Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/In Service of Nocaneb

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He approached the Official at the desk in the great castle of Nocaneb " Greetings, My name is Arthur and I wish to speak with Lady Edara. Can you please check if she is free and willing to see me?" He enquired and saw the Official walk into the Great hall....

Arthur Immortals (Noble)

Edara was in her study working on her vows when Fin brought news of her visitor. She was happy enough to set them aside, as she was really not making much progress. She was going to have to get Harmony to help her with these; Harm was good at words, Edara...was not.

"Oh, please have Arthur sent in at once. And refreshments and know. I am pleased that he's been recognized, but who shall mend my scythe now, I wonder?"

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

The official came back and replied that Lady Edara was free and willing to see him.

He entered the great halls of Nocaneb's castle once again, it wasn't so long ago that he was here to return Lady Edara's scythe to her. He walked upto the Throne, bowed and said "Greetings My Lady, thanks to your help I was able to prove my nobility and now have been recognized as a Knight of Arcaea. I am indebted to you for all your help.

I would like very much to serve you and Nocaneb as your Knight, will you please accept my services My Lady. I'll promise that I shall serve you and Nocaneb loyally until the very last drop of blood remains in my body."

Arthur Immortals (Noble)

Edara jumped up from the ridiculous big chair. "Oh goodness, Arthur! They were supposed to show you into my study so that I could join you there after holding court. So silly to meet in this great hall...let's at least go by the fire where it's cozier."

She led the way to the hearth and dropped gladly onto a bench in front of its warmth. "Sit, sit...I'm so glad that your claim was recognized. It must be horrible to be walking around knowing that you're a noble and not being able to prove it," she thought of Harmony and Arlian and least Harm had had no clue that she was of noble birth until Uncle Dougal had showed up...

She looked at Arthur seriously, "I'll tell you truly, I'd be happy to have you for my knight. I know that you would make a fine and loyal vassal...I have to warn you though, there's not much money. Until the population grows more, your tax share will be very tiny, though Duchess Marle's been helping out with a some gold here and there."

Edara smiled at him, "If you're willing to live on a bit of charity and faith that things will be better in the future, then I will be glad to accept your oath. I will understand if you'd rather go somewhere richer's up to you."

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

The study was very warm, he had half a mind to just curl up on that bence, bench opposite to where Lady Edara was sitting, and sleep forever,ahhh...dogs always had the best life - curl up at the feet of their master in front of a fire and sleep, but he was here for a purpose and he wanted to fulfill the purpose.

"I thank you for your hospitality My Lady, this is just the second time in my life, being treated so nicely.

I do not mind having less gold on my hands My Lady, I never had lots of money in my hands all my life anyways and neither do I mind asking for help. One must try everything in life I always say. I am ready to take an oath right now My Lady"

He kneeled infront of the Lady, held up his sword in both hands and said " I hereby swear to serve the Duchess of Nocaneb Lady Edara, if the Lady accepts me as her Knight and Vassal, loyally until the very last drop of blood remains in my body" He finished and awaited the Duchess's reply....

Arthur Immortals (Noble)

Edara looked down at Arthur. Her youth and discomfort with formalities made her wish to beg him to get off his knees, but she knew that the swearing and acceptance of oaths were important things, not to be taken lightly. Moreover…she was moved. Arlian's oath had been sincere if prosaic—and she had been caught up in the caveats—and, her cousin's had been somewhat perfunctory…more because the two of them had felt somewhat silly than from any lack of words on Harmony’s part.

This was something else again.

She looked down at Arthur…gods, she wished she had the gift of words that Harmony or her Jenred had…she thought carefully for a moment, then laid her hand on Arthur’s head.

“Arthur…you have already been of great service to me…I am pleased to be able to give you a position as my knight that we might continue this…uh…beneficial arrangement. I accept your oath and in return I grant you a fief within my lands and my protection as your lord…er…lady…Duchess,” she flushed; this was not at all how she wanted this moment to go, “Rise up…well…now you’re my knight.” Damn and blast…she really was going to have to get Harm to help her with her vows…they could not go like this!

One of the housemaids was bringing in a tray of refreshments. As she began distributing the foodstuffs she spoke, “Milady, your soldier Theordas craves a moment of your time,” she jerked her head towards the doorway where the soldier in question stood shuffling his feet.

“Oh, of course, come in, Theo…how may I help you?”

Theordas took a few steps closer, and gulped out, “Privately, milady, if you don’t mind,” and he ducked his head at her. Edara shrugged at Arthur and drew her soldier aside where they would not be overheard.

“Well…what is it, Theo? Is there a problem in the unit? Have you issues with Captain Lambert? Is something else troubling you?”

Theordas gazed at his little mistress, her shining hair, and her wide green eyes, concern glowing in them as it often did…he had always thought, with the vast wisdom of his eighteen years, that it was wrong that that old man should…touch her…and when they weren’t even married…and now…now she would see that her Jenred was no great thing after all. He reddened under her gaze. This had seemed much easier to say in his mind, “Milady, I…well…in town…I saw…I saw…” he drew in a deep breath and spat it out all at once, “I saw the Imperial Magistrate heading into the House of Silk and Light.” He sighed, relieved to have gotten it said.

“The House of Silk and Light? That sounds rather pretty…what is that? Some sort of shop? An Inn?”

“A house of ill-repute, Milady.” Her gaze was baffled. “A brothel.” Still no recognition…bloody hell, “A whore house, Milady, where the girls…you know…” he made a vulgar gesture with his hands…ah, the light dawns at last. Edara stared at him, “You mean my Imperial Magistrate? My Jenred…was going into a… For… With…other…women…You are certain?” He nodded at her, “Asked me for directions, Milady, personally.” He was dismayed to see her seem to crumple into herself. Without another word, she walked out of the room.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks before she reached her rooms, despite her best efforts. How could he? How could Jenred…betray her…she threw herself down on her bed and wept. As she cried, all of the lovely things that he had told her played through her mind…was that all real? Were those lies? Just so…what…he could…no…he could get that anywhere…apparently. Why? Why would he tell her all those things then? All that they had shared…she cried until she had no more tears…and still she lay shaking…

He had said this was true love!

She sat up. That rat bastard! He had told her this was true love…and…she got off the bed…this did not happen every day. Edara started to curse. Damn if she was going to let him throw this away, and damn if she was going to lay about crying. She wiped her face and blew her nose…cursing fluently, she headed for the door…her scythe was leaning against the wall. Yes…that would be useful…grabbing it…she stomped from the room.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Duchess Edara continues in The House of Silk and Light