition can lead her to recklessness, and her recklessness can lead her to neglect. She likes wearing her armor, even when it's not appropriate, and doesn't really have much of a sense of manners.

Relationship with the Family

Unhappy with her given name, Ren took it upon herself to find one she preferred. She simplified the technical name and thereby insulted sacred family tradition - only by the quick minds and mouths of her two brothers did the young girl save herself from exile, but her reputation is still tarnished and garners no respect.