Poryatown Press

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White Pian.jpg Poryatown Press
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Currently Printing Issue #3
Poryatown Press
Printing the news and books of Dwilight, the Poryatown Press Publishing Guild works primarily out it's main guildhouse in Askileon.

Lurian Weekly Staff . . .
Founder: Zanaras Tian
Editor: Zanaras Tian
Journalist: Edith Hashimashidas

Want to support the Poryatown Press? Join our guild in Askileon! All members of the guild pay a minimum of one gold a month to help support production of the paper and maintenance on the guildhouses. Along with this, these funds allow us to publish other literary works and get them more well known. This gold also keeps the paper free to read, because those scribes we have to pay each week aren't cheap.

Of course, we're always looking for other literary works, be they books or newspapers, in which we might publish. All literary works published through the Poryatown Press have the advantage of the various newspapers of the Press publicizing that book both when it's accepted and when it's actually available off the presses.

Lurian Weekly Issues Guildhouses
Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly/Index
