De Blanc Family/Dieter/Story/Ethiala/Outburst in Larmebsi

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Everyone was feeling quite safe behind the improvised palisade after they heard of the rumours. The attack would be launched soon and the battle was not expected to be easy. A victory for the allied forces it could be, but the myriads of corpses in the end of the battle would signify something else. A great loss for every party involved as hatred would grow bigger and the thirst for revenge would fill the enemies' hearts.

"Why all this thurst for blood?", Dieter asked himself.

It might not be what he thought it would, but he was too young and inexperienced to know everything. The result though would surely be the same. Many nobles with many soldiers under their command would soon risk their lives for a greater cause; the service of their kings and their same.

He looked afar searching for a royal tent in the entire encampment, but he could see almost none. Only one he could see, a tent belonging to someone of royal blood, but surely he would not be the ruler; the tent was neither heavily guarded nor it was an extraordinary one.

"Who lives in the tent over there?", Dieter pointed the tent with the royal credentials as he asked one of his scribes.
"Milord, infamous Duke Milan of Ossaet, the former Prime Minister of Lasanar for decades, lives in that tent, Milord.", one of the scribes responded with passion.
"I see... I wonder if there is any important figure marching with us in the following battle.", Dieter insisted.
"There are quite a few, Milord. I can see our High Marshal and Lasanar's Minister of Defense... There you can see Arch Priestess's Kitiara tent...", another scribe replied to Dieter.
"Of course... Of course... But can you seen any King, Prime Minister or any of those responsible for the war we are fighting?", the knight already knew the answer.

Silence fell as the scribes could find noone to meet the requirements of their master. An outburst from the knight followed and dangerous words were spoken out in low but angered voice.

"We are risking our lives for our King and the King is not here! People serve loyally their leaders and die believing in a greater cause, while the kings and their same come after the end of the battle to taste the priviledges of our victory. We are nothing different from sheeps sent for slaughter... The kings are neglecting...", one of the scribes interrupted Dieter as he was getting out of control and these words could prove disasterous for all of them, if they were heard by suspicious minds.
"Master, I think that you should calm down now. You are right in what you say, but know...", Dieter interrupted the scribe as nothing could clam his nerves.
"Cowardice should not be...", the knight could not be heard anymore as his company started singing loudly a familiar song that they had acquired from someone of Cathay a few days ago.

Dieter was now yelling like mad and his face had turned red, but in vain he did try to make a point as the combined voices of his unit could be heard in the entire encampment and not only. The knight entered his tent where he stood till the sunset reading the new mail.