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In order to invest in a region your family must have more than 2000 gold of family wealth. Investing causes the region's production to rise dramatically, which causes the region to produce more gold and food than usual. This is what your advisor is referring to when he tells you the expected return on investment, and it's distributed according to the realm and region's normal tax distribution scheme. Your family will not directly receive anything from their investment, although you personally might if you are the lord or a knight of the region.

If the investment in the region raises production above the 100% production level, then it will decrease back to 100% over the next several days. The rate of decrease will be greater the higher it is above 100%. If the region's maximum sustainable production is below 100% due to lowered population, then productions levels will drop to that lower percentage. On the other hand, if production is currently below the maximum level sustainable by the population (due to looting, monster attacks, poor maintenance, etc.) then an investment is a quick way to restore production back to the maximum supportable level. Production will not drop back to the original, pre-investment level, it will only drop back to the supportable level. Production will adjust itself as normal from that point. See Investing Examples for some examples of how this works.

A negative effect of investing in a region is the drop in region control. An investment will typical result in a drop of control by one level. For example: from Core to Main, or from Main to Province. For this reason it is quite common for the investing noble to immediately perform normal police work, or hold a harsh court to restore region control.

If the region population is far below the normal level, you will not be able to perform an investment at all. If this is the case, you will have no choice but to wait for the population level to rise before you will be able to invest.

You will receive one Fame point the first time your family makes an investment.