Varrus Family/Caius

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Caius Varrus


  • Caius Varrus was born to Publius and Luceiia Varrus, in the region of Mansbridge. He was raised with his cousin Beaumains. The two boys became friends, which was made easier by them being the same age. Caius lived on a small farming estate in Mansbridge, and since his family was one of the poorest in Mansbridge he was forced to work side by side with the serfs in the fields and stables. His family lived under the rule of Norland for many years. The family wished to be rid of the vikings but were too poor to be able to do anything. Caius desperatly wished to be able to go to the battlefield and fight alongside the Knights of Minas Ithil, but once again his families finacial status proved to shatter his hopes and dreams. With the liberation of Mansbridge by Minas Ithil forces, his family managed to come into some money and had enough to outfit both Caius and Beaumains with some cheap weapons and armor. Caius left the family lands and went to join the ranks of MInas Ithil's armies, while Beaumains emigrated to the realm of Fontan on the East Continent.


    When Caius joined the realm of Minas Ithil, he managed to pledge himself to Lord Grahm Leafwalker, the new Duke of Mansbridge. Sir Grahm allowed Caius to retain the lands of his family and gave the family more land. At this point the war with Norland was quiet, and Caius stayed in Mansbridge to train his soldiers that the Duke had given to him. Soon the war picked up steam once again and Caius participated in a couple of battles in the Norland regions of Hernepoole and Brackhead. His poor combat expierence and his green troops resulted in his unit getting wiped out. He then journeyed to Shanandoah to raise more men, and then returned to Mansbridge. However, as he left Shanandoah, he and his men were ambuched by monsters and many of his soldiers were killed and Caius was severly wounded. Once again he was forced back to Shanandoah to rest, refit and heal. He then once again set forth towards his home. But instead of going straight back to Mansbridge he was ordered to assist in the attack on Elost and went there to assist Sir Raoul De lefere in the takeover, which failed. He then set back for Mansbridge.
   However, while enroute to Mansbridge, Norland counterattacked and managed to recapture Mansbridge and drive out the defenders. An immediate attack was launched by Minas Ithil and was repelled. Caius arrived in Winwich and participated in the next attempts to break the takeover of Mansbridge but the army assembled failed once again. Soon after he land of Mansbridge fell once again to the vikings. After the takeover was completed, Caius received word from a family friend that when Norland took over, his father, mother and 14 year old sister, Patricia, had been cpatured and executed. Caius swore revenge upon Norland.
   Landless, Caius put out a message saying that he was looking for a new Lord to serve. Fortunatly, thanks to a refrence from another Knight, Lord Relkin Sypher took him in and gave him some land to work with. Once again having an income he set about his duties. He was transfered to the MI Homeland Security army and started doing police work around Southern Minas Ithil in the region of Lothruin.