Dark Citadel Times/2008/June/ticker

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< Dark Citadel Times‎ | 2008‎ | June
Revision as of 05:45, 4 June 2008 by Simon (talk | contribs)
News Ticker
Blank.png June 3, 2008
Ruler Election in Lukon
The realm of Lukon has elected Ares as its new King. He received 54 % of the valid votes.
Blank.png June 2, 2008
Ruler Election in Alebad
The realm of Alebad has elected Anev as its new Pontifex. She received 54 % of the valid votes.
June 2, 2008
Region Revolts
The people of Hulaferd have revolted and abandoned Wetham, joining Outer Tilog instead.
June 2, 2008
Region Takeover
Oritolon has taken control of Crifts, a former rogue region.
June 2, 2008
Region Takeover
Lukon has taken control of Rola Sierrie, a former rogue region.