Dark Citadel Times

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"And there it was."

Date~ September 27, 2024 Issue~ 1 Price~ A moment of your time. Editors~ Dakrus Somra, Evil Revan

Interview With a Peasant May 27, 2008
I recently sat down with one of the peasants involved in the Outer Tilog City revolt, to try to get a better understanding of their motives, and why they chose to declare their loyalty to Wetham. Here is the transcript of the interview in it's entirety.

Evil: What were your motives for revolting? Was Giblot really treating you that poorly?
Peasant: mffmmfff mmmm
Evil: I can't understand what you're saying with food in your mouth....what is that anyway?
Peasant: mff Giblot leg mmfm
Evil: I see...well, could you set it aside for a second here. Why did you overthrow your...apparently delicious overlords?
Peasant: *setting the leg aside* Well, they may look delicious, but in reality they're not. You see, many of these Giblots are just bags of fat. There's no flavor to them, and no amount of special sauce can take away that awful aftertaste. They may have tasted good at first, but it got real old real fast. What me and many of my comrades here have been yearning for is a nice, lean cut of wet-ham. We could make Wet-bacon, Wet-ham sandwiches, Green legs of Wet-ham (when the meat gets old), the list goes on.
Evil: So, let me get this straight: you revolted and joined Wetham, because they taste better?
Peasant: Precisely! Others may tell you differently, but that was my motive, and that of many I know.
Evil: Alright, that's all I needed. Thank you for your time. Now please....oh great, it's dripping all over the carpet. Just get that thing out of here.

Comment on this story. by Evil Revan
Revolt With Surprising Outcome May 27, 2008
The people of Outer Tilog City finally declared their independence from Giblot today, overthrowing their conquerors in search of a better leadership. But here's where it gets interesting: rather than declaring their loyalty to the Assassins or Outer Tilog, as was expected, the people of the City decided they would rather throw their lot in with Wetham. This could create diplomatic tensions between Wetham and Giblot, and if Wetham decides they want to keep it, things could get ugly. The Assassins and Outer Tilog still wait on the wings for the perfect moment to assert their power, and take the City back.
Comment on this story. by Evil Revan
Special Forces, Anyone? May 26, 2008
Today, Dictator Targ'n completed construction of a new special forces recruitment center in South Bakker. The Guild already contains many of the best recruitment centers in the colonies, and the new "Tyrant's Shadow" will be an addition to that list. The men of the Tyrant's Shadow are trained by veteran members of the renowned "Silence" special forces, based in Dark Citadel. While Silence excels at both ranged and melee combat, the Tyrant's Shadow focus their skills at fighting hand-to-hand. They are lightly armored, preferring to carry little extra weight, and instead rely on their multitude of concealed weapons. The men boast a 50% training level, and 75/35 weapons armor. While nothing compared to Silence's 55% training, 85/85 weapons/armor, and 4-line range, they are still a very formidable force. I for one look forward to seeing these men on the battlefield.
Comment on this story. by Evil Revan
Loss of Hulaferd May 22, 2008
After five long days of looting and brutality, the region of Hulaferd was taken back under Wetham control. Civil Servants and loyal Assassins fleeing the region spoke of the extreme brutality Wetham used in subjugating their former subjects. While I hope the people of this war-torn region may soon find peace, I fear that may not be the case for a long time. The Army of the Assassins still stands strong as ever, and many battles remain to be fought on the bloodied fields of Hulaferd.
Comment on this story. by Evil Revan
Wayward Pup Fetches Much Appreciation May 05, 2008
A pup of the hounds of Garm, no doubt a straggler from the joint attack against Wetham by the Assassins and Outer Tilog, was recently reported as having been spotted in South Bakker by some of the locals. When approached by a delegation of the Assassins the pup was found defending a small village on the eastermost part of South Bakker from a small batch of bandits. The bandits, who had been fending off the pup for hours, losing a steady stream of men in the process, were said to have begged to be allowed to to leave and never return. Rumors state that General Evil Revan himself has made indications of keeping the pup.
Comment on this story. by Dakrus Somra
Road To Lukon May 04, 2008
Recently it was announced that a small delegation of our nobles were planning to make their way to Lukon. This morning those nobles, which include Lu che Barrow, Gaby Icemea, Zakran Somra, and Ren Struthionis, set off on their journey. Their path makes it's way through Corali forest, which has been heavily guarded by Wetham in the past few weeks. As the delegation is unarmed and bearing no malice, any aggressive motions by Wetham could be considered an act of war towards Lukon, and of intended resumed hostilities towards Assassins. As strained as diplomatic relations have been in this part of the colonies, this passage is marked with noted interest and assuredly with more than a little concern. Let us wish our comrades a safe and fruitful endeavor.
Comment on this story. by Dakrus Somra
First Issue! May 03, 2008
Today marks the founding of the Dark Citadel Times. In your hands you hold the first of what hopefully will be many stimulating collections of news. The DCT was first conceived of many years ago, and while resources were laid out to begin this venture it was unfortunately abandoned. It is believed the persons who worked on this paper before met some terrible accident, perhaps to Orcs or Wethamites. After this disappearance the printing equipment and resources of the DCT were left to fallow in it's now-abandoned studio. At Lord Targ'n's insistence the project has been picked up again- this time hopefully with a more favorable end result.
Comment on this story. by Dakrus Somra
News Ticker
May 28, 2008
Victory in Hulaferd
In a surprise attack, the Army of Shadows crushed a sizable force of Wethams in Hulaferd.
Blank.png May 24, 2008
Takeover Of Nidalery
Outer Tilog has completed a friendly takeover of Nidalery, making it once again part of their realm.
Blank.png May 4, 2008
Lord Casey Fender Reinstated
Shadow Tyrant Targ'n has reinstated Lord Casey Fender as Count of Hulaferd, declaring that "some deserve a second chance".
Blank.png May 3, 2008
Dark Citadel Times First Issue!
This marks the first issue of the Dark Citadel Times.
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