User:Chaman/Work in Progress

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Revision as of 15:16, 16 April 2008 by Chaman (talk | contribs) (Update Debts)

Proposal new Church Ranks.

Based on donations (monthly fees/grants) and services (Oath/Test).
Also, removal of Militaric Ranks, as they would not fit a faith/knowledge/wisdom based church. These names are not the real names yet! I am very open for idea's and suggestions!
Added montly fees, which basically decide your rank. The more you donate (each month!), the higher your rank (also for initiates).
Added joining fees, which allow the member (or initiate) how much they are willing to donate each month.
Kept Oath/Test system. Test takers allow for higher donating (per month), and allowing a higher rank.
Note that at every level (initiate, oath, test) I kept one rank that doesn't donate (for those unwilling to donate, but that have done great services, for instance: Allowed the building of a temple, or did a one time donation.)
Also, feel free to suggest other monthly/joining fees. These fees is what I, personally, would be accepting.
"Oath takers" and "Test takers" are not ranks, but levels.
I suggest having a maximum debt of:
For followers: One time the monthly fee.
For members (oath): Two times the monthly fee.
For members (test): three times the monthly fee.
Novice priests: None.
Priests: 30 gold.
Elder Priests: 50 gold.
High Priest: 200 gold.
Councillors: 50 gold.
Prophet: ?? Gold.


Has left the Church. No longer obtainable. Background story?
As named, the Prophet of the Church, only one allowed, voted in by popular vote of the Elders.
Monthly grant of: ?? gold.
Maximum of five Councillors. One can obtain the rank of Councillor by popular vote of the Elders, after submitting his/her name, not being a priest and excellent services to the Church.
Monthly grant/fee of: ?? gold.
High Priest.
Only one allowed, gives orders to Elder Priests and Priests. Voted in by popular vote of Elders, after submitting his/her name, no current High Priest and excellent services to the Church.
Monthly grant of: 50 gold.
Elder Priest.
Priest whom have done excellent services to the Church.
Monthly grant of: 25 gold.


For all normal priests. Must have been a Novice Priest for one month.
Monthly grant of: 10 gold.

Test takers.
Test Donator Ranks can only be obtained after the Test has been done, and one month of service in the Church.
Test Huge Donator.
Monthly fee of: 25 gold.
Joining fee of: 50 gold.
Test High Donator.
Monthly fee of: 20 gold.
Joining fee of: 40 gold.
Test Grand Donator.
Monthly fee of: 15 gold.
Joining fee of: 30 gold.
Test Normal Donator.
Monthly fee of: 10 gold.
Joining fee of: 20 gold.
Test Small Donator.
Monthly fee of: 5 gold.
Joining fee of: 10 gold.
Only obtained after taking the test and stating to become a donator (by either stating during the test, or action through joining fee).
Test No Donator.
Only obtained after taking the test and state not to become a donator. No monthly fee.
No joining fee.

Novice Priest.
For all beginning priests. You must be a priest.
No monthly fee/grant.

Oath takers
Oath Donator Ranks can only be obtained after one has taken the Oath.
Oath Grand Donator.
Monthly fee of: 15 gold.
Joining fee of: 30 gold.
Oath Normal Donator.
Monthly fee of: 10 gold.
Joining fee of: 20 gold.
Oath Low Donator.
Monthly fee of: 5 gold.
Joining fee of: 10 gold.
Oath Minor Donator.
Can only be obtained after taking the oath and stating to become a donator (by either stating in the oath, or action through joining fee). Monthly fee of: 1 gold.
Joining fee of: 2 gold.
Oath No Donator.
Can only be obtained after taking the oath and stating not to become a donator. No monthly fee/grant.
No joining fee.


Blacklisted Members.
Can only be obtained by demotion. If you get here, I suggest leaving, fast.
Monthly fee of: 25 gold.
Initiate Donator.
Monthly fee of: 5 gold.
Joining fee of: 10 gold.
Initiate Small Donator.
Monthly fee of: 1 gold.
Joining fee of: 5 gold.
No monthly fee.
Joining fee of: 1 gold