Minas Ithil/Civil Ranking

From BattleMaster Wiki

Minas Ithil's Civil Titles and Descriptions

King / Queen

- The realm ruler chosen by the nobles

Prince / Princess

- Member of the King's Council

- Commander of a city if available

- 500 days in the realm and 300 honour

Duke / Duchess

- Commander of a city if available

- 400 days in the realm and 200 honour

Marquis / Marchioness

- Commander of a region if available

- 300 days in the realm and 150 honour

Count / Countess

- Commander of a region if available

- 200 days in the realm and 100 honour

- Or appointment as High Marshal, Banker, Judge, Duke

Viscount / Viscountess

- Commander of a region if available

- 100 days in the realm and 75 Honour

Baron / Baroness

- 50 days in the realm and 50 Honour
- Or the profession of an infiltrator

Lord / Noble Lady

- 25 days in the realm and 25 Honour

Knight (Sir) / Lady

- Regular troop leader

Minas Ithil Civil Ranks

Members of the King's Council

His Majesty the King Dead Angel3

Prince Elrohir

Prince ted

Duke Relkin

Duke Raoul

Duke Sidd

Marquis Gerard

Marquis Dante

Marchioness Katherine

Count Francis

Duke / Duchess

Duke Sidd

Duke Vinnie

Marquis / Marchioness

Marquis Sandor

Marquis Rowan

Marchioness Newena

Marquis Kenji

Marquis Cochrane

Count / Countess

Count Raziel III

Countess Belinda

Count Grahm

Countess Jeanette

Count Mordoc

Count Ramil

Count Taglaz

Count Albino

Count Robb

Countess Seria

Count Specter

Count Jogan

Countess Bluescar

Viscount / Viscountess

Viscount Baron

Viscount Hagen

Viscountess Lacrima

Viscount Malcor

Viscount Proximus

Viscount Xibalba

Viscount Sorren

Viscount Voragh

Viscount Unity

Baron / Baroness

Baron Havoc

Baron Chon

Baron Artos

Baron Lelouch

Baron Andi

Baron Finwe

Baron de Coucy

Baron Maghnus

Baron Ealdur

Baron Ellagan

Baron Raven

Baron Finrod

Lord / Noble Lady

Lord Enzeru

Lord Walter

Lord Octavian

Lady Luthien

Lord Jearom

Lord Dadao

Lord Sasuke

Lord Galen

Lord Durac

Lady Constance

Lord Rauco

Lord Tritus

Lord Adrastos

Lord Gothar

Lord Mark

Lord Zen

Lord Caius

Lord Cody

Lord Bendolin

Lord Jacar

Lord C'thon

Lord Kevor

Lord Flavius

Lord Hywel

Lord Fennel

Lady Rain

Lord Adam

Lord Alaric

Knight (Sir) / Lady

Sir Roxas

Sir Zain

Sir Rupert

Sir Dirk

Lady Shandra

Lady Elayne

Sir Gorukha

Sir Verimus

Sir Sammael

Lady Willow

Sir Yoshou

Sir Taim

Sir Benjamen

Sir Zakira

Sir Abendroth

Sir Althlas

Sir John Blair

Sir Sarm

Lady Faolan

Sir Alfons

Sir Revan

Sir David

Sir Balthasar Shpela

Lady Temperance

-- Last update: GoldPanda 02:41, 17 March 2008 (CET)