Rossini Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

The House of Rossini

The House of Rossini originates in the theocracy of Sartania, in the Duchee of Niel, in the forests of Orbeh. The daughters of Rossini come from a long line of accomplished riders and archers who also have taken the time to walk the corridors of the libraries of monasteries. They have a strong affinity with nature and other creatures, can read the weather almost telepathically, and spend a great deal of time in quiet contemplation. They are fiercely loyal to their realm, their family, and their friends. They carry with them a graceful air of intelligence, wisdom, and humility that draws people to them, and they are always ready to come to the aid of someone in need.

They are, however, strong-willed women who have learned what it means to survive in a man's world and are not afraid to stand up for themselves when it is necessary. They can be as sharp with the tongue as they are with the arrow or the sword. It is best not to argue with or cross a Rossini woman; you may live, or die, to regret it.


Madelena is the eldest of the three. She has long brown hair and piercingly blue eyes. She stands with pride and commands respect from everyone with whom she comes into contact. Her old dog Fangs is her main true companion, although she is also a devout follower of the Church of Sartan.

Madelena was made Countess of Orbeh, her family's home, less than a week after she came out into public life.