Flightwing Family

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Revision as of 03:03, 24 February 2008 by Flightwing (talk | contribs) (→‎Jaina)
http://tech9.tye.ca/images/famlogo.jpg Members of the Flightwing line have taken up the call of nobility across the lands for years on end...Some have carved out a long destiny, impacting the realms they called home, others not leaving a trace of their existence...

Family History

The Flightwing family known to these continents are the descendants of Kirin Flightwing and Maiev Strail. Maiev was betrothed to Kirin when she was just 9, and they were married on her 14th birthday. By luck or fate, they found themselves deeply in love with each other, and with no end to Kirin's reign of that faraway land in sight, a long, happy life seemed their destiny...It was not to be, however. Treachery in his court lead to a bloody coup, and Kirin was forced to flee with his wife and three children, Tiaro, Korin, and Meryl. They set sail on the high seas, not knowing what was to come, but well aware that their royal blood called them to carve a new destiny in new lands...

They arrived at the Colonies, a nearly barren and hazardous land...There they laid claim to a patch of land on the outskirts of Outer Tilog City, and the beginnings of the Flightwing Line known today were forged...

Active Members

There are currently four members of the Flightwing line actively serving... ====Tiaro==== Eldest of Kirin's sons... Tiaro is the eldest of the active members of the Flightwing line...He was the first to set off to forge his destiny in the family's new home of Outer Tilog. His already dark nature can be given credit for how well and how quickly he integrated into that godless place...Tiaro could kill and canibalize with the best of them by the time he was 21.

It was not long until a second nature manifested itself in Tiaro, his aspiration. He fought for, and gained control of the Judiciary of Outer Tilog, and became Minister of Injustice. There he remained for a long while until he found himself, unsurprisingly, on the wrong side of Lady Alynna's dagger...

Tiaro's apparently dead body was forced into a barrel and set into a ship bound for the Far East, however the demonic forces Tiaro had pledged his life to did not see fit to let him die...He recovered on the ship, and needless to say, it never reached the Far East. The ship was found, weeks later, floating a few miles off the coast of the Colonies, the few surviving crew mad as hatters. Tiaro returned to his beloved (if such a term could apply to him) realm, and took up the mantle of leadership again, this time as the Minister of Offense.

He found, however, that even this did not slake his thirst for power, so he aspired to become the Chancellor Extrordinaire of Outer Tilog, which is his role today.

Tiaro's concern lies in himself, and gathering power.

====Tengstille==== Youngest and last child, per se, of Kirin and Maiev... At a time a number of years ago, Kirin and Maiev found a desire to have another child...It was decided upon, however it was an insurmountable problem that Maiev was now too old to bear children...It was decided, therefore, that a surrogate mother be used to bear Kirin's child...But Kirin was no younger than Maiev, and the fates seemed to be warning them against another child...He was unable to father again. Kirin and Maiev pressed on determinidly, however, and it was decided a manservant would father the child with the midwife, and Kirin and Maiev would raise it as their own. All went well, until, as Tengstille grew older, other noble families began to question him...He bore no resemblance to his parents and siblings, and his mannerisms were well different than the proud, often arrogant Flightwings. The questions grew into accusations, and the accusations blossomed into crisis. To save their own face, Tengstille's "parents" disowned him, throwing him into a life on the streets.

Tengstille grew to hate the land he had called home, and stole away onto a ship...He came ashore on the now sunken South-East island, and there resumed his life as an urchin...However, Tengstille had been educated as a noble son, trained with the sword, and how to ride, trained in the ways not just of combat, but in the art of war. It was natural for him to desire communication with nobles, and by taking on feared undead champions, he gained the method to be allowed to do so...The sale of lost artifacts.

One of the Nobles he sold an artifact to was a landed lady by the name of Vanya...After Tengstille laid claim to his right to nobility, citing recommendations by multiple noble famlies, the two became fast friends, and have now moved on to Fontan.

Tengstille's concern lies in his honour, his nobility, his realm, and his lady. Lastly, he is concerned for himself.

====Jaina==== Lost, long disowned daughter of Korin (son of Kirin) and Sorcha... Jaina is the lost daughter of Korin and Sorcha...When they were both quite young, Korin fathered a child with Sorcha, but the child was hidden away, owing to circumstances that made it inconvenient for Sorcha to raise a child...Indeed, Korin to this day has no knowledge of his daughter.

Lost and alone, Jaina made her way to the family home on the Colonies, where she was promptly disowned and thrown from the premises...Her grandparents could not believe that their favoured son, Korin, would have a child and not have informed him, so they believed this girl must be nothing but an imposter. Jaina favours her mothers looks.

After travelling about the Colonies, Jaina gained the trust of a class of people she had never been aware of...They called themselves "Adventurers", though nobles called them "Outcasts"...They were for the most part, like her, disowned children of noble blood, or similar...They fought in groups to gain artifacts with which to woo the nobility into recommending them for nobility in the name of their families.

It was not long until the small group Jaina worked with gathered 3 items...Reckoning that would be enough for her to be recognized for the noble she was, Jaina stole the artifacts late at night, permanently silencing two of her 'friends' in the process. She traveled to Outer Tilog, and there convinced certain noble figures such as Lord Garm the Devourer, Duke Angus (Her uncle, though neither were aware of this), and Lord Gwyn Ap Nudd. Gaining the recommendations she needed, she travelled back to the capital she hailed from, Portion of Lukon, and laid claim to her nobility. The claim was undisputed, and a short while later, Jaina set sail for the East Continent, meaning to travel to Ibladesh, to attempt to discover the identity of her parents. She is currently unsure of who they are.

Jaina's concern lies in herself, and only herself. To Jaina, the end will always justify the means.

====Karath==== Son of Meryl and Rackir... Karath is the son of Meryl, the only daughter of Kirin and Maiev. She made her home in Yssaria, not far from her brother Korin. Though Meryl and Korin never seemed to get along well, they were fierce loyal to each other.

Karath was raised by Maeror, a friend of Meryl's, after the untimely death of his mother, who was betrayed by a realm-mate in Yssaria. Maeror was of noble blood, but came from a family with more money than honour, and thus never left to enter the service of a Lord...As a result, Karath's etiquette and training are not so well defined as some would like, but he has the large heart of his mother, and is a perceptive man. He is easy to befriend, but would not likely be suitable for any position of leadership.

Karath's concern lies in his friends, in others, and in himself.