Trade/Banker Menus

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These are the current menus held by Bankers that concern trading food. The menus belonging to the old system are still available, and it is not known how many of them will remain when the new system is fully implemented.

This page works works in concert with the Region Lord Menus wiki page.

This page is not part of the official manual, and is primarily designed to assist the players of the Region Lords, educating them as to what tools are available to the Banker.


These are the options that a Banker has. This wiki page will only deal with trade issues. Very important information on this page concerns when the harvest is and what type it will be.

Trade Settings

Clicking on the store link will takes the banker to the Warehouse of that Region. Clicking on the Prices link will take the Banker to the Buying / Selling page. Note that Food is being moved into Tucha, which is lacking. The arrows next to the regions (Nazia) indicates that the region is set for an Automatic Transfer. When the stores fill up beyond the set amount, the excess foods will be moved to the region indicated. The recieving region must be next to the sending region and within the same realm. Both Automatic Transfers and Ox Carts arrive when the sun rises (Morning Turn Change). Some of the actual food stores have been blanked for those who have trouble with OOC / IC issues.

Trade Settings Help

Wondered what that fuzzy grey box is in the upper right hand corner of the Trade Settings page? The text is either dated (Banker sets the prices, not theRuler) or a preview. It could be a mix. I'd go with the former.


Here the Banker can check the food stored in a region, as well as production, consumption and surplus for the harvest period (small green box, lower right). Sending Ox Carts and the Automatic Transfers may be disabled under the new system. Automatic Transfers can be helpful at the start of a harvest. Harvests happen every eight days. If a region consumes 40 bushels of food a harvest period, then it would be safe to assume that it is about 5 bushels per day. If there are Militia stationed in that region and/or Troop Leaders with their units in that region, they will require more food.

Buying / Selling

Setting the buy / sell price is important. The Banker should be in communication with other Bankers or Traders. He doesn't want to leave the market open for too long.

Trade Announcement

This is where the Banker can let the Traders of the world know what current prices are in up to three regions.

Realm Food Report

Every day, when the sun rises (Morning Turn Change), the Banker will receive a report of food happenings, should there be any.

Other banker notes

  • Denying a region its required food for a day might cause the morale of that region to drop by 1 %.
  • Short feeding a region is similar to denying food for a day. If the region requires 50 bushels per day it doesn't matter if the banker provides them with 45 bushels or 5 bushels. The region will go hungry.
  • Denying a region its required food for two or more days in a row will cause starvation (resulting in death) in the population.
  • Denying a region food might make the Region Lord upset with the banker.
  • If food is withheld to the point of starvation, Troop Leader's units can have men starve to death.
  • A Banker can also 'lay siege' to a region by withholding food. The Region Lord can call for assistance from his neighbours.
  • Once the Ox Carts have been sent out, they can't be recalled.
  • Water-falling or Cascading food from one region to another when there is some distance for the food to travel is an oft used method.
  • Currently, when a Region Lord sends out a caravan, the Banker does not have access to those food bushels.
  • It is suggested that the Region Lords work with their Banker to insure proper feedings of the masses.